

E. T. Bell和欧拉

已有 6385 次阅读 2009-4-7 14:18 |个人分类:数学故事|系统分类:科普集锦

 E.T. Bell是20世纪初期美国比较好的数学家,严格的说他更多的应该属于数学史学家。数学研究方面,他做过一些计数方面的研究,例如他研究了整系数线性方程
E. T. Bell写过一本有名的数学史书,叫做``Men of Mathematics'' ,翻译成中文叫《数学精英》,是著名的逼近论专家,Oregon大学徐源教授翻译的,国内绝大多数图书馆都应该有,至少我读大学的时候就经常看到。
E. T. Bell还有一个很有趣的说法,他说人类历史上最伟大的三位数学家是阿基米德、牛顿、高斯。他认为这三位与其他数学家不在一个层次。联想到古龙武侠小说中的百晓生(他品评天下兵器,作兵器谱,小李飞刀排名第三),E. T. Bell颇有百晓生的味道,而高斯和小李飞刀感觉也很接近,天才的近乎神秘。我们知道:小李飞刀,例不虚发(以至于百晓生也死在飞刀之下),高斯似乎也是这样的,如果有年轻数学家寄给他最新的比较好的结果,高斯总是说,“奥,这很好,不过这是我多年前的结果”,于是年轻人就郁闷,还真有资质非凡的年轻人因为此事停止研究。

A Response to E.T. Bell's Listing of

Three Mathematicians Only Under the

Summus Heading: Archimedes, Newton and Gauss


Bill Dunham  Charlie Marion

Before we let you get away,
Your choices set in stone,
Consider what we have to say:
E.T. O, please Call home!

Stop the presses! Hold that thought!
And listen to our voices.
Ruffled, even overwrought,
We'll supplement your choices.

Old Archie, Isaac, C. F. Gauss--
Though each deserves a floor
In mathematics' honored house,
Make room for just one more.

Without the Bard of Basel, Bell,
You've clearly dropped the ball.
Our votes are cast for Euler, L.
Whose OPERA says it all:

Six dozen volumes--what a feat!
Profound and deep throughout
Does Leonhard Euler rank with the elite?
Of this there is no doubt.

Consider how he summed, in turn
The quite elusive mix
Of one slash n all squared--you'll learn
he got pi(squared) slash six.

We're shocked we did not see his name
With those you justly sainted.
No Euler in your Hall of Fame?
Your judgment's surely Taine-ted.

It's time to honor one you missed.
To do your duty well.
Add worthy Euler to your list.
And save him by the Bell.

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