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已有 5813 次阅读 2011-8-4 08:23 |个人分类:地震|系统分类:论文交流| 汶川地震, 地震预报, 地震局, 王克林


Bulletin of the Seismological Society of AmericaVolume 100 · Number 5B · November 2010Special Issue on the 2008 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake





The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Earthquake Prediction in China

Qi-Fu Chen, Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration(注意,这个作者单位就是中国地震局地震预测研究所,对外翻译成地震科学研究所

Kelin Wang, Geological Survey of Canada




















Few seismologists believe that it is presently possible or forever impossible to predict an earthquake with the time, location, and size specified accurately enough to guide plans for evacuation. Regardless of its scientific merit and future development, governments of most industrial countries consider earthquake prediction to be presently impractical. Instead, it is commonly accepted that the most effectiveway of minimizing the impact of earthquakes to human life and economy is to strengthen our built environment based on scientific assessment of earthquake hazard and risk, a practice we call seismic risk mitigation in this article. However,this was not common understanding in China when the Mw 7.9 (Ms 8.0) Wenchuan earthquake struck Sichuan Provinceon 12 May 2008, claiming over 80,000 lives. In China, earthquake prediction is not merely a topic of research, but a government-sanctioned, law-regulated, and routinely practiced measure of disaster prevention.






In a questionnaire sent to all provincial seismological bureaus after the Wenchuan earthquake, the CEA asked to what degree the government and society needed earthquake prediction. The overwhelming response was that the demand was extremely strong and the expectation very high. The new version of the Law on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters(the “Earthquake Act”), promulgated in the wake of the Wenchuan disaster, still stipulates a procedure of forming, evaluating, and announcing earthquake predictions.






The philosophy of earthquake prediction in China is fundamentally influenced by the Chinese culture and history. The practice of Chinese medicine over the millennia demonstrates that it is possible to use empirically established connections between events to make predictions without understanding the connections. Although knowledge of modern science, especially that of rock mechanics, is frequently referenced, the prediction program tends to be preoccupied more with identifying precursors to use for prediction than with explaining the precursors. This was particularly true for the first ten years of the prediction program.






In the meantime, empirical methods notorious for their false-alarm records, such as those based on drought occurrence (case 20 reviewed in Wyss, 1991) or on pairs of consecutive magnetic storms, gradually went out of fashion. Although some individuals still pursued these methods and frequently submitted prediction opinions, their opinions were generally ignored by the various prediction conferences that continued to be held. Later, the value of their opinions became the most heated subject in post-Wenchuan Internet debates over prediction claims.


(译:同时,一些由于虚报记录而声名狼藉的经验预报方法、比如旱震法(见Wyss 1991年综述文章的第20个实例)和磁暴二倍法,逐渐不再时兴。虽然一些个人仍然追求这些方法并且经常上交预报意见,他们的意见在后来延续到各个地震预报会议上一般都被忽略掉了。后来,这些人的意见在汶川震后互联网上关于声称预报的争吵中的最热门的话题。【译注:这些方法、以及整个争论过程,本人2008年到2009年的帖子都有全面的总结。】)







另参见汶川地震三周年之际中新社对王克林的采访:“地震预报是空中阁楼 设防是地上盖楼”:



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