


已有 4163 次阅读 2011-11-25 19:23 |系统分类:论文交流| 中性束电流驱动, 新经典理论

最近在Prof. Lin-Liu的建议下,做了一个中性束电流驱动方面的问题。
中性束注入(NBI)产生的快离子传递定向动量给电子,从而使电子同方向运动,由于电子带负电,这个电流方向与快粒子携带的电流方向是相反的, 因而称作电子屏蔽电流(shielding/return/reverse current)。
以前关于shielding current的工作要么限定碰撞区,要么要求大纵横比。都有一些限制。我们做的工作是把Sauter等 (POP1999,cited约200次)关于新经典自举电流的公式用到这个问题当中,发现可以利用Sauter的公式直接写出shielding电流的表达式,而Sauter的公式是适用于任意tokamak位型、任意碰撞区的。 所以我们得到的屏蔽电流的公式也适用于任意tokamak位型、任意碰撞区,而且得到的公式很简单,可以很方便的应用到一些输运程序(如ONETWO,TRANSP)的中性束电流驱动模块当中去。论文的链接

刚刚作为brief communications提交到pop,希望referee能给一个正面的意见:)



Manuscript #POP37573BC:

Reviewer Comments:

Referee #1 (Remarks):

This paper describes a formula suitable for modeling of the electron
shielding current in all collisionality regimes in tokamak plasmas. It
generalizes the previous work (ref. [7]) by one of the authors, where
the similar expression was derived in the banana regime. The final
expression is the same, though the derivation is somewhat more
concise. The main difference between this work and previous paper, is
that here the authors make an assumption that the integral in Eqn.
(7), denoted as 'D', is a flux-surface function in any collisionality
regime. This assumption is not rigorously justified by the authors,
but instead it is said to be based on numerical results of Ref. [11].
The formula has been tested against one of the available
approximations used in the TRANSP code for small inverse aspect
ratios, and shows similar qualitative behavior for different
collisionality parameters.

The paper is generally suitable for publication, but I have few minor comments:

1. There is a misprint in page 3, in the expression for 'D', where dv
should be used under the integral.
2. Is there any estimate of an error introduced by assumption that D
is a flux function?
3. A formula by Hirshman, is just one of the models used by the TRANSP
code, another formula by Ref.[7] has also been implemented in the
4. Can the authors speculate regarding the reason for the difference
between their results and that based on Hirshman formula (Fig. 2)?

---2012-02-19 更新-----

我们给审稿人的回复: response_to_referee.pdf

----2012-02-23收到PoP发来的文章Acceptance Notice

收藏 IP: 223.240.38.*| 热度|

3 陈小润 占礼葵 crossludo

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