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张海霞︱MIT创新精灵:Deblina Sarkar

已有 5494 次阅读 2019-10-30 11:08 |个人分类:科研心得|系统分类:海外观察| MIT, Deblina, 印度, 招聘



Dear Prof. Zhang,


I am an assistant Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (starting in July) and my work is at the interface of nanoelectronics and biology.


I plan to visit Peking University on 13th May and would love to meet with you, and discuss potential synergies.


Please let me know, if you are available.




TEDx talk: Could We Soon Augment Our Brains?


我认识不少MIT的教授,可是这个发信的Deblina我并不认识,不过点开她下面附的TEDx talk的链接,我一下子就兴奋了:就是那个做超低功耗量子晶体管的姑娘啊!2015101日她发表在Nature上的文章(A subthermionic tunnel field-effect transistor with an atomically thin channel,doi:10.1038/nature15387)惊艳了世界,不知道她现在已经去MIT做助理教授了!另外,不知道她还得了这么多的奖:北美最佳博士论文Top3获得者,美国Bright Mind Top 4科学家,印度35岁以下发明天才Top10NIH K99……这每一个奖都是青年人的骄傲啊!Deblina真的是来自印度的创新精灵!



I made a draft schedule for my visit on 13th which is given below. Please let me know if this works for everyone.

10.00-11: meet Prof. XX Dong and travel to Chemistry dept.

11.30-12.30: meet Prof. XX Zou and travel to electrical engg

12.30-1: meet Dr. XX Liu and Dr. XX Huang and visit Prof XX Kang’s group and IMEPKU labs

1-1.30: meet Prof XX Wang

1.30-2: meet Prof Haixia(Alice) Zhang

2-2.30: meet Prof. XX Li

2.30-3: meet Prof. XX Jiao

3-3.20: travel to MSE department

3.20-3.50: meet Prof. XX Cao

4-5: talk

5: discuss with MSE profs


Deblina, I will see you at your talk, donot be too rush for your visit.



Hi, Deblina!

Hi, you must be Alice, you looks much younger than photo on your website!

What a nice girl!




结束以后,我带她去参观了校园,一起晚餐,也聊得不亦乐乎,才知道她其实只吃了一个big breakfast!有老师问她:你这个紧张到分钟安排的日程是不是太赶了?她说,我在MIT面试的时候一天不停地跟不同的教授们谈话十多个小时呢!一直都是这么干的!一点没错,就她这次来中国的几天来看,她在北大清华上交等学校访问都是这个紧张的节奏,全程高速运转!这个小个子的印度姑娘,真的让人刮目相看和敬佩!


今天,Deblina发来邮件,她在MIT Media lab刚刚创建的NCB研究组正在火热超募和同学加盟,这么好的机会,你还不快点行动还在等啥呢?!


最具创新活力的MIT-NCB Lab火热招募天才加盟!

Research Openings in Wireless Sensing, Magnetics and Nanoelectronics at MIT

(Deadline for grad student application: Dec 1st)

MIT著名的创新实验室Media Lab的青年天才科学家--Deblina Sarkar教授(北美最佳博士论文Top3获得者,美国Bright Mind Top 4科学家,印度35岁以下发明天才Top10)正在火热招募新学生和博士后,在纳米-生物-控制论等领域开展跨界探索,欢迎有志于在跨界开展颠覆性创新的同学们抓紧时间申请!


Multiple positions available for students interested in MS/PhD as well as postdoc position in the new Nano-Cybernetic Biotrek (NCB) (http://www.mit.edu/~profsarkar/) research lab at MIT. NCB aims to fuse nanoelectronics, applied physics, and biology with two major research directions:

  • Develop novel nanoelectronic devices (such as Quantum Devices, Spintronics, Neuromorphic) employing ingenious device physics and smart nano-materials for achieving extreme energy efficiency and scalability;

  • merge such next generation technologies with living-matter creating unique nanomachine-bio hybrid systems, with remote control and wireless communication abilities to achieve unprecedented possibilities for probing/sensing and modulating (for therapeutics) our brain and body.


  1. OPENINGS FOR GRAD STUDENTS (deadline Dec 1st)

NCB is seeking students with strong background in either of the following:

  • Electromagnetism, Antennae, RFID, wireless sensing, RF engineering, magnetic resonance

  • magnetic materials and devices, magnetics, Spintronics

  • Nanoelectronics, Electronic devices, solid state physics, electronic circuits, Neuromorphic devices


For applying follow the 2 steps:
- Email
deblina@mit.edu using this FORMAT
- Submit an application to
MIT Media Lab by December 1st
(Note: IELTS can be taken after the application deadline and can be waived in certain cases)

More details about the openings can be found at http://www.mit.edu/~profsarkar/positionsavailable.html


NCB has opening for postdoc in wireless sensing of chemical and biological signals. The postdoc will conduct research to design and develop wireless sensing technologies, transmitter/receiver systems, RF circuit, implantable and wearable antennae for diverse applications in wireless energy harvesting, sensing, magnetic resonance imaging and biomedical applications. Strong background in electromagnetism, antenna design and RF engineering is required.


For applying Email deblina@mit.edu using this FORMAT

More details about the openings can be found at http://www.mit.edu/~profsarkar/positionsavailable.html


Prof. Deblina Sarkar is a trans-disciplinary innovator, initially trained in electrical engineering and physics and then, has traversed the realm of biology, driven by curiosity and belief that truly disruptive technologies can immerge at the interface of diverse research arenas. Her inventions include, among others, a 6-atom thick channel quantum-mechanical transistor overcoming fundamental power limitations, an ultra-sensitive label-free biosensor and technology for nanoscale deciphering of biological building blocks of brain. Her PhD dissertation was honored as one of the top 3 dissertations throughout USA and Canada in the field of Mathematics, Physical sciences and all departments of Engineering. She is the recipient of numerous other awards and recognitions, including the Lancaster Award, Technology Review’s one of the Top 10 Innovators Under 35 from India, NIH K99 Pathway to Independence Award.


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