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今晚八点︱诺奖获得者Jean-Marie Lehn教授iCANX精彩讲座

已有 3080 次阅读 2021-6-11 13:18 |个人分类:国际交流|系统分类:论文交流

2021年6月11日晚 8:00(北京时间),大家期待已久的 iCANX Talks第55期即将重磅来袭,本期直播我们有幸邀请到1987年诺贝尔化学奖获得者Jean-Marie Lehn教授来到iCANX Talks讲座系列。

The highly expected iCANX Talks Vol.55 will be ceremoniously holed at 8:00 pm of June 11 (Beijing time). This time, we are fortunate to invite Professor Jean-Marie Lehn,winner of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to the iCANX Talks lecture series.

Jean-Marie Lehn教授是法国路易斯-巴斯德大学的化学系教授,开创了“超分子化学”这一全新的化学研究领域,创立了“组合动态化学”并发展成自适应化学,他也凭借在此领域的杰出工作被称为“超分子化学之父”。

Professor Jean-Marie Lehn is a professor of chemistry at the University of Louis Pasteur in France. He pioneered the "supramolecular chemistry", a brand-new chemical research field. He founded "combinatorial dynamic chemistry" and developed it into adaptive chemistry. Outstanding work in this field is called the "father of supramolecular chemistry".

在前面54期iCANX Talks直播中,累计收看观众已经达到千万人次,受到了国内外专家学者的普遍好评和追捧,目前,iCANX Talks已经成为极具国际影响力的高科技云端学术峰会。

In the previous 54 weeks iCANX talks , it totally attracted close to 10 million audiences worldwide. iCANX has been highlighted by experts and audiences globally. Now, iCANX Talks already becomes a well-known and popular international high-tech online event.


Here comes the abstracts & Bios of today’s iCANX Talks!


Perspectives in Chemistry: From Supramolecular Chemistry towards Adaptive Chemistry


Jean-Marie LEHN

ISIS, Université de Strasbourg, France 



Supramolecular chemistry is intrinsically a dynamic chemistry in view of the lability of the interactions connecting the molecular components of a supramolecular species and the resulting ability to exchange components. The same holds for molecular chemistry when the molecular entity contains covalent bonds that may form and break reversibly. These features allow for a continuous change in constitution by reorganization and exchange of building blocks and define a Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry (CDC) covering both the molecular and supramolecular levels.

CDC introduces a paradigm shift with respect to constitutionally static chemistry. It takes advantage of dynamic diversity to allow variation and selection and operates on dynamic constitutional diversity in response to either internal or external factors to achieve adaptation.

CDC generates networks of dynamically interconverting constituents, constitutional dynamic networks, presenting agonistic and antagonistic relationships between their constituents that may respond to perturbations by physical stimuli or to chemical effectors. 

The implementation of these concepts points to the emergence of adaptive and evolutive chemistry, towards systems of increasing complexity. 





Professor Jean-Marie Lehn is a professor of chemistry at the University of Louis Pasteur in France. He pioneered the "supramolecular chemistry", a brand-new chemical research field. He founded "combinatorial dynamic chemistry" and developed it into adaptive chemistry. Outstanding work in this field is called the "father of supramolecular chemistry". In 1987, when Professor Lehn was only 48 years old, he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "developing highly selective structure-specific interaction molecules". Over the next two decades, Professor Lehn advocated "supramolecular chemistry" all over the world, forming his own concept and system, and becoming an important branch of chemistry. As a result, Professor Lehn has won honors including academicians of the French Academy of Sciences, foreign academicians of the National Academy of Sciences, foreign honorary members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Jean-Marie Lehn教授是法国路易斯-巴斯德大学的化学系教授,开创了“超分子化学”这一全新的化学研究领域,创立了“组合动态化学”并发展成自适应化学,他也凭借在此领域的杰出工作被称为“超分子化学之父”。1987年,Lehn教授在年仅48岁时,因“发展了具有高度选择性的结构特异性相互作用的分子”获得了诺贝尔化学奖。之后的二十多年时间里,Lehn教授在全世界倡导“超分子化学”,使之形成了自己的概念和体系,成为化学的一个重要分支。Lehn教授因此获得了包括法国科学院院士,美国国家科学院外籍院士,美国艺术和科学院外籍荣誉会员,中国科学院外籍院士等荣誉。


At the same time, we also invited Professor  Xiaoyu Cao from Xiamen University,Chengwei Qiu from National University of Singapore, and Professor Xi Zhang from Jilin University as guests. Yuqing Zheng from Standford University as the X challenger. Please look forward to! iCANX will continue to work hard to serve scientific exchanges and provide a top platform for global academic exchanges. Please look forward to it!

本次讲座也邀请了来自加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的Paul S Weiss教授带来精彩的主持

 每一期iCANX Talks直播结束后,都深受参会者好评,不仅为感兴趣的参会者和读者深度理解相关技术提供了帮助,也为研究生深入开展科研提供了一个很好的平台。更多精彩,尽在iCANX Talks !







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