1. After the inventionof the bicycle, the average distance between birthplaces of spouses in England increased from one mile to 30 miles. 自行车发明后,英格兰的通婚半径从1英里(1.6公里)增加到30英里。 The year 2017 is the bicentenary of the invention of the bicycle by Karl Dreiss in Mainz. Similar to a balance-bike! 2017年是德国美因茨(Mainz)的卡尔·德莱斯(Karl Dreiss)发明自行车200周年。类似无脚踏的平衡自行车。 2. I serve at the pleasure of@POTUS. His message is my message. His goals are my goals. Uninformed chatter doesn't matter. 原为川普精选经理、现任川普高级顾问的康威女士发推文: 我服务于总统的喜好。他的信息就是我的信息。他的目标就是我的目标。闲杂话语无关紧要。 "I was Chairman Mao's dog," Jiang Qing said at her trial. "Whomever he told me to bite, I bit." 一报道中国的美国记者如此评论: 江青在审判时说:我是毛主席的狗,他叫我咬谁我咬谁。 3. Trump on US government last night: O’Reilly: “Putin’s a killer” Trump: “There are a lot of killers. You think our country is so innocent?” 川普在接受访谈,主持人说:普京是杀人犯。川普:杀人犯很多。你认为我们的国家很无辜? 4. The academic Alt-Left summarized in one image… 一副漫画,说美国大学里的另类左派(alt-left),高举着“宽容”的牌子,以“政治正确”(PC)的名义,将“言论自由”打倒在地。
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