重庆医科大学汪凯的科学博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Kwang02 重医感染性疾病分子生物学教育部重点实验室——汪凯的个人主页



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重庆医科大学汪凯简历 & 招生方向 (2023年10月更新)

 汪凯,博士,副研究员,博士生导师。2012年毕业于中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,上海巴斯德研究所,获理学博士学位。在分子病毒与免疫重点实验室硕博连读期间,主要从事病毒离子通道研究及抗病毒药物筛选。2013年进入上海科华生物工程股份有限公司博士后工作站(流动站为上海生命科学研究院)工作。2015年就职于重医,目前主要从事肝癌代谢及分子病毒学相关的研究工作;围绕代谢与信号转导的交互调控,旨在揭示代谢重编程在肝癌发生发展中的作用,为肝癌治疗提供新的靶点。重庆医科大学未来医学青年创新团队“病毒感染与代谢重塑研究团队”负责人,先后主持国家自然科学基金3项(1项青年+2项面上);重庆市自然科学基金及教委课题2项;获国家发明专利1 项。发表学术论文60余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在Clinical Infectious Diseases、Cell Metabolism、Journal of Clinical Investigation(2篇)、EMBO J、Cell Research、Cell Death & Differentiation、Nature Communications和Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇(ESI高被引3篇),总引用2600余次,谷歌学术H因子为27。担任Advanced Science、Nat Commun、Genes & Diseases、Clin Transl Med、STTT等期刊审稿人,中国抗癌协会肿瘤代谢专委会青年委员,重庆抗癌协会化疗专业委员会委员。

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2020.10- 至今    重庆医科大学  感染性疾病分子生物学重点实验室      副研究员

2019.10- 2020.9  重庆医科大学  感染性疾病分子生物学重点实验室      副教授

2015.9 - 2019.9  重庆医科大学  基础医学院    病原生物学教研室      讲师

2013.7 - 2015.7  中国科学院    上海生命科学研究院                  博士后

2012.5 - 2013.5  中国科学院   上海巴斯德研究所 分子病毒与免疫重点实验室   助理研究员




Viruses hijack host cell metabolism for their survival and reproduction. Our group focus on host–pathogen interactions at the metabolic level. We are interested in how viruses alter the metabolism of host cells, and how these changes can be exploited to develop antiviral strategies.

The metabolic reprogramming induced by oncovirus is critical for the malignant transformation. We are using metabolomic,CRISPR and proteomic approaches to study key metabolic pathways that support hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication, and how viral-induced metabolic reprogramming contributes to oncogenesis. We aim to explore novel diagnosis and therapy strategies for virus-related cancers (HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma). 

We are also intreasted in the crosstalk between cell metabolism and signaling pathways, as well as identification of new therapeutic targets for HCC treatment. 




Advanced Science、Nat Commun、Clin Transl Med、Genes & Diseases等学术期刊审稿人。


1.国家自然科学基金 (面上项目),糖异生代谢酶PCK1上调组蛋白H3K9me3修饰抑制肝癌的机制研究,主持(在研)。

2.国家自然科学基金 (面上项目),PCK1通过降低O-GlcNAc糖基化修饰抑制肝癌转移的机制研究,主持(在研)。

3.国家自然科学基金 (青年基金),PCK1通过Wnt信号通路抑制肝细胞癌的作用机制研究,主持 (已结题)。

4.重庆医科大学 未来医学青年创新团队发展支持计划,“病毒感染与代谢重塑研究团队”,主持(在研)。





  1. Peng Zhou#, Wen-yi Chang#, De-ao Gong#, Jie Xia#, Wei Chen, Lu-yi Huang, Rui Liu, Yi Liu, Chang Chen, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, Ai-long Huang*, High dietary fructose promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression by enhancing O-GlcNAcylation via microbiota-derived acetateCell Metabolism2023(*Co-corresponding author, IF=29) 

  2. Dongmei Gou#, Rui Liu#, Xiaoqun Shan#, Haijun Deng#, Chang Chen#, Jin Xiang, Yi Liu, Qingzhu Gao, Zhi Li, Ailong Huang*, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, Gluconeogenic enzyme PCK1 supports S-adenosylmethionine biosynthesis and promotes H3K9me3 modification to suppress hepatocellular carcinoma progressionJournal of Clinical Investigation2023. (*Co-corresponding author, IF=19.4) 

