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已有 3257 次阅读 2013-4-5 07:41 |系统分类:论文交流| 老师

如您所知, 我完全是您领域的外行, 抱着一起学习的态度, 对您的摘要部分做了点改动, 您看看是否合适?

我先有个推测, 学术委员会会议上,专家和官员来开会讨论时, 提出了一些建设性建议或者看法, 走人了, 重点试验室和有关973团队随后专门有针对性地讨论了这些建议和看法, 得到一个普遍认同的观点 就是目前遥感科学的研究内容需要整合才能向前迈出一大步

可是究竟如何整合并不清楚, 您出山亮立场了如果是这样的话, 我就把您的摘要修改成如下

目前,定量遥感在面向国家需求和加深基础研究方面有几个关键性问题亟待解决(文章中必须明确究竟是哪几个关键或者主要问题, 并举例说明)初(128日), 遥感科学国家重点实验室第届学术委员会上,到会的专家领导提出了一些设性建议对此,重点实验室和有关973课题组进行了深入研讨,从中提练到一个普遍认同的目前遥感科学的研究内容需要整合(学科内部的整合还是和其它学科的整合? 文本中需要明确才好)才能向前迈出一大步观点然而, 由于地表的异质性,我们不能只停留在演绎普适机理模型再对特定地点作个性化处理(这里的理解仍然有问题?)相反, 我们必须在已有的反演和实验数据的基础上,用归纳法总结一些规律性的东西,走我国自然地理学“自上而下的演绎法和自下而上归纳法结合“尺度综合”线路。在解决遥感科学核心问题“尺度效应”方面先搭建一个方法框架,继而建立几个开放相关平台(如数据反演计算机模拟等等), 与有关学科(哪些具体学科需要在文章中扩充)的专家共享。欢迎读者本文立场批评指正。

对应的英文做了点修改, 但我对于后一部分专业性过强的地方理解不到位, 只是在您的原稿上凑合着顺理了一下


With regard to the national needs and basic research, several critical issues must be addressed in Quantitative Remote Sensing. At the second meeting of the Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory on Remote Sensing Science (RSS) on January 28th 2013, the participants from the academic field and the goverment made some constructive suggestions, which had been in-depthly discussed within the Key Laboratory and the teams tightly associated to the specific 973 projects(不太明白您的具体所指,和国家重点试验室有关的973团队还是和遥感学科有关的973团队). We agree on that RSS research subjects needs to be integrated with other disciplines in order to advance our understanding of RSS. In the author's opinion, due to the heterogeneity of the geo-surface, generalization and modeling on the basis of experimental data, as opposed to individual interpretation of a specific location, could be the key for the future research (这里的意思是说:因为存在地表异质性, 归纳和建模应该是将来研究的着眼点, 而归纳与建模和针对特定位点的单一的解释相反, 不太明白您这里的英文究竟要表达什么). Combining "a top-down deduction method" witha bottom-up induction method" in integrative physical geography in China, we want to build a methodological framework to resolve the central issues of RSS, for instance, the "scale effect", and to create open platforms (such as data, inversion and computer simulation), and to bring together experts from different disciplines. This article is a position paper and comments on my opinions presented here are greatly appreciated.


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