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NEB manual

已有 12116 次阅读 2012-10-11 09:39 |系统分类:科研笔记| NEB

The nudged elastic band (NEB) is a method for finding saddle points and minimum energy paths between known reactants and products. The method works by optimizing a number of intermediate images along the reaction path. Each image finds the lowest energy possible while maintaining equal spacing to neighboring images. This constrained optimization is done by adding spring forces along the band between images and by projecting out the component of the force due to the potential perpendicular to the band. Difference from the implementation in VASPThere are a few improvements to the NEB method which are not yet included in the current version of vasp. A new tangent definition and a climbing image method combine to allow for the more accurate finding of saddle points using the NEB with fewer images than the original method. The setup and operation of this implementation can be identical to what is described in the vasp manual under the elastic band section. The new tangent is implemented by default, and the climbing image method can be turned by setting LCLIMB=.TRUE. in the INCAR file. Climbing Image

The climbing image is a small modification to the NEB method in which the highest energy image is driven up to the saddle point. This image does not feel the spring forces along the band. Instead, the true force at this image along the tangent is inverted. In this way, the image tries to maximize it's energy along the band, and minimize in all other directions. When this image converges, it will be at the exact saddle point.

Because the highest image is moved to the saddle point and it does not feel the spring forces, the spacing of images on either side of this image will be different. It can be important to do some minimization with the regular NEB method before this flag is turned on, both to have a good estimate of the reaction co-ordinate around the saddle point, and so that the highest image is close to the saddle point. If the maximum image is initially very far from the saddle point, and the climbing image was used from the outset, the path would develop very different spacing on either side of the saddle point.

To use the climbing image, set LCLIMB=.True. 


The graph on the right shows an NEB calculation (blue) and a climbing image cNEB calculation* (red).

The system is an Al adatom on an Al(100) surface. The process is an exchange between the adatom and a substraight atom, leading to adatom diffusion.

Notice how the climbing image calculation has shifted the position of the images (by compressing the images on the left) so that one image sits right at the saddle point.

*The cNEB energies have been shifted by 0.05 eV so that the two curves are distinct.

Standard Parameters

Default Value
ICHAIN 0Indicates which method to run. NEB (ICHAIN=0) is the default
IMAGESNumber of images in the band, excluding endpoints
SPRING -5.0 eV/A2Spring force between images; negative value turns on nudging
LCLIMB .TRUE.Flag to turn on the climbing image algorithm
LTANGENTOLD .FALSE.Flag to turn on the old central difference tangent
LDNEB .FALSE.Flag to turn on modified doubble nudging
LNEBCELL .FALSE.Flag to turn on SS-NEB. Used with ISIF=3 and IOPT=3.
JACOBIAN (Ω/N)  1/3N1/2

Controls weight of lattice to atomic motion. Ω is volume and N is the number  of atoms.




The NEB and min-mode following (dimer/Lanczos) saddle point finding methods use a force projection in order to direct the optimizers towards minimum energy paths and saddle points. These modifications to the force mean that the energy is no longer consistent with the force being optimized. Because of this, we can only use optimizers that are solely based upon the force (and not the energy). The quasi-Newton and quick-min (IBRION=1 and 3 respectively) optimizers that are built into VASP are both force-based, but the conjugate-gradient method (IBRION=2) is not.

Here, we present a set of optimizers that are all force-based so they can be used with the NEB and min-mode following methods. To use them, the INCAR must set IBRION=3 and POTIM=0, to disable the built in optimizers. Then, the IOPT parameter will select one of the following methods.

This version of quick-min is essential the same as what has been implemented in vasp. The conjugate-gradient method is different in that is uses a Newton's line optimizer, and are entirely force based. The LBFGS is also different in that the NEB can be optimized globally, instead of image-by-image. The FIRE optimizer is an interesting new optimizer which has similarities to quick-min, but tends to be faster. The steepest descent method is provided primarily for testing. We recommend using CG or LBFGS when accurate forces are available. This is essential for evaluating curvatures. For high forces (far from the minimum) or inaccurate forces (close to the minimum) the quick-min or FIRE methods are recommended. These two methods do not rely on curvatures, and tend to be less aggressive, better behaved, but also less efficient than CG/LBFGS.

Here is a recent paper discussing the performance of these different optimizers with the NEB.

