科学哲学的历史上有两次理论发展高峰期,第一次是以石里克为代表的维也纳学派时期(20世纪20-35年间),这个时期,科学哲学界大腕如云,如卡尔纳普、赖兴巴赫、纽拉特、艾耶尔等人;第二个发展高峰期是向历史主义转变时期(20世纪50-70年间),这期间也是风吹草低见牛羊的时代,如图尔敏、汉森、库恩、费耶阿本德、拉卡托斯等牛人。拉卡托斯就是第二个高峰期时的一个代表,也是我比较喜欢的哲学家。其实,这位老先生的人生也是波澜壮阔的,拉卡托斯(Imre Lakatos ,1922-1974),是匈牙利哲学家,早年曾师从卢卡奇,这是当代世界研究西马的鼻祖,曾任教育部的高官,1956年匈牙利事件后跑到奥地利,然后到英国,并个重新获得博士学位(剑桥大学,1961年),然后来到英国伦敦经济学院任教,与波普尔是同事。他的科学研究纲领方法论是我每年都要向学生们讲的。我一直猜测,由于两套理论系统在头脑内打架,老拉同志可能有些精神分裂之嫌,但这不影响他的理论贡献。1974年,心脏病发作去世,天妒英才。后来LSE为了纪念他,设立了拉卡托斯奖,每年一次,这个奖也是目前科学哲学界的重要奖项,奖金是10000英镑,在哲学类的奖项中应该是比较大的奖了。下面列出从1986年开始的所有获奖者:
1986 - Bas Van Fraassen
for The Scientific Image (1980)
and Hartry Field
for Science Without Numbers (1980)
1987 - Michael Friedman
for Foundations of Space-Time Theories
and Philip Kitcher
for Vaulting Ambition: Sociobiology and the Quest for Human Nature
1988 - Michael Redhead
for Incompleteness, Nonlocality and Realism
1989 - John Earman
for A Primer on Determinism
1991 - Elliott Sober
for Reconstructing the Past: Parsimony, Evolution, and Interference (1988)
1993 - Peter Achinstein
for Particles and Waves: Historical Essays in the Philosophy of Science (1991)
and Alexander Rosenberg
for Economics--Mathematical Politics or Science of Diminishing Returns? (1992)
1994 - Michael Dummett
for Frege: Philosophy of Mathematics (1991)
1995 - Lawrence Sklar
for Physics and Chance: Philosophical Issues in the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics (1993)
1996 - Abner Shimony
for The Search for a Naturalistic World View (1993)
1998 - Jeffrey Bub
for Interpreting the Quantum World
and Deborah Mayo
for Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge
1999 - Brian Skyrms
for Evolution of the Social Contract (1996) on modelling 'fair', non self-interested human actions using (cultural) evolutionary dynamics
2001 - Judea Pearl
for Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference (2000) on causal models and causal reasoning
2002 - Penelope Maddy
for Naturalism in Mathematics (1997) on the issue of how the axioms of set theory are justified
2003 - Patrick Suppes
for Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures (2002) on axiomatising a wide range of scientific theories in terms of set theory
2004 - Kim Sterelny
for Thought in a Hostile World: The Evolution of Human Cognition (2003) on the idea that thought is a response to threat
2005 - James Woodward
for Making Things Happen (2003) on causality and explanation
2006 - Harvey Brown
for Physical Relativity: Space-time Structure from a Dynamical Perspective (2005)
and Hasok Chang
for Inventing Temperature: Measurement and Scientific Progress (2004)
2008 - Richard Healey
for Gauging What’s Real: the conceptual foundations of contemporary gauge theories (2007)
2009 -Samir Okasha
for Evolution and the Levels of Selection (2006).
2010 - Peter Godfrey-Smith
for Darwinian Populations and Natural Selection
2012 - Wolfgang Spohn
for The Laws of Belief: Ranking Theory and its Philosophical Implications (2012)
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