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2009-1-19 16:32
| 个人分类:数据库与知识库 | 系统分类:海外观察 |
The, University, Hong, Kong, Polytechnic
IEEE Data Mining Forum 2008 May 28-29, 2008,Hong Kong Forum Program with Slides IEEE Data Mining Forum 2008 aims to discuss fundamental challenges in data mining and explore the next generation of data mining research and development. We have invited a select number of world's leading experts from North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia to provide invited talks and participate in panel discussions. From the invited talks and panel discussions at the Forum, we will publish a special issue on Challenges and Opportunities in Data Mining with the
Knowledge and Information Systems journal, and an edited book on Frontiers in Data Mining Research with the Springer Book Series on
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing .
Forum Chairs
Keith C.C. Chan and Xindong Wu The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Invited Speakers
Nick Cercone , York University, Canada Title: Finding Best Evidence for Evidence-Based Best Practice Recommendations in Health Care
Hillol Kargupta , University of Maryland, USA Title: Data Mining in Ubiquitous and Distributed Environments
Ramamohanarao Kotagiri , University of Melbourne, Australia Title: Contrast Pattern Mining and Applications
Vipin Kumar , University of Minnesota, USA Title: Discovery of Patterns in the Global Climate System using Data Mining
Ee-Peng Lim , Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Title: Mining Evaluation Networks in Web 2.0
Katharina Morik , University of Dortmund, Germany Title: The Challenge of Heterogeneity
Dino Pedreschi , Universit di Pisa, Italy Title: Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro , KDnuggets, USA Title: The Grand and not so Grand Challenges For Data Mining in Business Applications
Sunita Sarawagi , IIT Bombay, India Title: Structured Prediction Models in Information Extraction
Michele Sebag , Universit Paris-Sud, France Title: Which (Data Mining) Algorithm Should I Use?
Yong Shi , Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Title: Multiple Criteria Mathematical Programming-based Data Mining - Theory and Applications
Geoff Webb , Monash University, Australia Title: Finding the Real Patterns
Andrew K. C. Wong , University of Waterloo, Canada Title: Association Pattern Analysis for Pattern Pruning, Pattern Clustering and Summarization
Philip S. Yu , University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Title: Exploring the Power of Link Analysis
Ning Zhong , Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan Title: Multi-Aspect Human Brain Data Analysis Based on Brain Informatics Methodology
Zhi-Hua Zhou , Nanjing University, China Title: Advances and Problems in Semi-Supervised Learning
Invited Panelists
David Cheung , The University of Hong Kong
Fosca Giannotti , KDD Lab, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Qing Li , The City University of Hong Kong
Jiming Liu , The Hong Kong Baptist University
Dacheng Tao , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Zhaohui Wu , Zhejiang University, China
Qiang Yang , The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jeffrey Xu Yu , The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Panel Discussions
Panel 1: Data Challenges for Data Mining Chair: Qiang Yang , The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Panel 2: Useful Activities to Promote Data Mining Chair: Fosca Giannotti , KDD Lab, ISTI-CNR, Italy
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