Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


How to eliminate a bottleneck in English journal publication (2)

已有 5046 次阅读 2009-10-16 03:38 |个人分类:Scientific Writing|系统分类:教学心得| writing, English, editing

Please skip the first two paragraphs, if you have read Part one.
I recently learned from a journal editor that “稿件的编辑加工是一个bottleneck.”  Since I have been involved in journal publication for more than 15 years, first as an author and now as an English editor, I would like to share some views based on my own limited experiences.
To eliminate such a bottleneck, three steps are required: 1) good scientific writing skill, 2) good English editing assistance, and 3) professional copy-editing service (usually provided by the editorial office of the journal).
Let’s discuss Step two, English editing.  I am afraid this is the most difficult issue for any English journals. There are some simple solutions.
1) For journals that have too many acceptable manuscripts (in terms of scientific merits), the editors can simply say: “We will accept your manuscript, provided that you improve the English presentation.” If the editors want to be helpful, they can provide a list of English editors or companies; this can also help to ensure the quality of editing.
2) If a journal needs to use manuscripts for an upcoming issue, it can take over the English editing responsibility by using its own English editors or other companies.  I know at least two journals that pay $50-$60/paper for their English editors to put a final touch on accepted manuscripts and absorb the cost.  If the journal is unable to absorb the cost, it can ask authors to pay for it, or raise page charge accordingly.  One problem with this approach is some English editors are native speakers but do not have the science or research background. I also suspect that the low pay does not encourage thorough editing in some cases.
Step three, professional copy-editing, is like putting make-up on before one steps into the spotlight.  It’s very important.  Unlike Blog, I can always go correct my mistakes later though I try to avoid them at the first place; once a journal issue is published, it is permanent.  I think each editorial office needs a few copy-editors.  They can be trained on the job, as long as they are willing to work hard and have basic English knowledge. If the editorial office is overwhelmed, it can also contract out this service.
These are what I can think of now.  I can revise these two parts or add Part three, after I receive some constructive comments.

上一篇:How to eliminate a bottleneck in English journal publication (1)
下一篇:I Believe 中国可以建设一流的学术期刊: An overseas scientist’s view
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