1874年4月,Wing Wau在密尔瓦基市开了一家洗衣店,地址是 86 Mason Street。这是密尔瓦基市第一个中国人。随后其他华人接踵而至1888时,市里开了至少30家华人洗衣店。Charlie Toy1904年搬迁到密尔瓦基市居住,不出20年他成立了美国华人最大的商业司,还在密尔瓦基市的商业区盖起了座6层大楼,这是世界上最大最奢华的餐馆大厦。这个华人社区额影响力从以下例子可见一斑:1937-1940年,尽管这个社区只有不到300人,抗日战争捐款是j仅次于山,在全美名列第二。
Charlie Toy(Moy Toy Ni)1880年从广东来美国,当时他才18岁。他短暂停留在 San Francisco, Appleton and Oshkosh ,最后选择在密尔瓦基市开餐馆,也就是今天的 N. Plankinton Ave.上。为什么是密尔瓦基市?因为1880年加州排华怒潮高涨,正是酝酿排华案。而这里是德国人包容文化,对新来的人比较宽容。具体到他自己,密尔瓦基的一位国会议员推荐这个地方给他的。他先是在一家KARL Ratzsch的美国人餐厅打工。
后来他自己餐馆在今天的PlantkintonAve,由于生意 越做越好,1913年由建筑师Alexander Gulch设计,他在 2nd Ave 盖起了一座6层楼的商业大厦,设有餐馆,剧场,台球馆等商店。他是当地20世纪最成功的华人,人称Chinese Rockefeller。大厦1946年1拆,1954年Charlie Toy去世。大厦被拆后,他的商家搬去了W. Wisconsin Ave Walgreens 药房楼上,后来又搬到 830 N. Old World 3rd St。业主是Charlie Toy的 一个儿子Moy Toy。他家餐馆业一直经营到2000年。
Chinese Milwaukee (Images of America)
The history of Chinese Milwaukee begins in April 1874, with the opening by Wing Wau of a Chinese laundry at 86 Mason
Street. Other Chinese soon followed, and by 1888, there were at least 30 Chinese laundries operating in the city. Charlie Toy moved to Milwaukee in 1904 and within two decades had built both one of the largest Chinese trading businesses in the United States and a six-story Chinese-style building in downtown Milwaukee described as the largest and most luxurious Chinese restaurant building in the world. An example of the community’s influence as a whole is the period 1937 to 1940, when the community of less than 300 residents contributed more money to the Chinese war effort against Japan than any other Chinese community in the United States except San Francisco.
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