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国际农业与生物工程学会会刊(CIGR Journal)2010(1)出版

已有 7744 次阅读 2010-8-7 14:58 |个人分类:国际英文刊IJABE|系统分类:博客资讯| 编辑, 农业工程, Journal, 国际英文刊, CIGR








国际农业与生物工程学会会刊(CIGR Journal20101)出版





201047日通过国际网络视频会议举行国际农业与生物工程学会(International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering,法语首字母缩写为CIGR, 网址为 www.cigr.org)会刊CIGR Journal移交落户中国仪式之后,本人正式就任主编。为了赶在613-17日在加拿大魁北克召开的CIGR17届世界大会之前出版期刊的纸质版,以便在会议期刊携带期刊前往宣传交流。掐指算来留给我的时间只有不到两个月了。由于我要组建中国农业工程代表团并先期于611日率团从北京出发赴加拿大参会,加之,手头还有另外2本期刊和单位的日常事务等工作,因而时间就更紧了。


幸好在前任主编Fedro Zazuasta教授和各位栏目主编的辛勤努力下,OJS系统库里面已经有近30篇文章被录用了。该刊为纯网络电子期刊,过去的出版基本上就是在专家审阅、作者修改、主编决定录用后简单的标引作者和期刊引用信息转成PDF上传到网站就算发表了。发表的时间相对比较快,不分期次,一年一卷,全年发表近百篇文章。因为过去都是国际农业工程界的“大牛”型(多为CIGR主席)专家担任主编,兼职业余办刊,没有经费支持,没有专业的编辑队伍,也没有太多的时间做文章的编辑和期刊的宣传推广以及营销工作。因此,期刊也就依靠几位专家的“无私奉献”连续出版了十余年。在CIGR和国际同行的眼里,我是受过专业训练和富有经验的职业编辑(a well-trained and experienced professional editor)。聘任我接任主编也就是寄希望通过本人专业化的运作,尽快提升期刊的质量和影响,尽早进入包括SCI在内的国际权威检索系统。显然我不能按照原先的模式原地踏步。我在期刊移交就职仪式上的讲话阐明了我提升期刊质量的十大措施,已经得到大家的认可和好评。但是这些想法很难在不到两月就要出版的第一期刊物中体现,许多只能从长计议,逐步实施。




几十个日日夜夜的艰苦劳作没有白费。611日,我率领44人的中国农业工程代表团浩浩荡荡开赴加拿大。我请随行的专家朋友们帮忙带去了一百多册新出版的期刊和一千多份宣传彩页。大会组委会也非常友好的免费在显著位置为我提供了展台,让我展出我们出版的期刊和宣传页。有Poster展览展示的会期从14-16日共三天,我也预计用三天来发放期刊和资料,还一直担心要是期刊没人要,那么沉又不便拿回来怎么办?出人预料的是,期刊很受欢迎,仅614日就被一抢而空。前期由李树君率领的中国农业机械学会代表团也带去期刊几十份,并在613日召开CIGR常务理事会上展示、宣传和赠送了期刊。包括CIGR几任主席、前任主编和各位执委、理事等都对新出版的期刊“眼前一亮”,大加赞赏(Amazing, Terrific, Excellent, Wonderful, Super Job, Unbelievable Work等夸赞)。作为CIGR期刊移交中国的主要推动者和负责人以及CIGR执委的李树君也感觉很有面子,期刊大长中国人的士气,在国际同行前展示了中国效率,着实High了一把!




