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The New Delhi Declaration on Conservation Agriculture

已有 3649 次阅读 2009-2-18 10:45 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:科研笔记| Conservation, Agriculture


The 1,000 delegates, gathered in the IVth World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, held from 4 to 7 February 2009 in New Delhi, India, among them farmers, private sector enterprises, scientists, development organizations, donor organizations and policymakers from all world continents, recognizing the urgent need


·   to double agricultural production over the next few decades,

·   to reverse the trend of degradation of natural resources, in particular soil, water and biodiversity,

·   to improve the efficiency of the use of ever scarcer production resources,

·   to address the fact that agriculture and agriculturally induced deforestation cause 30% of the actual green house gas emissions,

·   to answer the increasing threats of a changing climate to agricultural production,


agreed that Conservation Agriculture based on the three principles of

·   minimum mechanical disturbance of the soil

·   permanent organic cover of the soil surface and

·   a diversified sequence or association of crops


is the foundation of a sustainable intensification of crop production, being as such the necessary condition to achieve, along with other complementary technologies, a sustained increase of world agricultural production and at the same time a recovery of the natural resources base and environmental services.


The delegates there urge all stakeholders involved in agricultural production, research and policy making to mainstream Conservation Agriculture as the base concept for agricultural production.


Governments of the world are requested to


·   harmonize their policies in support for the adoption of Conservation Agriculture

·   introduce mechanisms which provides incentives for farmers to change their production system to Conservation Agriculture

·   pursue the case of Conservation Agriculture as the central mechanism for agricultural sector climate change mitigation in the international negotiations for the post Kyoto climate change agreement

·   include Conservation Agriculture as base concept for the adaption of agriculture to the challenges of climate change in the National Action Plans for Adaptation

·   support the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in the endeavour to establish a special programme on Conservation Agriculture to facilitate this process in its member countries.


New Delhi on February 6th, 2009


The world Congress on Conservation Agriculture


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