国际学术和专业学会出版者协会(ALPSP, The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers)成立于1972年,目前拥有来自于36个国家的360余个会员,出版的期刊逾10000种。ALPSP曾多次就作者发表论文的目的和对期刊的期望进行过问卷调查或专题研究。
Swan A. “What Authors Want”:the ALPSP research study on the motivations and concerns of contributors to learned journals. Learned publishing, 1999, 12(3): 170-172 全文阅读
Björk B-C, Holmström J. Benchmarking scientific journals from the submitting author’s viewpoint. Learned publishing, 2006, 19(2): 147-155 全文阅读