期刊论文全文上网,完全开放(Immediate Full-text Open Access),请大家指正。友情提示,每篇文章后的PDF才是本主编的版本,标有Provisional PDF的是前任主编的版本。






Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal


Open Access at http://www.cigrjournal.org



Table of Contents


Volume 12, Number 1, March, 2010



Section I: Land and Water Engineering (LWE)

Soil nutrient levels and crop performance at various lateral positions following liquid manure injection

·········································································· Ying Chen, Bereket Assefa, Wole Arkinremi1

Mechanical properties of some bioplastics under different soil types used as biodegradable drip tubes

··············································································· Mostafa H M, Sourell H, Bockisch F J12

Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency analysis for Southeastern Nigeria······ G I Okonkwo, C C Mbajiorgu22

Geological, geophysical and engineering geological investigation of a leaky micro-dam in the Northern Ethiopia

······························································································· Gebremedhin Berhane31

Section II: Farm Buildings and Construction (FBC)

Research model for farm building design: General structure and physiognomic characterization phase

·································································  P Tassinari, D Torreggiani, S Benni, E Dall’Ara47

Shrinkage of natural plaster materials for straw bale buildings affected by reinforcement fibers and drying

································································································  Ashour T, Derbala A55

Life cycle assessment of the overall energy consumption of a road construction project and its management in Cameroon

····························· Mamba Mpele, Elime Bouboama A, Ayina Ohandja L M, Madjadoumbaye J63

Section III: Equipment Engineering for Plant Production (EEPP)

Design and development of subsoiler-cum-differential rate fertilizer applicator·· Sandip Mandal, T C Thakur74

Influence of coolant temperature on the performance of a four stroke spark ignition engine employing a dual circuit cooling system···················· A Rehman, R M Sarviya, Savita Dixit, Rajesh Kumar Pandey84

Section IV: Energy in Agriculture (EA)

Simulation model for solar energy harnessing by the solar tunnel dryer

····· G M Kituu, D Shitanda, C L Kanali, J T Mailutha, C K Njoroge, J K Wainaina, J S Bongyereire91

Comparison of static-mixer and blade agitator reactor in biodiesel production

······························ Rizal Alamsyah, Armansyah H Tambunan, Y Aris Purwanto, Dadan Kusdiana99

Investigation of optimal thermal parameters for essential oils extraction using laboratory and solar distillation systems

····························································································· A Munir, O Hensel107

Section V: Management, Ergonomics and Systems Engineering (MESE)

Isometric push/pull strength of agricultural workers of Central India

·························································· K N Agrawal, P S Tiwari, L P Gite, V Bhushanababu115

Measurement of agricultural mechanization index and analysis of agricultural productivity of farm settlements in Southwest Nigeria········································ Olaoye J O, A O Rotimi125

Economic potential of tractor hire business in Riau Province, Indonesia: A case study of small tractors for small rice farms  Ujang Paman, S Uchida, S Inaba135

Anthropometric considerations of farm tools/machinery design for tribal workers of northeastern India

······································································ K N Agrawal, R K P Singh, K K Satapathy143

Assessment of injuries in small scale sawmill industry of south western Nigeria

················································································ Segun R Bello, Yahaya Mijinyawa151

Section VI: Post-harvest Technology and Process Engineering (PTPE)

Comparison between artificial neural networks and mathematical models for estimating equilibrium moisture content in raisin    R Amiri Chayjan, M Esna-Ashari158

Solar drying of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.): Effects of drying conditions on the drying constant and coefficients, and validation of the logarithmic model·············································································· Imad Eldin Saeed167

Impact force of melon seeds during shelling

··········································· F B Okokon, E Ekpenyong, C Nwaukwa, N Akpan, F I Abam182

Development of large scale drying system for Chillies (Capsicum annum)

············································································ CH V V Satyanarayana, P C Vengaiah189

Moisture-dependent engineering properties of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seed

··············································· Seyed Mohammad Taghi Gharib-Zahedi, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi,

Ali moayedi, Amin Taheri Garavand, Seyed Mahdi Alizadeh194

Section VII: Information Systems (IS)

Fruit detection system and an end effector for robotic harvesting of Fuji apples

 ··························································································· D M Bulanon, T Kataoka203



主编在加拿大魁北克2010 CIGR World Congress期间“坐台”展示期刊



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