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知识工程与知识管理(EKAW 2010)国际会议预报

已有 5318 次阅读 2009-11-8 11:34 |个人分类:国际会议预报|系统分类:海外观察| 知识工程, 知识管理, 国际会议预报

17th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2010)
该会议基本是每两年召开一次,EKAW 2010已是17届,14-16届会议论文均刊登在Springer出版的丛书丛刊《Lecture Notes In Computer Science 上,17届会议论文仍旧刊登在《Lecture Notes In Computer Science》,该会议论文均被EI、ISTP收录。
1) Knowledge Management
·                                                                                    Methodologies and tools for knowledge management
·                                                                                    Aspects of collaboration, distribution and evolution of knowledge in KM
·                                                                                    Advanced knowledge modeling languages and tools
·                                                                                    Best practices / experiences in KM
·                                                                                    Foundations of KM
·                                                                                    Entity-oriented approaches to KM
·                                                                                    Layered intelligence in knowledge management
·                                                                                    Provenance, reliability and trust in knowledge management
·                                                                                    Knowledge management for collaboration and decision support
·                                                                                    Methods for accelerating take-up of KM technologies
·                                                                                    Corporate memories for KM
·                                                                                    Case-based reasoning for KM
2) Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition
·                                                                                    Methodologies for knowledge engineering
·                                                                                    Knowledge acquisition, ontology learning
·                                                                                    Knowledge sharing
·                                                                                    Knowledge evolution
·                                                                                    Collaborative knowledge engineering
·                                                                                    Design patterns
·                                                                                    Techniques for knowledge acquisition based on machine learning, NLP etc.
·                                                                                    Uncertainty and vagueness in knowledge modeling
·                                                                                    Knowledge engineering and software engineering
·                                                                                    Ontology localization
·                                                                                    Ontology alignment
·                                                                                    Evolution of knowledge (including ontology evolution)
·                                                                                    Knowledge acquisition from non-ontological resources (thesauri, folksonomies, lexica etc.)
·               Knowledge acquisition and knowledge integration from heterogeneous sources (multimedia and 3D data, databases, sensor data     streams, social interaction data)
·                                                                                    Knowledge authoring and knowledge markup languages
·                                                                                    Ontology evaluation
·                                                                                    Dynamic, distributed and process knowledge (including web services, grid services, P2P systems, rules and business processes, problem solving methods, procedural knowledge)
·                                                                                    Agent-based approaches to knowledge management
·                                                                                    Knowledge mashups
3) Knowledge In Use:
               knowledge management and engineering for
·                                                                                    Retrieval and proactive delivery of pertinent knowledge
·                                                                                    Multimedia applications
·                                                                                    Life and E-sciences
·                                                                                    E-Government and public administration
·                                                                                    Health and medicine
·                                                                                    Automotive and manufacturing industry
·                                                                                    Semantic desktop applications
·                                                                                    The legal domain
·                                                                                    Cultural heritage applications
·                                                                                    Digital broadcasting and film, game and 3D media content production and sharing
·                                                                                    Digital libraries
·                                                                                    Virtual worlds
·                                                                                    Storytelling
·                                                                                    Management in critical applications
·                                                                                    Organizing user-contributed content
·                                                                                    Transition across organizations
4) Social and Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Engineering
·                                                                                    Sustainability and cost analysis of knowledge engineering
·                                                                                    Human-knowledge interaction
·                                                                                    Cognitive systems and knowledge engineering
·                                                                                    Knowledge ecosystems
·                                                                                    Knowledge and social network analysis & modeling
·                                                                                    Knowledge in trust networks
·                                                                                    Personal sphere in knowledge engineering and management
·                                                                                    Collaborative and social approaches to knowledge management and acquisition
5) Special focus knowledge management and engineering by the masses
·                                                                                    Human-machine synergy in knowledge acquisition
·                                                                                    Incentives for knowledge creation and semantic annotation
·                                                                                    Enhancing human productivity (e.g. knowledge workers)
·                                                                                    Social and human factors in knowledge management
·                                                                                    Collective and collaborative intelligence in knowledge management
·                                                                                    Social tagging and folksonomies, social networks
·                                                                                    Web2.0 approaches to KM (including semantic wikis, folksonomies, etc.)
·                                                                                    Games with a Purpose and KM
·                                                                                    Linked Open Data / Web of Data


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