物理中的生命世界分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/sunon77



已有 7155 次阅读 2008-6-16 04:50 |个人分类:生物物理-biophysics|系统分类:科研笔记

The following PowerPoint file is from the talk which I gave in my research group recently. It is also my understanding and reading notes from a serial of papers by Prof. Udo Seifert, in which he generalized the entropy production to the single trajectory of the small system such as a molecular machine. It mainly addressed three questions:

1) Just as thermodynamics was developed to calculate the energy efficiency of the macro-machine, we need to develop further the
thermodynamics to solve the problem of the efficiency of the micro-machine, see Fig. 1.

Molecular machines in cell works differently from their counterparts in the macro-world. They take advantage of thermal noise in the micro-world to do work, which is the reason why molecular machines usually have a higher energy efficiency.

3) To deal with a small system,
the second thermodynamics law is generalized to the fluctuation theorem, which means the negative entropy is possible in the single trajectory.

Fig. 1 Molecular motors - Myosin and Kinesin's walking steps on the microtubule


MolecularMotor_Entropy PPT File


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