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Chemistry of Materials 最近的综述很不错

已有 14329 次阅读 2007-12-25 22:37 |个人分类:科研学习|系统分类:图片百科


      最近CM“Templated Materials”专辑有很多关于模版合成材料的综述。下了不少,呵呵。有时间好好啃。这里挑一片贴出来给大家看看。我常常想,他们做化学的很多都比较注重方法论和化学反应的动力学过程。我们可以借鉴他们的方法,首先做出好的材料,再作我们的本行:研究物理化学性质。这样不是很好?!

Morphological Control in Colloidal Crystal Templating of Inverse Opals, Hierarchical Structures, and Shaped Particles

Andreas Stein,* Fan Li, and Nicholas R. Denny
Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Minnesota, 207 Pleasant St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Abstract:Inverse opals or three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) materials, prepared by colloidal crystal templating (CCT) methods, possess distinctive structural features that are important for the design of photonic crystals, sensors, power sources, catalysts, and various other applications. In the past decade, vast progress has been made in shaping these materials at various length scales. It is now possible to prepare 3DOM materials in a variety of simple and complex compositions, in which pore sizes, pore shapes, and skeletal geometries can be adjusted statically and sometimes even dynamically to alter the physical properties of the material. Hierarchical pore structures can be achieved by combining CCT with additional templating techniques. Furthermore, shaped porous nanoparticles may be synthesized using CCT methods. This review will highlight recent advances in controlling both the internal structure of inverse opals and their external morphology, enhancing compositional complexity, endowing these solids with functionality, and incorporating them in integrated functional systems.



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