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已有 1329 次阅读 2023-2-25 02:38 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦


Rachel Zoffness

You bring up a really good point, which is about more than prediction, which is that emotions always impact the pain we feel. And what neuroscience shows is that stress and anxiety amplifies pain and it turns up the brain’s pain dial.

So the way I like to explain how pain works is, if you imagine in your central nervous system, which is your brain and your spinal cord, that you have what I’m going to call a pain dial, and it operates much like the volume knob on your car stereo. You can turn pain volume up and you can turn pain volume down.

And there’s many things, as we all know, that adjust pain volume. So of course, pain medication is one of those things. But it turns out that there’s three other things that I want to talk about that also change pain volume. One is stress and anxiety, one is mood and emotions and the third is attention or what we’re focusing on.




众所周知,有很多东西可以调节疼痛程度。当然,止痛药就是其中之一。但事实证明,还有另外三件我想谈的事情也会改变疼痛量。一是压力和焦虑,一是心情和情绪(mood and emotions),三是注意力或我们在关注的东西。


So specifically what neuroscience says is, when stress and anxiety are high, and our bodies and our muscles are tense and tight, and our thoughts are worried, our brain raises and amplifies pain volume, so pain will feel worse when we’re stressed or anxious.

Thing two is mood and emotions. What neuroscience says is when our emotions are negative, we’re sad, we’re miserable, we’re depressed, our brain, and in particular, or limbic system, amplifies pain volume. So pain will feel worse when emotions are negative. And by the way, that includes anger and rage will amplify pain volume.

And thing three is attention or what we’re focusing on. And what we know, of course, is that attention changes the pain we feel too. So if you’re home in bed thinking about your pain, focusing on your pain, missing out on work and life and hobbies, your brain, and specifically your prefrontal cortex will amplify pain volume. So pain feels worse when you’re thinking about it and when you’re focusing on it.





The great news for people living with pain and for people who treat pain is that the opposite is also true. The opposite is also true. When stress and anxiety are low, your muscles are relaxed, your thoughts are calm, your brain sends a message to the pain dial lowering pain volume.

There’s a reason why a bazillion studies show — even though people think it’s floof and pseudoscience — that relaxation strategies, and diaphragmatic breathing, and mindfulness-based stress reduction, which have a fund of literature supporting them, lower pain volume.

Thing two we said is mood and emotions. So when our mood is high, we’re feeling joyful and happy, we’re having pleasurable experiences, our brain sends a message to the limbic system — our brain’s emotion center, as well as other parts of the central nervous system — and that lowers pain volume.

So pain feels less bad when emotions are positive. We’re engaged in our lives, we’re feeling good, we’re feeling happy. And thing three is attention. It turns out cognitive factors, what we’re paying attention to, what we’re thinking about, what we’re focusing on, even our belief systems change pain all the time too.

So when we are distracted, we’re focused on other things — I like to ask my patients, will you tell me about a time you were so absorbed in some activity, you briefly forgot about your pain? And almost everyone can give me an example of that. And that is not magic. That is your brain’s pain dial.

So when you are distracted, you’re out with friends, you’re doing things, you’re engaged in your hobbies, your brain sends a message to your pain dial lowering pain volume. So pain feels less bad in summary, when you are relaxed and calm, when you’re cultivating positive emotions, and when you are distracted and not thinking about your pain and engaged in your life.

But we know that negative emotions and stress and anxiety in particular will amplify the brain’s danger alarm. Let’s talk about why that’s so logical. In an emergency situation, you have to pay more attention. In an emergency situation, you are more likely to be harmed. You do want to be paying more attention to your body, and it’s highly adaptive for stress and anxiety to drive your attention inward and to amplify the sense of danger.

And as long as you’re in a state of stress and anxiety, all throughout your body, you’re going to be more sensitive. You’re going to be on more alert. You’re going to be in this mode of, is everything OK? So we know from research that the experience that you just had makes perfect sense when you think about the emotional aspect of pain.










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