今天收到加拿大教授Prof. Geoffrey A. Ozin的一封Email. 内容主要是宣传RSC(英国皇家化学学会)的一本新书-----Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials(他写的书...). 希望我们能够向自己的同事朋友推荐.他是从我最近CM的文章里面得到我Email的(他在Email里面提过我的文章).我想很多最近发文章的同行应该也收到了类似的信件.信笺的语言很随意,不正规.让我开始以为是很不值得看的那种.仔细读来,再加上点击被附上的他们组的主页,才发现 Geoffrey A. Ozin教授是个很牛的人(虽然熟知很多纳米方面的牛人,他的名字可没有记得,罪过啊).呵呵.至少在纳米化学方面做的工作很不错.Science 和Nature 上的文章竟然近20篇. 不敢相信他会为自己的书写Email 到我这无名小辈. 但是Email地址的确是教授的.这个就不管了..
说到这本书,现在叫新书也许不太妥,因为2005年就出版了.但是对于我这样没有真正读过的人来说,说新就很适合了. 书的简介在Science, Wiley, RSC的系统上都作过报道.Anyway, 既然这样,我还是要满足下Geoffrey A. Ozin教授的心愿,帮他向大家推荐推荐.具体信息如下:
There are 11 chapters:
‘Nanochemistry Basics’ (49 pages);
‘Chemical Patterning and Lithography’ (46 pp);
‘Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly’ (36 pp);
‘Nanocontact Printing and Writing – Stamps and Tips’ (36 pp);
‘Nanorod, Nanotube, Nanowire Self-Assembly’ (98 pp);
‘Nanocluster Self-Assembly’ (60 pp);
‘Microspheres – Colors from the Beaker’ (64 pp);
‘Microporous and Mesoporous Materials from Soft Building Blocks’ (56 pp);
‘Self-Assembling Block Copolymers’ (38 pp);
‘Biomaterials and Bioinspiration’ (58 pp);
‘Self-Assembly of Large Building Blocks’ (22 pp).
The 12th chapter ‘Nano and Beyond’ (26 pages) presents an insightful perspective on nanochemistry. The 13th chapter ‘Nanochemistry Nanolabs’(6 pages) is noteworthy: it outlines 20 nanochemistry experiments to enable readers to obtain first-hand experience! Seven short appendices are on the ‘Origin of the Term Self-Assembly’, and six topics presenting the latest nanochemistry achievements published in 2005 –‘Cytotoxicity of Nanoparticles’; ‘Walking Macromolecules Through Colloidal Crystals’;‘Patterning Nanochannel Alumina Membranes With Single Channel Resolution’; ‘Muscle Powered Nanomachines’; ‘Bacteria Power’‘Chemically Driven Nanorod Motors’.
附Prof. Geoffrey A. Ozin的主页:http://www.chem.toronto.edu/staff/GAO/index_old.htm
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