勇者无畏分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/mazuju028 中科院福建物构所



已有 27954 次阅读 2018-9-28 15:46 |个人分类:泛舟学海|系统分类:科研笔记

参考: http://www.cohp.de/


  1. 直接拷贝二进制文件lobster-3.0.0到~/bin/目录下,可以直接调用;


  1. 使用默认版本的VASP,不使用gamma版本;

  2. 使用PAW赝势;

  3. 删除原有波函数文件;

  4. 做静态计算,NSW=0,ISIF=0;

  5. 关闭对称性,ISYM=-1;

  6. NBANDS设置为总价电子数或更高;如果结果不理想,再进行调整;

  7. 总结:在自洽计算的INCAR中加入以下参数:NBANDS,ISYM;KPOINTS采用规则MP网格不变


  1. ~/bin/lobster,直接运行;

  2. 该程序自动并行,不能跨节点并行;

  3. LOBSTER输入文件:lobsterin. 举例如下:

COHPstartEnergy -14 !能量窗口,以费米能级为0

COHPendEnergy 6

basisfunctions Ga 4s 4p 3d  !POTCAR中每种原子的价电子轨道

basisfunctions As 4s 4p

cohpbetween atom 1 and atom 2 !计算第一个原子与第二个原子的COHP


cohpGenerator from 1.4 to 1.5 type Ga type As ! 计算所有Ga-As键长小于1.5大于1.4的键。

  4. 输出文件格式详见手册。

COHPCAR.lobster: File that contains the pCOHPs as requested in the lobsterin file.

It resembles the format of TB-LMTO-ASA’s COPL file, which is organized as follows:

- Starting in line 3, the labels for the interactions are presented, followed by the

actual data.

- Column 1: energy axis, shifted such that the Fermi level lies at zero eV.

- Column 2: pCOHP averaged over all atom pairs specified

- Column 3: integrated pCOHP (IpCOHP) averaged over all atom pairs

- Column 4: pCOHP of the first interaction

- Column 5: IpCOHP of the first interaction

- and so on...

Note that in a spin-polarized calculation, the first set of the columns (2, 3, …, 2N+3)

belongs to the first (up) spin and the other set (2N+4, 2N+5, …, 4N+5) belongs to the

second (down) spin. Here N is the number of interactions.

  5. 画图:



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