  3. Qian Ye#, Yi Liu#, Guiji Zhang#, Haijun Deng#, Xiaojun Wang#, Lin Tuo#, Chang Chen, Xuanming Pan, Kang Wu, Jiangao Fan, Qin Pan, Kai Wang*, Ailong Huang*, Ni Tang*, Deficiency of gluconeogenic enzyme PCK1 promotes metabolic-associated fatty liver disease through PI3K/AKT/PDGF axis activation in male mice. Nature Communications2023. (*Co-corresponding author, IF=17.6)

  4. Jin Xiang#, Chang Chen#, Rui Liu#, Dongmei Gou#, Lei Chang, Haijun Deng, Qingzhu Gao, Wanjun Zhang, Lin Tuo, Xuanming Pan, Li Liang, Jie Xia, Luyi Huang, Ke Yao, Bohong Wang, Zeping Hu, Ailong Huang*, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, Gluconeogenic enzyme PCK1 deficiency promotes CHK2 O-GlcNAcylation and hepatocellular carcinoma growth upon glucose deprivation. Journal of Clinical Investigation2021. (*Co-corresponding author, IF=19.4)

  5. Yang Yang#, Yu Yan#, Jiaxin Yin#, Ni Tang#Kai Wang#, Luyi Huang, Jie Hu, Zhongqi Feng, Qingzhu Gao, Ailong Huang*, O-GlcNAcylation of YTHDF2 promotes HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma progression in an N6-methyladenosine-dependent manner. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy2023.  (#Co-first author, IF=38.1)

  6. Peng Zhou#, Wen-yi Chang#, De-ao Gong#, Lu-yi Huang, Rui Liu, Yi Liu, Jie Xia, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, Ai-long Huang*, O-GlcNAcylation of SPOP promotes carcinogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncogene2023.  (*Co-corresponding author, IF=8.8)

  7. Rui Liu#, Dongmei Gou#, Jin Xiang#, Xuanming Pan, Qingzhu Gao, Peng Zhou, Yi Liu, Jie Hu, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*O-GlcNAc modified-TIP60/KAT5 is required for PCK1 deficiency-induced HCC metastasisOncogene2021(*Co-corresponding author, IF=8.8)

  8. Qingzhu Gao#, Bin Cheng#, Chang Chen#, Chong Lei#, Xue Lin, Dan Nie, Jingjing Li, Luyi Huang, Xiaosong Li, Kai Wang*, Ailong Huang*, Ni Tang*, Dysregulated glucuronic acid metabolism exacerbates hepatocellular carcinoma progression and metastasis through the TGFβ signaling pathway. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2022.  (*Co-corresponding author, IF=8.5)

  9. Binli Mao#, Vu Thuy Khanh Le-Trilling#Kai Wang#, Denise Mennerich, Jie Hu, Zhenyu Zhao, Jiaxin Zheng, Yingying Deng, Benjamin Katschinski, Shilei Xu, Guiji Zhang, Xuefei Cai, Yuan Hu, Jianwei Wang, Mengji Lu, Ailong Huang*, Ni Tang*, Mirko Trilling*, Yong Lin*,Obatoclax inhibits SARS-CoV-2 entry by altered endosomal acidification and impaired cathepsin and furin activity in vitroEmerging Microbes & Infections2022. (Co-first author, IF=19.5)

  10. Jie Hu#, Xiao-yu Wei#, Jin Xiang#, Pai Peng, Feng-li Xu, Kang Wu, Fei-yang Luo, Ai-shun Jin, Liang Fang, Bei-zhong Liu*, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, Ai-Long Huang*, Reduced neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617 variant by convalescent and vaccinated seraGenes & Diseases2022.  (*Co-corresponding author,IF=7.2)

  11. Pai Peng#, Hai-jun Deng#, Jie Hu#, Xiao-yu Wei, Jian-jiang Xue, Ting-ting Li, Liang Fang, Bei-zhong Liu, Ai-shun Jin, Feng-li Xu, Kang Wu, Quan-xin Long, Juan Chen, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, Ai-long Huang*, Humoral responses in naive or SARS-CoV-2 experienced individuals vaccinated with an inactivated vaccineCell Discovery2021. (*Co-corresponding author, IF= 38.0)

  12. Qiujie Wang#, Bin Cheng#, Qiang Xue#, Qingzhu Gao, Ailong Huang*, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, GSTZ1 sensitizes hepatocellular carcinoma cells to sorafenib-induced ferroptosis via inhibition of NRF2/GPX4 axis. Cell Death & Disease2021. (*Co-corresponding author, IF=9.6)

  13. Yi Liu#, Haijun Deng#, Li Liang, Guiji Zhang, Jie Xia, Keyue Ding, Ni Tang*, Kai Wang*Depletion of VPS35 attenuates metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by restraining the Wnt/PCP signaling pathwayGenes & Diseases2021(*Co-corresponding author,IF=7.2)

