职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University



已有 5265 次阅读 2009-9-6 14:18 |个人分类:游学美国|系统分类:海外观察| 暂别, 访美游记, 出差开会

UMN, St Paul




最近很忙,好久没有打理博客了,未能及时回复博友留言,深表歉意。因计划于97-20日外出开会访学,暂时告别科学网博客的博主博友们。不过只要有机会上网还会回来看看的。等我返回明尼苏达大学后继续写博文和旅行游记,与大家交流。此次出差将路过4个州。先到芝加哥,转道赴密歇根州的St. Joseph拜访美国农业与生物工程师学会ASABE总部。再南下赴伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)开会,会议期间将参观世界知名机械制造商卡特彼勒(CATERPILLAR)公司。然后受华人朋友之邀,访问德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)、美国农业部农业服务局研究中心(USAD-ARS)、佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)等。办完正事后,路过奥兰多看看迪斯尼,顺便去度假胜地迈阿密海滩洗个海澡,最后从迈阿密返回圣保罗。




Itinerary for Yingkuan’s Business Travel to Illinois-Michigan-Texas-Florida


(Sept 1-4 Dr. Wu Caicong from Peking University will fly from Sacramento to St. Paul to visit UMN on Sept 5-7. Wish to pay a visit to Prof Roger Ruan and someone majoring in precision agriculture and 3S technology. Wang and Wu will fly together to Chicago on Sept. 7 morning, and attend BioRobotics meeting in UIUC, and then to visit Texas.)

1 From St Paul to Chicago
Sept 7 Monday, Wang & Wu fly from MPLS-ST to Chicago in the morning, arrive at 10am, stay half a day then to St. Joseph.
Have booked Northwest Flight #1428, MPLS 6:55am- 8:25 Chicago/Midway
2 From Chicago to St. Joseph to Visit ASABE
Sept 7, Monday afternoon, take AmTrack 370 Pere Marquette departing from Chicago at 5:20pm to St. Joseph at 8:03pm
Have booked one room at Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites, living two nights
Sept 8, Tuesday, spend all the day to visit ASABE, have a whole day’s time to visit and interview, and talk. Meet with Interim Executive Vice President, Mark D. Zielke, and Donna Hull, Director of Publications. Meeting with some other editors.
Mark D. Zielke, Interim Executive Vice President
Phone: (269) 932-7034,  Fax: (269) 429-3852
3 From St Joseph to Chicago- Champaign-Urbana
Sept 9, Wednesday morning, take AmTrack 371 Pere Marquette departing from St. Joseph at 8:04am Chicago to Chicago at 8:58am
Take AmTrack 393 Illinois departing from Chicago at 4:05pm to Champaign at 6:15pm
Have booked one room for two nights (Sept 9-11) at I-Hotel and Conference Center
Arrive at Champagne UIUC in the afternoon. Check in the booked hotel.
Sept 10, Thursday, Attend International BioRobotics Meeting
Sept 11, Friday, Attend Meeting, Meet Prof Zhang Qin and visit some laboratories at UIUC, and stay overnight.
We may have chance to visit Caterpillar, the world's leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, on Friday afternoon.
4 From Champaign/Chicago to College Station/Texas
Sept 12, Saturday morning, Wang and Wu fly from Champaign to College Station, live in TAMU. Pay a visit to Prof Yubin Lan, Ruixiu Sui, Yanbo Huang, et al.
Sept 12-13, visit Texas A &M University, meeting some professors there. 
Sept 14, Monday noon, Wang leaves for Harlingen, then Weslaco. Visit Weslaco, USDA-ARS, meeting with Chenghai Yang. Dr Wu may leave for Los Angeles on late Sept 14.
Sept 15, Stay in Weslaco with Chenghai Yang to visit and learn USDA-ARS, see around Weslaco, including US-Mexico borders.
5 From Texas to Florida
Sept 16 Wang leaves from McAllen to Jacksonville, Florida at noon. Then Dr. Xin will pick him up at Jacksonville and drive to Gainesville to visit University of Florida. Live in UFL.
Sept 17-19,  Stay in UFL, visit and learn from UFL laboratory, campus, see around
Sept 19,  Drive from Gainesville to Orlando and then Miami, stay overnight in Miami.
6 From Florida to St Paul-MPLS
Sept 20, Fly from Miami Airports back to MPLS-SP Airport. (4:44pm----10:30pm)
AirTran Flight #74Miami(Ft. Lauderdale, FLL) 444pm----Atlanta(ATL,GA), 6:43p
AirTran Flight #869, Atlanta(ATL), 8:55pm-----MPLS/ST(MSP), 10:30pm, Sept 20
Arrive at Terminal H in MSP


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