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已有 1389 次阅读 2023-2-25 02:36 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦


Ezra Klein

Well, this goes back to the point about chronic pain being a less reliable guide to harm than acute pain. And so tell me about this idea that the brain practices pain.


这又回到了慢性疼痛作为伤害指南不如急性疼痛可靠的观点。所以,请告诉我大脑练习疼痛(practices pain)的观点。


Rachel Zoffness

People often ask me, well, I’ve had pain for five years, seven years, 20 years. What makes pain chronic? How does pain become chronic? And there are multiple processes by which pain becomes chronic. And one of those processes is called central sensitization.


人们经常问我,嗯,我已经痛了五年、七年、20年了。是什么让疼痛变成慢性的?疼痛如何变成慢性的?疼痛变成慢性的过程有好多个。其中一个过程称为中枢敏化(central sensitization)。

Was there ever a skill that you were bad at, and you practiced it over time, and you got good at it eventually? For me, it was piano. I was terrible at it, and my mom made me practice, and over time, I got good at piano. What about you?



Ezra Klein

It took me a very long time to figure out how to tie my shoes, like longer than you would think reasonable. I had a bunch of spatial reasoning issues when I was a young kid, and things like that were hard for me. Now, super easy. Can do it. Can tie my shoes, can tie my kids shoes, can tie your shoes. It’s unbelievably straightforward.




Rachel Zoffness

The clinician me wants to ask so many questions about that, but I’m stopping myself. Great. So I’m going to say this back to you in neuroscience language. We all know that the brain changes with time and experience. We all know that the brain is plastic.




There’s this term neuroplasticity, and what that means is the brain changes, again, with time and experience and exposure to things. So the pathways in your brain are like the muscles in your body. The more you use them, the bigger and stronger they get.



So Ezra, if you said to me, Zoffness, I want really huge biceps, I would say, that’s cool, Ezra. Go to the gym or get some free weights and lift weights over and over, over many days, and you will see with practice and time and experience, the muscles in your arms, your biceps will get really big and strong.



Ezra Klein

A bunch of bros are like, you just completely skipped over protein intake and caloric excess. I’m going to get so many emails about this.




Rachel Zoffness

Oh, God. I hope not. Right, and I just want to say up front, I am simplifying some very complex processes, and I’m doing that on purpose. So the pathways in the brain are like the muscles in your body. The more you use certain pathways, the bigger and stronger those pathways get.




So for me, I mentioned that growing up I didn’t really like playing the piano, but my mom really wanted me to practice. So I would sit and practice. And over time, what happened, and everyone who’s ever played an instrument knows this, eventually, my fingers just magically knew what to do. I didn’t even have to look at the sheet music, and I could hear Chopin in my head. I didn’t even have to listen to the song to hear the music.



So what was happening is that, again, our neuroplastic brain will change with time and practice and experience. So the piano pathway in my brain got bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger the more I played the piano. Guess what happens in the brain the more it inadvertently and accidentally, and I put in quotes, “practices pain?”

原来,我们的神经可塑性大脑,将随着时间、实践和经验而改变。所以我弹钢琴的次数越多,我大脑中的钢琴通路就变得越来越大,越来越强。猜猜大脑中发生的事情越多,它越是不经意地和偶然地,我用引号引起来,“训练痛?” ( “practices pain?”)

(译者注:“practices pain” 不容易翻译,如果你能借用“背痛”,把“背”换成“训练”,比方说弹钢琴训练。试一下。)

The pain pathway in your brain, which, by the way, is not a real thing. There’s no real pathway. There’s lots of parts of your brain that are contributing to pain in your central nervous system, but the more you practice pain for the sake of this analogy, the bigger and stronger the pain pathway in your central nervous system gets.

你大脑中的疼痛通路,顺便说一句,这不是真实的东西。没有真正的“途径”。大脑的很多部分都会导致中枢神经系统疼痛,你体验疼痛(practice pain)的次数越多,中枢神经系统中的疼痛通路就会变得越大越强。


And when that happens, we say that your brain has become sensitive to pain. When we have pain and our pain pathway has become big and strong, what that means is our finely tuned wonderful brain is now picking up on sensory messages from the body and interpreting them as dangerous and amplifying that, even though they’re not dangerous and they don’t need to.



And one great example I like to use of this is with my fibromyalgia patients who have chronic pain, and they go to the park for a picnic, and their brain gives them these loud danger messages, danger, danger. And I think everyone can agree that going to the park when you have fibromyalgia is not dangerous, but your brain is telling you that it’s dangerous anyway.



And what I like about this analogy is that it really drives home this idea that pain is really a danger message and the pain system is your danger detection system. And it isn’t always right. And if you’re someone living with pain, and you believe that it’s dangerous for you to go outside and go for a walk, and that it’s dangerous to see friends, you are never going to get well.


Because part of the chronic pain cycle is staying inside, and staying in bed, and missing out on life, and that’s understandable. And a lot of people do need to do that, so I’m not saying to never do that. But with chronic pain, it turns out that that kind of pain cycle is the thing that ultimately amplifies pain, perpetuates disability and prevents healing.



Ezra Klein

So I had an interesting experience with your book over the weekend.

Rachel Zoffness

I’m dying to hear about this.






Ezra Klein

Because I so I mentioned that I have neck and shoulder pain. And something will happen, or I’ll sleep weird, and my neck will crick. But also a couple of times, I was working out and something happened, and I couldn’t move for three or four days, and it was awful.

And then recently, after that experience, like the second really, really rough injury, which happened a couple of months ago, something weird has occurred. And I’ve been scanned, and poked, and prodded, and chiropracted, and nobody can find —





Rachel Zoffness

Biological, biological.




Ezra Klein

— anything wrong. There’s no issue as far as anybody can tell. Very small things, where I feel a twinge will shut me down much more than they did before. Like I tripped over a cobblestone but didn’t fall, and just felt like the vibration my neck, and was immediately like, oh, no.

Or this weekend, my son dropped a cookie, and I bent down to pick up the cookie, and I just felt a —

I was like, oh, no. And I don’t think anything is going wrong, actually, but I have gotten more afraid of it. And the idea that I’ve become more sensitive feels very true psychologically, that compared to where I was after a couple of really bad experiences, I am more afraid. I freeze up more.

And in a world where part of what is happening is my mind is predicting if something is really gone wrong, a world in which I am constantly wary and scanning for the possibility that something has really gone wrong, is a world that might help explain why this thing nobody can pick up on a scan keeps becoming more sensitive and more problematic.

So it wasn’t good for my weekend exactly, but it extremely good for reading your book and being able to bring a lot of attention to it because it felt very — sensitivity feels like what it’s been.


- (没有人能找出)哪里有问题了。任何人都可以说,没有问题。非常小的事情,我觉得刺痛会让我比以前更沮丧。就像我被鹅卵石绊倒但没有摔倒,只是感觉脖子在颤抖,然后马上就想,哦,不行了(我会痛)。




所以这对我的周末来说并不好,但非常适合阅读你的书并能够引起很多关注,因为它感觉非常 --- 敏感度就像是在过去发生那样。



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