The index of clinical disease activity of CD is represented by the CDAI(Table 3) and the Harvey-Bradshaw index (HBI) (Table 4). CDAI is widely used in many clinical studies and clinical fields. A CDAI of <150 is classified as remission, 150 to <220 as mild activity, 220 to <450 as moderate activity, and ≥450 as severe activity. On the other hand, HBI is a disease activity index designed to simplify the complex CDAI, and consists of only clinical parameters. An HBI of <5 is classified as remission, 5 to <8 as mild activity, 8 to <16 as moderate activity, and ≥16 as severe activity.
2. 疾病活动度评分—HBS:
3. 蒙特利尔分类:
4. 诱导缓解治疗—轻中度CD:
5. 诱导缓解治疗—中重度CD:
6. 难治性CD药物治疗:
7. 维持治疗—5-ASA诱导:
8. 维持治疗—激素诱导:
9. 维持治疗—anti-TNF诱导:
10. 维持治疗—MTX诱导:
11. 维持治疗中再复发:
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