例如,思维的自适应或理性的适应性控制模型Adaptive Control of Thought model,Rationalnamely ACT-R 约翰·安德森(John Anderson)
约翰·安德森 John Anderson
约翰·安德森是卡内基梅隆大学的心理学和计算机科学教授。 他领导了 ACT-R 认知架构及其应用的开发,尤其是智能辅导系统。 安德森被多项奖项公认为认知科学领域的领导者,包括美国心理学会杰出科学职业奖、大卫·鲁梅尔哈特人类认知形式化分析贡献奖、霍华德·克罗斯比·沃伦奖章 实验心理学杰出成就奖,以及 AH Heineken 博士认知科学奖。
John R. Anderson is the R. K. Mellon University Professor of Psychology and Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He has led the development of the ACT-R cognitive architecture and its applications, especially intelligent tutoring systems. Anderson has been recognized as a leader in the field of cognitive science by a number of awards, including the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Scientific Career Award, the David E. Rumelhart Prize for Contributions to the Formal Analysis of Human Cognition, the Howard Crosby Warren Medal for outstanding achievement in Experimental Psychology, and the Dr. A.H. Heineken Prize for Cognitive Science. He has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and is a past president of the Cognitive Science Society.
2004年,著名心理学史家Noel Sheehy将约翰·安德森与冯特、弗洛伊德、巴普洛夫以及赫伯特·西蒙并列,评定他为人类历史上“50位最伟大的心理学思想家”之一,而且,是其中最年轻的一位。
思维的自适应控制模型 Adaptive Control of Thought model,Rational
在《认知架构》(1983)一书中安德森从心理加工活动的三个方面阐述其基本理论,他所提出的ACT 产生式系统的一般框架由3个记忆部分组成:工作记忆、陈述性记忆和程序性记忆。由此指出个人在产生式系统框架或架构之下处理外部世界的方式如图1 所示。除了存储陈述性知识和程序性知识的长期记忆,个人也拥有工作记忆,它暂时存储外部输入的信息、从陈述性知识检索出的信息、以及执行产生的结果。工作记忆可以被看作人们思考的工作空间。它存储信息进入陈述性知识记忆或从陈述性知识记忆检索信息。它的内容被用来匹配产生式条件。当条件被匹配,执行过程将把匹配的行动放入工作记忆。工作记忆通过引入信息和执行行动与外界输入信息相互作用。当遇到一个要解决的问题时,个体(主体或人工智能代理)将寻找可得的与当前目标和条件匹配的产生式。如果这样的产生式找到,将被执行以解决问题。当这样的产生式不存在,如处理一个新的领域,情况就会变得复杂。ACT理论指出人首先以陈述性知识的形式学习。当面对一个新领域的问题时,首先获得这个领域的陈述性知识。当进入的外部知识被编码和添加到事实的联想网络中,人们就学习到了陈述性知识。
认知架构 The Architecture of Cognition
Now available in paper, The Architecture of Cognition is a classic work that remains relevant to theory and research in cognitive science. The new version of Anderson's theory of cognitive architecture -- Adaptive Control of Thought (ACT*) -- is a theory of the basic principles of operation built into the cognitive system and is the main focus of the book.
认知心理学(第 9 版) Cognitive Psychology 9th edition
认知心理学(第 9 版)将学生带到该领域的最前沿,并向他们介绍认知心理学的关键发现。通过易于理解和清晰的解释,安德森向学生展示了如何研究心理过程以及我们如何了解我们对心灵的了解。认知心理学(第 9 版) 向学生介绍认知神经科学和经典行为研究的前沿发现。贯穿全文的实验数据、样本刺激、大脑图像和研究任务,让学生真正了解研究是如何进行的以及发现的兴奋。认知理论的引人入胜的例子和应用进一步让学生参与其中。
Cognitive Psychology 9th edition takes students to the forefront of the field and introduces them to key discoveries of cognitive psychology. With accessible and clear explanations, Anderson shows students how mental processes are investigated and how we know what we know about the mind. Cognitive Psychology 9e introduces students to both the cutting edge findings of cognitive neuroscience and classic behavioral studies. Experimental data, sample stimuli, brain images, and research tasks woven throughout the text give students a real understanding of how research is conducted and the excitement of discovery. Fascinating examples and applications of cognitive theory further keep students engaged.
