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Craftsmanship and Science

已有 3948 次阅读 2009-3-23 06:22 |个人分类:生物物理-biophysics|系统分类:观点评述| craftsmanship

Albert Abraham Michelson is the first American to win Nobel prize. When he was asked why he wanted to do such a difficult job to measure the speed of light, he said:"It is just the great fun to do it." Yes, for many scientists, it is the fun of being a craftsman of science which drive them so enthusiastic to do the research day after day, month after month, and year after year.
Freeman Dyson also thought that craftsman is really a interesting job. You use your hand or brain to make whatever you like. Unfortunately, the modern society after the industry revolution deprives this privilege from many people. They should love their jobs if they could do sth with their own hands. Now their jobs are taken by massive production and cold machine. Dyson said that in our time there are actually still two fields in which craftsman will be abundant: biological research and software making. Most biological experiments are still too complicated to be automatically performed. Really innovative Software also demand the creative minds and craftsmanship to make them work.

It is very true. In many times, doing research is just the right combination of right ideas and great craftsmanship. You need to be really a master-hand in either theoretic thinking, or doing experiments.

On March 17th, Apple company revealed its new iPhone operation system. You are really amazed how much a marvelous combination of software and bio-medical technique can go. Please have a look of follow youTube video:




上一篇:Science_is_Flat Lectures (2) Why we cooperate ---Martin Nowak
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