斯坦福统计教授David Donoho针对媒体的大数据炒作,发41页的综述《数据科学50载》说明数据科学与统计学的不同。
斯坦福统计教授David Donoho是压缩感知,高维统计等领域的专家,他还是范剑青,金家顺,Candes等著名统计学家的导师。他对现代数理统计学的深远贡献﹕他开创了在有噪声情况的最优统计估计算法;而他又建立了在大数据中实现稀疏表示和复原的高效率技巧。
50 years of Data Science by David Donoho
Sept. 18, 2015
This 41 pages paper reviews some ingredients of the current "Data Science moment", including recent
commentary about data science in the popular media, and about how/whether Data Science is
really dierent from Statistics.
David Donoho's "50 Years of Data Science" talk at the Tukey Centennial Workshop last month has been trending on Twitter and is really an excellent discussion on what makes 'Data Science' a science in itself and how it differs from pure statistics. A great read.
Donoho is a Stanford professor in statistics and in the paper (well, his presentation in September) describes the field of Data Science, tries to distinguish it from statistics, and discusses implications for both fields. It's accessible (not academic).
Data Science=Acquisition&Storage+Analysis+Computing
这里的Analysis就包括Statistical Analysis和其他分析方法(比如一些数学建模的方法)。
他说现在很多美国学校在开Data Science的本科,硕士和博士学位。Data Science是现在各行各业都受到欢迎。当然学统计的掌握的技能是Statistical Analysis + Computing这也差不多就是Data Science, 学统计的找工作可以把简历改成是研究Data Science的。
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