The min-mode following methods can only be used with one of these methods. If IOPT is not set in a dimer run, the job with die with a corresponding error message.


Optimizer input parameters

The following parameters are read from the INCAR file.

(IOPT = 0) Use VASP optimizers specified from IBRION (default)
(IOPT = 1) LBFGS = Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
(IOPT = 2) CG = Conjugate Gradient
(IOPT = 3) QM = Quick-Min
(IOPT = 4) SD = Steepest Descent
(IOPT = 5)  BFGS  = Full Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
(IOPT = 6)  MD = Molecular dynamics based on Verlet-Velocity
(IOPT = 7) FIRE = Fast Inertial Relaxation Engine

Required Parameters
IOPT0Default is to use the VASP optimizers
IBRION3Specify that VASP do molecular dynamics (with zero time step)
POTIM0Zero time step so that VASP does not move the ions
LBFGS Parameters (IOPT = 1)
MAXMOVE0.2Maximum allowed step size for translation
ILBFGSMEM20Number of steps saved when building the inverse Hessian matrix
LGLOBAL.TRUE.Optimize the NEB globally instead of image-by-image
INVCURV0.01Initial inverse curvature, used to construct the inverse Hessian matrix
LLINEOPT.FALSE.Use a force based line minimizer for translation
FDSTEP5E-3Finite difference step size for line optimizer
CG Parameters (IOPT = 2)
MAXMOVE0.2Maximum allowed step size for translation
FDSTEP5E-3Finite difference step size to calculate curvature
QM Parameters (IOPT = 3)
MAXMOVE0.2Maximum allowed step size for translation
TIMESTEP0.1Dynamical time step
SD Parameters (IOPT = 4)
MAXMOVE0.2Maximum allowed step size for translation
SDALPHA0.1Ratio between force and step size
BFGS Parameters (IOPT = 5)
MAXMOVE0.2Maximum allowed step size for translation
FDSTEP5E-3Finite difference step size to calculate curvature
LINEMIN.TRUE.Use force based line minimizer for direction
BFGSINVCURV0.0001Scales Hessian for initial move
BFGSDFP.FALSE.Use BFGS updating formula to update the Hessian
MD Parameters (IOPT = 6)
MAXMOVE0.2Maximum allowed step size for translation
TIMESTEP0.1Dynamical time step
MDTHERMO0Thermostat used for MD 0=Anderson, 1=Langevin
MDTEMP300Temperature in Kelvin for MD
MDGAMMA0.1Friction for Langevin dynamics
MDALPHA0.5Controls how aggressively velocity is reset
MDCOLLISIONdtFor Anderson thermostat, the probability of collision is
 FIRE Parameters (IOPT = 7)
MAXMOVE0.2Maximum allowed step size for translation
TIMESTEP0.1Initial dynamical time step
FTIMEMAX1.0Maximum dynamical time step allowed
FTIMEDEC0.5Factor to decrease dt
FTIMEINC1.1Factor to increase dt
FALPHA0.1Parameter that controls velocity damping
FALPHADEC0.99Factor to decrease alpha
FNMIN5Minimum number of iterations before adjusting alpha and dt










2)线形插入images: nebmake.pl POSCAR.IS POSCAR.FS N
3nebmovie.pl,生成movie.xyz。用Xcrysden --xyz movie.xyz 反复观看动画,仔细检查过程的合理性。这里要提醒,POSCAR.IS POSCAR.FS中原子坐标列表的顺序必须对应。
4)写INCAR,IOPT。注意,最好忘记vasp自带的NEB,而全部改用包含vtstoolvasp. IBRION=3,POTIM=0关闭vasp自带的NEB功能。
6)带vtstoolvasp-ClNEB(NEB)过渡态计算ICHAIN=0作为入口,这个也是默认的。LCLIMB=TRUE也是默认的。如果不要climb image,可以设置LCLIMB = False.
8)初步过渡态收敛后,修改INCAR中的优化器(IOPT),并修改相应参数(参考vtstool官方论坛),EDIFFG改小(如-0.05),然后运行vfin.pl,这个脚本自动帮你准备在原来的基础上继续运行新的过渡态计算(完成cp CONTCAR POSCAR, 保留电荷密度和波函数的操作)。

FORCES: max atom, RMS






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