  14. Chang-Long He#, Lu-Yi Huang#Kai Wang#, Chen-Jian Gu, Jie Hu, Gui-Ji Zhang, Wei Xu, You-Hua Xie*, Ni Tang*, Ai-Long Huang*, Identification of bis-benzylisoquinoline alkaloids as SARS-CoV-2 entry inhibitors from a library of natural productsSignal Transduction and Targeted Therapy2021(#Co-first author, IF=38.1)

  15. Jie Hu# , Pai Peng#, Kai Wang#, Liang Fang, Fei-yang Luo, Ai-shun Jin, Bei-zhong Liu*, Ni Tang*, Ai-long Huang*, Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants reduce neutralization sensitivity to convalescent sera and monoclonal antibodiesCellular & Molecular Immunology2021. (#Co-first author, IF=22.0)

  16. Pai Peng#, Jie Hu#, Hai-jun Deng, Bei-zhong Liu, Liang Fang, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, Ai-long Huang*, Changes of humoral immunity response in SARS-CoV-2 convalescent patients over 8 monthsCellular & Molecular Immunology2021(*Co-corresponding author, IF=22.0)

  17. Jie Hu#, Qingzhu Gao#, Changlong He, Ailong Huang, Ni Tang*, Kai Wang*Development of cell-based pseudovirus entry assay to identify potential viral entry inhibitors and neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2Genes & Diseases2020(*Corresponding author,IF=7.1)

  18. Jie Hu#, Qingzhu Gao#, Yang Yang#, Jie Xia#, Wanjun Zhang, Yao Chen, Zhi Zhou, Lei Chang, Yuan Hu, Hui Zhou, Li Liang, Xiaosong Li, Quanxin Long, Kai Wang*, Ailong Huang*, Ni Tang*, Hexosamine biosynthetic pathway promotes the antiviral activity of SAMHD1 by enhancing O-GlcNAc transferase-mediated protein O-GlcNAcylationTheranostics2021(*Co-corresponding author, IF=11.5)

  19. Qingzhu Gao#, Guiji Zhang#, Yaqiu Zheng#, Yi Yang#, Chang Chen, Jie Xia, Li Liang, Chong Lei, Yuan Hu, Xue-Fei Cai, Wenlu Zhang, Hua Tang, Yaxi Chen, Ailong Huang*, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, SLC27A5 deficiency activates NRF2/TXNRD1 pathway by increased lipid peroxidation in HCCCell Death & Differentiation2020 (*Co-corresponding author, IF=15.8) 

  20. Fan Yang#, Jingjing Li#, Haijun Deng#, Yihao Wang, Chong Lei, Qiujie Wang, Jin Xiang, Li Liang, Jie Xia, Xuanming Pan, Xiaosong Li, Quanxin Long, Lei Chang, Ping Xu, Ailong Huang*, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, GSTZ1-1 Deficiency Activates NRF2/IGF1R Axis in HCC via Accumulation of Oncometabolite SuccinylacetoneThe EMBO Journal2019(*Co-corresponding author, IF=11.5)  

  21. Guiji Zhang#, Xia Tang#, Li Liang#, Wanfeng Zhang, Dewei Li, Xiaoyuan Li, Dachun Zhao, Yaqiu Zheng, Yanhong Chen, Bingtao Hao, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, Keyue Ding*DNA and RNA sequencing identified a novel oncogene VPS35 in liver hepatocellular carcinomaOncogene2020(*Co-corresponding author, IF=9.8)  

  22. Jin Xiang#, Yuhong Zhang#, Lin Tuo, Rui Liu, Dongmei Gou, Li Liang, Chang Chen, Jie Xia, Ni Tang, Kai Wang*, Transcriptomic changes associated with PCK1 overexpression in hepatocellular carcinoma cells detected by RNA-SeqGenes & Diseases2020(Corresponding author,IF=7.1)

  23. Chong Lei#, Qiujie Wang, Ni Tang*Kai Wang*, GSTZ1-1 downregulates Wnt/β-catenin signalling in hepatocellular carcinoma cellsFEBS Open Bio2020(Corresponding author,IF=2.7)

  24. Jingjing Li#, Qiujie Wang#, Yi Yang, Chong Lei, Fan Yang, Li Liang, Chang Chen, Jie Xia, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, GSTZ1 deficiency promotes hepatocellular carcinoma proliferation via activation of the KEAP1/NRF2 pathwayJournal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research2019(*Co-corresponding author, IF=11.1)

