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已有 3047 次阅读 2017-6-28 23:32 |个人分类:知识工程|系统分类:论文交流



这是本人 1996 年和 1999 年的四篇论文,开创了“认识程序设计”这一新研究方向,是笔者研究室在这一研究方向上所有工作的初始基础。现将四篇论文存放于此,一方面留作保存记录,另一方面提供给听课学生和有兴趣者获取。


ICSMC-96 论文: “任何科学发现必须包括一个认识过程,以获得以前未知或未被认识的一些经验的或者逻辑的归结关系的知识或确定其存在。本文提出了一种新的程序设计模式,称为认识程序设计,将归结关系作为计算的对象,采用三个基本认识操作,亦即,知识的认识演绎、知识的认识扩展、知识的认识收缩,作为计算的基本操作,并将认识过程视为程序设计的对象。本文提出了科学发现中认知过程的相关逻辑模型。基于此模型,本文定义什么是认识程序,并展示在实现一个可以让科学家对他们在科学发现中的认识过程进行程序设计的认识程序设计系统时所需要解决的一些重要的问题。”

J. Cheng, “Epistemic Programming - Toward a New Programming Paradigm for Scientific Discovery,” Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Annual International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 3, pp. 2400-2406, Beijing, China, The IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, October 1996.

Abstract:“Any scientific discovery must include an epistemic process to gain knowledge of or to ascertain the existence of some empirical and/or logical entailments previously unknown or unrecognized.  This paper proposes a new programming paradigm, named Epistemic Programming, which regards entailments as the subject of computing, takes three primary epistemic operations, i.e., epistemic deduction of knowledge, epistemic expansion of knowledge, and epistemic contraction of knowledge, as basic operations of computing, and regards epistemic processes as the subject of programming.  The paper presents a relevant logic model of epistemic processes in scientific discovery.  Based on the model, the paper defines what is an epistemic program and shows some important issues to implement an epistemic programming system for scientists to program their epistemic processes in scientific discovery.”


CJASR6n2 论文: “提出了一个称为“认识程序设计”的新的程序设计模式,以便为科学家提供一种计算方法论和一些计算工具来对科学发现中的认识过程进行编程。此程序设计模式将条件句作为计算的对象,将基本认识操作作为计算的基本操作,并将认识过程作为程序设计的对象。展示关于科学发现过程及其自动化的一些基本观察和假设并将它们作为这一新研究方向的基础。设定了这一方向的一些研究课题。讨论了为什么经典数理逻辑及其各种经典保存扩张不能令人满意地支持认识过程。作为支持认识程序设计的逻辑基础,提出了科学发现中认识过程的强相关逻辑模型,并基于此模型定义了认识程序。”

J. Cheng, “Epistemic Programming: What Is It and Why Study It?” Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 153-163, Allerton Press, USA, June 1999 (Invited Paper).

Abstract:“A novel programming paradigm, named ‘Epistemic Programming’, is proposed in order to provide scientists with a computational methodology and computational tools to program their epistemic processes in scientific discovery.  The programming paradigm regards conditionals as the subject of computing, takes primary epistemic operations as basic operations of computing, and regards epistemic processes as the subject of programming.  Some fundamental observations and assumptions on scientific discovery processes and their automation are presented as the fundamentals of this new research direction.  Some research problems in this direction are set up.  It is discussed why classical mathematical logic and its various classical conservative extensions cannot satisfactorily underlie epistemic processes.  As the logic foundation to underlie epistemic programming, a strong relevant logic model of epistemic processes in scientific discovery is presented, and epistemic programs are defined based on the model.”

PDF: EP_CJASR6n2.pdf

IPSJSPS-99 论文: “为了向科学家提供一种计算方法论和一些计算工具来对科学发现中的认识过程进行编程,我们正在创建一种新的程序设计模式,称为“认识程序设计”,它将条件句作为计算的对象,将基本认识操作作为计算的基本操作,并将认识过程作为编程的对象。本文介绍了我们对科学发现过程及其自动化的基本观察和假设,关于认识过程的模型化、自动化和程序设计的研究问题,以及我们的认识程序设计研究项目之概要。”

J. Cheng, “Epistemic Programming: Can We have a ‘Science’ and/or an ‘Engineering’ of Scientific Discovery in the 21st Century?” Proceedings of the 1999 IPSJ Annual Summer Symposium on Programming - The Dreams of the 21st Century, pp. 19-29, Fukushima, Japan, IPSJ, August 1999.

Abstract:“In order to provide scientists with a computational methodology and some computational tools to program their epistemic processes in scientific discovery, we are establishing a novel programming paradigm, named ‘Epistemic Programming’, which regards conditionals as the subject of computing, takes primary epistemic operations as basic operations of computing, and regards epistemic processes as the subjectof programming.  This paper presents our fundamental observations and assumptions on scientific discovery processes and their automation, research problems on modeling, automating, and programming epistemic processes, and an outline of our research project of Epistemic Programming.”


HCP-99 论文: “为了向科学家提供一种计算方法论和一些计算工具来对科学发现中的认识过程进行编程,我们正在创建一种新的程序设计模式,称为“认识程序设计”,它将条件句作为计算的对象,将基本认识操作作为计算的基本操作,并将认识过程作为编程的对象。本文介绍了我们对科学发现过程及其自动化的基本观察和假设, 以及我们的认识程序设计研究项目之概要。”

J. Cheng, “Epistemic Programming as an Operational Tool for Scientists to Program Their Epistemic Processes,” Proceedings of the 10th Mini EURO (Association of European Operational Research Societies) Conference Human Centered Processes, pp. 475-481, Brest, France, September 1999.

Abstract:“In order to provide scientists with a computational methodology and some computational tools to program their epistemic processes in scientific discovery, we are establishing a novel programming paradigm, named ‘Epistemic Programming’, which regards conditionals as the subject of computing, takes primary epistemic operations as basic operations of computing, and regards epistemic processes as the subject ofprogramming.  This paper presents our fundamental observations and assumptions on scientific discovery processes and their automation, and an outline of our research project of Epistemic Programming.”

PDF: EP_HCP99.pdf


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