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已有 7487 次阅读 2008-8-14 15:22 |个人分类:读书学艺



这是一本书的名字。不过这本书作者并不是本 拉登,而是本 斯泰因(Ben Stein)与Phil DeMuth。

Amazon上How to Ruin the United States of America一书的信息链接:http://www.amazon.com/How-Ruin-United-States-America/dp/1401918697

我在机场等飞机的时候在机场书店看见这本书。以前经常在电视上看到Ben Stein总是以单调和幽默的声音做节目,以为他只是一个喜剧演员。结果仔细一看书的扉页上对他的介绍,让我大跌眼镜。下面就是维基百科上对他的介绍的最基本部分。

维基百科上关于Ben Stein的介绍链接:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Stein

Benjamin Jeremy Stein (born November 25, 1944) is an American attorney, political figure, and entertainment personality who in his early career served as speechwriter for U.S. presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Later he entered the entertainment field and became an Emmy Award-winning actor, comedian, and game show host. He is famous for his monotonous yet humorous voice in acting.



On the heels of his very successful books, How to Ruin Your Life, How to Ruin Your Love Life, and How to Ruin Your Financial Life, Ben Stein, in collaboration with his pal Phil  DeMuth, has tongue firmly in cheek once again as he comes up with surefire ways to ruin the greatest nation in the history of the human race.

Try a few of these on for size:
·Trust the United Nations to protect us and our security.
·Make it unlawful to worship God or even to show images of the Ten Commandments.
·Convert our universities into fortresses of anti-Americanism, hatred of freedom, and centers of confusion and ignorance.
·Encourage contempt for the family and for the community.
·Allow Hollywood to brainwash us into believing that only suckers and criminals fight for their country.
·Treat the military, the police, firefighters, and teachers as losers and pay them starvation wages.

Hey, does any of this sound familiar? Maybe that’s because it's already happening! Ben and Phil give you all the information you'll ever need in order to successfully ruin the USA even further! Sardonic, humorous, but also angrily emphatic, this is a book every old-fashioned patriot really needs to read!

因为只是浏览了一下,所以我也不知道如何去评价书中的内容。至少这是Ben Stein和合作者Phil DeMuth的并不那么随随便便的一家之言,所以在此简单介绍一下。


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