学习理论 | Learning Theories |
01思维的自适应控制(约翰·安德森) | ACT-R (John Anderson) |
02成人学习理论(克劳斯) | Adult Learning Theory (P. Cross) |
03算法启发式理论(兰达) | Algo-Heuristic Theory (L. Landa) |
04成人教育学(马尔科姆·诺尔斯) | Andragogy (Malcolm Knowles) |
05锚定指令(约翰·布兰斯福德) | Anchored Instruction (John Bransford) |
06资质-治疗互动(克朗巴赫和斯诺) | Aptitude-Treatment Interaction (L. Cronbach & R. Snow) |
07归因论(韦纳) | Attribution Theory (B. Weiner) |
08认知失调理论(费斯丁格) | Cognitive Dissonance Theory (L. Festinger) |
09认知灵活性理论(斯皮罗) | Cognitive Flexibility Theory (R. Spiro) |
10认知负荷理论(斯韦勒) | Cognitive Load Theory (J. Sweller) |
11组件显示理论(大卫·梅瑞尔) | Component Display Theory (M. David Merrill) |
12学习条件(罗伯特·加涅) | Conditions of Learning (Robert Gagne) |
13连接主义(爱德华·桑戴克) | Connectionism (Edward Thorndike) |
14建构主义理论(杰罗姆·布鲁纳) | Constructivist Theory (Jerome Bruner) |
15邻接理论(埃德温·格思里) | Contiguity Theory (Edwin Guthrie) |
16会话理论(戈登·帕斯克) | Conversation Theory (Gordon Pask) |
17标准参考指令(罗伯特·马格尔) | Criterion Referenced Instruction (Robert Mager) |
18双循环学习(阿吉瑞斯) | Double Loop Learning (C. Argyris) |
19驱动缩减理论(丙、船体) | Drive Reduction Theory (C. Hull) |
20双重编码理论(阿·派维奥) | Dual Coding Theory (A. Paivio) |
21阐述理论(瑞格鲁斯) | Elaboration Theory (C. Reigeluth) |
22经验学习(罗杰斯) | Experiential Learning (C. Rogers) |
23功能语境理论(汤姆·斯蒂希特) | Functional Context Theory (Tom Sticht) |
24发生认识论(皮亚杰) | Genetic Epistemology (J. Piaget) |
25格式塔理论(威斯曼) | Gestalt Theory (M. Wertheimer) |
26戈姆斯(卡德、莫兰和纽维尔) | GOMS (Card, Moran & Newell) |
27一般问题解决程序(纽维尔和西蒙) | General Problem Solver (A. Newell & H. Simon) |
28信息拾取理论(吉布森) | Information Pickup Theory (J.J. Gibson) |
29信息加工理论(米勒) | Information Processing Theory (G.A. Miller) |
30横向思维(德博罗) | Lateral Thinking (E. DeBono) |
31加工水平(克雷克&洛克哈特) | Levels of Processing (Craik & Lockhart) |
32数学学习理论(阿特金森) | Mathematical Learning Theory (R.C. Atkinson) |
33数学问题解决(舍恩菲尔德) | Mathematical Problem Solving (A. Schoenfeld) |
34最低纲领(卡罗尔) | Minimalism (J. M. Carroll) |
35以模型为中心的教学和设计分层(安德鲁·吉本斯) | Model Centered Instruction and Design Layering (Andrew Gibbons) |
36学习模式(鲁梅尔哈特&诺曼) | Modes of Learning (D. Rumelhart & D. Norman) |
37多元智能(哈沃德·加德纳) | Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner) |
38操作性条件反射(斯金纳) | Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner) |
39独创性(马尔兹曼) | Originality (I. Maltzman) |
40现象学(马丁公司) | Phenomenonography (F. Marton & N. Entwistle) |
41修复理论(冯伦) | Repair Theory (K. VanLehn) |
42剧本理论(罗杰·夏克) | Script Theory (Roger Schank) |
43符号理论(托尔曼) | Sign Theory (E. Tolman) |
44情境学习(莱乌) | Situated Learning (J. Lave) |
45高耸(纽维尔等人) | Soar (A. Newell et al.) |
46社会发展(维果茨基) | Social Development (L. Vygotsky) |
47社会学习理论(班杜拉) | Social Learning Theory (A. Bandura) |
48刺激抽样理论(埃斯特斯) | Stimulus Sampling Theory (W. Estes) |
49结构学习理论(斯坎杜拉) | Structural Learning Theory (J. Scandura) |
50智力结构(吉尔福德) | Structure of Intellect (J. Guilford) |
51包容理论(奥苏贝尔) | Subsumption Theory (D. Ausubel) |
52符号系统(萨洛蒙) | Symbol Systems (G. Salomon) |
53三重理论(斯特恩伯格) | Triarchic Theory (R. Sternberg) |
54转型学习(梅泽罗) | Transformational Learning(J. Mezirow) |
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