  25. Xuemei Chen#, Yuan Hu#, Wenlu Zhang, Ke Chen, Jie Hu, Xiaosong Li, Li Liang, Xuefei Cai, Jieli Hu, Kai Wang*, Ailong Huang*, Ni Tang*, Cisplatin induces autophagy to enhance hepatitis B virus replication via activation of ROS/JNK and inhibition of the Akt/mTOR pathwayFree Radical Biology and Medicine2019(*Co-corresponding author, IF=7.376)

  26. Lin Tuo#, Jin Xiang#, Xuanming Pan#, Jieli Hu, Hua Tang, Li Liang, Jie Xia, Yuan Hu, Wenlu Zhang, Ailong Huang*, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, PCK1 negatively regulates cell cycle progression and hepatoma cell proliferation via the AMPK/p27Kip1 axisJournal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research2019.(*Co-corresponding author, IF=11.161)  

  27. Lin Tuo#, Jin Xiang#, Xuanming Pan, Qingzhu Gao, Guiji Zhang, Yi Yang, Li Liang, Jie Xia, Kai Wang*, Ni Tang*, PCK1 Downregulation Promotes TXNRD1 Expression and Hepatoma Cell Growth via the Nrf2/Keap1 PathwayFrontiers in Oncology2018(*Co-corresponding author, IF=6.244)

  28. Kai Wang#, Quan-Xin Long#, Hai-Jun Deng#, Jie Hu#, Qing-Zhu Gao, Gui-Ji Zhang, Chang-long He, Lu-Yi Huang, Jie-li Hu, Juan Chen*, Ni Tang*, Ai-Long Huang*, Longitudinal Dynamics of the Neutralizing Antibody Response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) InfectionClinical Infectious Diseases2021. (First author, IF=20.9)

  29. Kai Wang#, Wei Lv#, Jianfei Chen#, Shiqi Xie, Hongyan Shi, Haojen Hsu, Wenjing Yu, Ke Xu, Chao Bian, Wolfgang B Fischer, Wolfgang Schwarz, Li Feng*, Bing Sun*, PEDV ORF3 encodes an ion channel protein and regulates virus productionFEBS Letters2012 (First author)

  30. Kai Wang#, Shiqi Xie, Bing Sun*. Viral proteins function as ion channelsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes2011 (First author)

  31. Shiqi Xie#Kai Wang#, Wenjing Yu, Wei Lv, Ke Xu, Jianwei Wang, Bin Ye, Wolfgang Schwarz, Qi Jin*, Bing Sun*, DIDS blocks a chloride-dependent current that is mediated by the 2B protein of enterovirus 71Cell Research2011(#Co-first author)

  32. Ronghua Zhang#Kai Wang#, Wei Lv#, Wenjing Yu, Shiqi Xie, Ke Xu, Wolfgang Schwarz, Sidong Xiong*, Bing Sun*, The ORF4a protein of human coronavirus 229E functions as a viroporin that regulates viral productionBiochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes2014(#Co-first author)

  33. Qingzhu Gao#Kai Wang#, Ke Chen, Li Liang, Yaqiu Zheng, Yunzhi Zhang, Jin Xiang, Ni Tang *, HBx protein-mediated ATOH1 downregulation suppresses ARID2 expression and promotes hepatocellular carcinomaCancer Science2017(#Co-first author)

  34. Ronghua Zhang#Kai Wang, Xianqiang Ping, Wenjing Yu, Zhikang Qian, Sidong Xiong*, Bing Sun*, The ns12. 9 accessory protein of human coronavirus OC43 is a viroporin involved in virion morphogenesis and pathogenesisJournal of Virology2015.

  35. Silvia Schwarz#Kai Wang, Wenjing Yu, Bing Sun, Wolfgang Schwarz*, Emodin inhibits current through SARS-associated coronavirus 3a proteinAntiviral Research2011.

  36. Silvia Schwarz#, Daniel Sauter, Kai Wang, Ronghua Zhang, Bing Sun, Anastasia Karioti, Anna Rita Bilia, Thomas Efferth, Wolfgang Schwarz*Kaempferol derivatives as antiviral drugs against the 3a channel protein of coronavirusPlanta medica2014.

  37. 向进#,庹琳,高庆祝,杨翼,梁利,夏杰,唐霓,汪凯*PCK1影响肝癌细胞迁移能力的研究重庆医科大学学报2018.

  38. 潘璇明#,张桂冀,陈雪梅,梁利,唐霓,汪凯*果糖-16-二磷酸酶1抑制肝癌细胞株HepG2的自噬及增殖中华肝脏病杂志2019.

  39. 龚德敖#,唐霓,汪凯*. 斑点型锌指结构蛋白在肿瘤中的作用. 生命的化学2022.


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