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已有 3278 次阅读 2018-3-21 14:16 |个人分类:环保呐喊|系统分类:科普集锦| 生态文明建设, 大气污染治理, 雾霾, 蓝天, 连载




本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明


2.2 Environmental management and pollution prevention



2.2.1 Brisk Mask Business



In January 2013, on Taobao, China’s largest online sales platform, masks sales soared. On only two days of January 10 and 11, there were 23,000 orders totaling 500,000 masks! Among them, orders from Beijing reached 6,920 (140,000 masks)!



Why do the face masks suddenly sell like hot cakes?



Since the winter of 2012, China’s hazy days have increased significantly, as a result of long-term accumulation and concentrated outbreak of environmental pollutants. Hazy weather lasted for 10 to 20 days in Beijing, Shandong, southern Hebei, Henan, eastern Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, most parts of Jiangxi, western Guangdong, eastern Guangxi, some cities in Sichuan and Yunnan; for 8 to 15 days the visibility was limited to less than 1,000 meters in the southern part of North China, central Jiangsu, eastern Sichuan, southwestern Chongqing, and western Guizhou, and so on; for 5 to 12 days the visibility was restricted to no more than 500 meters in southern Hebei, northwestern Shandong, eastern Sichuan province, and so on! Among 74 cities, the PM2.5 value of 33 of them exceeded 300 micrograms/cubic meter, and the most heavily polluted was the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. It was stated in a mass media report that London may be replaced by Beijing as “the smog capital”.



Haze results from several factors, such as foggy but windless weather condition, excessive discharge of pollutants, too much dust and abundant moisture. Of these, excessive pollutant discharge is the major cause. When atmospheric pollutants meet dust and minerals in the air, they will quickly mix up to form mixed particles. In humid air, these hybrid particles will quickly absorb moisture, and increase their size by 2 to 3 times and their absorption capacity of light multiplies by 8 to 9 times. A large quantity of such particles floating in the air will reduce the visibility by 90%.



Where do these particles come from? Oxidized organic particulate matter mainly comes from emissions around Beijing; lampblack organic matter is emitted from cooking in certain places; nitrogen concentration organic matter originates from certain chemical processes; and hydrocarbon organic particulate matter is exuded mainly from vehicle exhausts and coal.



The London smog disaster in 1952 caused more than 12,000 deaths; and photochemical smog in Los Angeles killed more than 800 people. The number of victims of the haze in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region is not available, but there is no denying the fact that the patients in the pneumology department of hospitals increased significantly.



2.2.2 Atmospheric monitoring and controlling



Two or three years ago, people were not familiar with PM2.5. With the refinement of China’s air quality monitoring and dissemination, technical terms such as PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, CO, O3 have now become part of the general vocabulary of the public.


近年来,中国政府建立建成了各类空气质量监测网,分布在 338个地级市,由1436个监测站组成。监测项目包括SO2NOxCO、碳氢化合物、浮尘等,最近,部分城市进一步增加了PM2.5的监测。

In recent years, the Chinese government has built an air quality monitoring network comprising 1,436 monitoring stations, distributed in 338 prefecture-level cities. Pollutants under scrutiny include SO2, NOx, CO, hydrocarbons, dust, etc. Recently, some cities have added PM2.5 to the list.



On the basis of the monitoring of the atmospheric environment, focusing on key polluted areas, China has intensified control of air pollution. Industries like iron and steel, electrolytic aluminum, and coke cause heavy air pollution, so many regions have raised the standards for these industries in order to hinder the growth of high-polluting enterprises. At the same time the total amount of emissions can be decreased by reducing industrial output. Moreover, the exhaust gas treatment capacity of these industries has been improved to bring about eventual green production. High-polluting enterprises in severely contaminated areas are closed or shifted elsewhere. For example, before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the steel-making Shougang Group was removed out of highly polluted Beijing.



With regard to hydrocarbon organic particulate matter in haze, efforts have been made to reduce total consumption of coal in the cities on the one hand, and to tighten controls over motor vehicle emissions on the other. Steps have been taken to accelerate the low sulfidation of fuel to improve its quality and to raise standards on vehicle emissions from National Stage I to National Stage IV. With increase of each stage level, pollution per vehicle will fall by 30%–50%. In some heavily polluted areas, the total number of motor vehicles has been controlled in recent years. In Beijing, in the past two years, an increase of only 240,000 new passenger cars was allowed for each year. Civilian vehicles account for 88% and official vehicles owned by work units and organizations account for only 10%. In other words, in heavily polluted Beijing, you cannot buy a car just because you have money.



Through unremitting efforts, air quality in some cities has been improved. In Beijing, remarkable achievements have been made in controlling major air pollutants after 14 years of painstaking efforts. Sulfur dioxide was reduced in 2012 by 70%, PM10 by 40%, nitrogen dioxide by about 30%. Nevertheless, due to the rapid development of urbanization, the air pollution situation remains very serious, and so persistent work is still desirable to make our sky blue.


[1] Oxidized organic particulate matter occupies the largest proportion: 44%, while the other three groups of matter account for 21%, 17% and 18% respectively.




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