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美国北卡教堂山分校Jeff Dangl组植物微生物组博士后招聘(植物微生物互作领域第一高引学者)

已有 13840 次阅读 2022-2-3 23:37 |个人分类:招聘|系统分类:科研笔记


美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(THE UNIVERSITY of NORTH CAROLINA at CHAPEL HILL)Jeff Dangl实验室招聘启事(博后)

Jeff Dangl



Dangl 博士是北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的 John N. Couch 生物学教授,霍华德休斯医学研究所(HHMI)研究员。在Nature、Sicence、Cell等期刊发表314篇文章,引用8.6万次,H指数高达124。在作者自定义的2个研究方向,植物生物学(Plant Biology)在Google Scholar中全球第四高引作者,而在植物与微生物互作(Plant-Microbe Interactions)标签下为全球第一。


Google scholar主页:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IeBc5OsAAAAJ (截图日期:2021/2/3)



本实验室希望在 2022 年为我们的植物微生物组研究团队招聘几位新的博士后。成功的候选人应具有以下被提到的一个相关领域的专业知识和成功,如在排名靠前的国际期刊上以第一作者发表过论文霍华德休斯医学研究所(HHMI) 将支付丰厚的薪水并提供非常丰厚的福利。这些职位的任期至少为三年,可续任一年。我们特别鼓励来自女性和弱势群体的申请

Post-doctoral positions: Plant Microbiome Research

Are you fascinated with how microbial communities assemble and function? Do the mechanisms of how successful commensal microorganisms manage the host innate immune system keep you awake at night? Are you keen to work with a diverse, international group of dedicated scientists on projects that can alter how we deploy the plant-associated microbiome in crops?

My lab is looking to recruit several new post-docs to our Plant Microbiome research team in 2022. Successful candidates will have expertise and success in one of the relevant areas noted below, as demonstrated by first author papers in highly ranked international journals. HHMI pays generous salaries and provides very generous benefits. These positions are for at least three years as one-year renewable appointments. We especially encourage applications from women and under-represented groups.


该项目需要具备以下一项或多项的专业知识:大规模基因组学和 HT DNA 测序技术、植物遗传学、植物免疫系统生物学、微生物生态学和进化、比较基因组学、统计遗传学和熟悉 R、微生物群落代谢功能; 微生物和/或植物天然产物、植物或微生物种群遗传学;根生物学,以及对定义该领域成功的组织技能的理解


Skills required: This project requires expertise with one or more of the following: large scale genomics and HT DNA sequencing technologies, plant genetics, plant immune system biology, microbial ecology and evolution, comparative genomics, statistical genetics and familiarity with R, microbial community metabolic function; microbial and/or plant natural products, plant or microbial population genetics; root biology, and an appreciation for organizational skills that define success in this arena.

Send CV, brief letter of introduction stating why you are interested in joining the lab, and the names and contact information of three references to:




我们的项目涉及计算协作,并由北卡罗来纳大学(UNC)的Corbin Jones和各其他小组共同指导。该实验室在自然和简化系统中工作,以发现和剖析植物微生物组变异的原因和后果。我们使用下一代 DNA 测序来定义与根相关的微生物组并对宏基因组进行测序;我们使用植物遗传学来定义控制特定微生物群落组装的宿主基因座,重点关注微生物组和植物免疫系统的有益成员如何达到功能缓和;我们使用微生物基因组学和遗传学来发现与不同土壤中各种植物基因型相关的生化潜力;我们重建了日益复杂的完全测序细菌的合成群落,以揭示控制微生物组组装的规则。实验室中新兴的研究主题包括调查从共生到致病的生活方式的转变,了解如何获得成功入侵并持续存在于现有群落中的菌株,以及了解非生物和生物胁迫如何改变微生物组的组装和功能,重点是干旱。

Plant associated microbiomes. Essentially all land plants grow in intimate association with complex microbial communities both above ground (phyllosphere) and below ground in the area immediately surrounding roots (rhizosphere) and inside the roots (endophytes). The relationships between a microbiota (the community of microbes intimately associated with a plant) and the host can vary from pathogenic to mutualistic or commensal. Rules governing the assembly of the root and phyllosphere microbiota have not been uncovered, but demonstrably exist and must operate in the face of the plant immune system. The endophyte and phyllosphere metagenomes (the set of genes encoded by any particular microbiota) can provide the host plant with one or more critical nutrients, protection from plant pathogens, production of functional plant hormones, and tolerance to abiotic stress..

Our project involves computational collaboration with and co-mentoring by Corbin Jones at UNC and various other groups. The lab works across natural and reduced systems to discover and dissect the causes and consequences of variation in plant microbiomes.  We use next gen DNA sequencing to define rootassociated microbiomes and to sequence metagenomes; we use plant genetics to define the host loci that control assembly of specific microbial consortia, with a focus on how the beneficial members of the microbiome and plant immune system reach a functional detente; we use microbial genomics and genetics to discover the biochemical potential associated with various plant genotypes in diverse soils; and we reconstruct increasingly complex synthetic communities of fully sequenced bacteria to uncover rules governing microbiome assembly. Emerging research themes in the lab include investigating the transition from commensal to pathogenic lifestyle, understanding how to derive strains that successfully invade and persist into existing communities and understanding how abiotic and biotic stress alters microbiome assembly and function, with an emphasis on drought.






Dept. of Biology, CB#3280, UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280
919-962-4469 (电话) 919-962-1625 (传真) dangl@email.unc.edu (电子邮件)



关于 the Dangl Lab


欢迎来到互联网上 Dangl Lab 的主页。 无论您是我们团队的现任成员、未来的员工,还是只是对我们实验室的具体工作感到好奇,我们希望您发现该网站内容丰富且有趣。

本实验室的研究涉及植物与微生物的相互作用。 阅读我们的项目或查看我们的出版物。

我们位于历史悠久的北卡罗来纳大学(UNC)教堂山分校校园内,这是美国第一所公立学校。我们的实验室在基因组科学大楼的四楼。如果您有兴趣参观,请联系 Jeff Dangl。有关一般参观者信息和前往教堂山的路线,请查看 UNC 参观者网站。

该实验室是 UNC-Chapel Hill 生物系的一部分。我们靠近北卡罗来纳州三角研究园区(RPT),其地理位置也使我们成为生物技术前沿研究的领先领域之一。RTP 环境包括 UNC、杜克大学、北卡罗来纳州立大学、北卡罗来纳生物技术中心和许多生命科学公司。如果您有任何其他问题,请联系 Dangl 博士,或对网站有任何疑问,请给网站管理员发送电子邮件。

此博后招聘的原文,请访问 或 点击阅读原文


上一篇:BMC Biology:香港城市大学孙燕妮组发表高准确度预测病毒宿主的工具
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