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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十一课

已有 3564 次阅读 2009-8-12 04:24 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记

Unit 11 Idioms from Medicine

1. Anna gives her son the job instead of advertising the position. You know, blood is thicker than water.

2. When Bob lost his job after working with the same company for ten years, it was a bitter pill to swallow.

3. Cough up the rent or leave the apartment.

4. Our team’s going to win the game. I can feel it in my bones.

5. We want to buy a house, but there’s just a fly in the ointment. We don’t have enough money for a down payment.

6. If you invest a lot of money in the stock market, you may get burned and lose your money.

7. If Lena keeps on shouting at people and getting angry, someone will give her a taste of her own medicine and shout back at her.

8. Elmer has a lot of nerve. He got a pay raise three months ago. Now he’s asking for another one.

9. If you are angry, hold your breath and count to ten. After that, you’ll feel calmer.

10. If you take pains to do something well, it will often be a success. And you won’t have to take time to do it over, because it will be right the first time.

11. I am sick and tired of doing all the housework myself. I need some help.


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