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Four Golden Lessons--Steven Weinberg

已有 5117 次阅读 2009-3-14 11:30 |个人分类:学术探索|系统分类:科研笔记| 科研, 黄金定律, 大海

This blog is about what I learn from “Four golden lessons” given by Steven Weinberg, who is in the Department of Physics, the University of Texas at Austin, Texas 78712, USA.

The first lesson: in front of the vast ocean of knowledge, one big thing is that no one knows everything, and you don't have to.

The second lesson: while you are swimming and not sinking you should aim for rough water, go for the messes — that's where the action is. Dive right in: exploring the unclear, uncharted areas of science can lead to creative work.


The third lesson: to forgive yourself for wasting time. If you want to be creative, then you will have to get used to spending most of your time not being creative, to being becalmed on the ocean of scientific knowledge.

Finally, learn something about the history of science, or at a minimum the history of your own branch of science.

Once Newton said “I don't know what I may seem to the world, but, as to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

To me the anisotropy of soils is really a big mess in the beginning period, in order to construct a simple but beautiful theory I have spent nearly two years on this complicated problem. Recent days, guided by my supervisor professor Yao, the first beautiful shell head above water, and now I am still on the way to test if it is a prettier one or not

Here is the original paper:Four golden lessons


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