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Mann-Kendall Tau (aka Tau-b) with Sen's Method

已有 11707 次阅读 2013-9-13 16:42 |系统分类:科研笔记

%% Mann-Kendall Tau (aka Tau-b) with Sen's Method (enhanced)
% A non-parametric monotonic trend test computing Mann-Kendall Tau, Tau-b,
% and Sen抯 Slope written in Mathworks-MATLAB implemented using matrix
% rotations.
% Suggested citation:
% Burkey, Jeff. May 2006.  A non-parametric monotonic trend test computing
%      Mann-Kendall Tau, Tau-b, and Sen抯 Slope written in Mathworks-MATLAB
%      implemented using matrix rotations. King County, Department of Natural
%      Resources and Parks, Science and Technical Services section.  
%      Seattle, Washington. USA.
%      http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/authors/23983
% Important Note:
%      I have also posted a Seasonal Kendell function at Mathworks
%             sktt.m
%   revised 12/1/2008- Computed variance now takes into account ties in the
%      time index with multiple observations per index.
%      Added in confidence intervals for Sens Slope
% Syntax:
%     [taub tau h sig Z S sigma sen n senplot CIlower CIupper D Dall C3]
%               = ktaub(datain, alpha, wantplot)
% where:
%     datain = (N x 2) double
%     alpha = (scalar) double
%     wantplot is a flag
%             ~= 0 means create plot, otherwise do not plot
%     taub = Mann-Kendall coefficient adjusted for ties
%     tau = Mann-Kendall coefficient not adjusted for ties
%                n(n-1)/2
%     h = hypothesis test (h=1 : is significant)
%     sig = p value (two tailed)
%     Z = Z score
%     sigma = standard deviation
%     sen = sen's slope
%     plotofslope = data used to plot data and sen's slope
%     cilower = lower confidence interval for sen's slope
%     ciupper = upper confidence interval for sen's slope
% These next two variables are output because they are needed in the
% Seasonal Kendall function: sktt.m
%     D = denominator used for calculating Tau-b
%     Dall = denominator used for calculating Tau
%     C3 = individual seasonal slopes aggregated for Sens Seasonal Slope
%     nsigma = an assumed variance with all ties reconsidered but set to
%              equal number of positive and negative differences.
% Modifications:
% 12/1/2008 - Taub = denominator is adjusted
%             Tau  = denominator is NOT adjusted
%                    (matches USGS Kendall.exe output)
% 1/17/2009 - checks for anomalies and provides solutions and/or
%             notifications.  In support of this for the Seasonal Kendall
%             (which was also updated 1/17/2009), another term was added to
%             the output of this function-- nsigma.
% 6/15/2011 - updated plotting confidence intervals on Sen's slope.  I
%             don't recall my source on developing it, so use at your own
%             peril. That said using the 95/5 percentiles of the comptued
%             individual slopes seems to be reasonable-- I just don't have
%             a paper to back it up.
% 7/23/2011 - added a test for matlab version.
% 8/21/2013 - added citation supporting method of computing confidence
%             intervals for Sen's slope. Thanks goes to Dr. Jeff Thompson
%             for providing the source that backs up my ginned up method
%             (Line 320).
% When calculating trends, there are a few situations that create anomalies
% in the estimates. Foremost, when S = 0, significance will always be
% 100-percent, which is not possible. When this occurs the p-value is
% adjusted by using the computed variance, but assuming S = 1.  However,
% the output from the function will still show S=0 when the case arises.
% Secondly, a statistically significant slope = 0 can occur when there are
% a large number of ties in the data.  In this case, a second test is done
% assuming the number of ties is equal an even number positive and negative
% differences.  Significance is tested again, but the output is only sent
% to the screen.  The p-value returned in the function is still the
% original p-value (and the adjusted p-value for serial correlation).
% Kendall Tau-b is useful when there are a significant number of
% artificially induced tied values.  For example, water quality data that
% has infilled non-detects with half MDL's.  This would create a false
% number of ties simply because of the common technique of infilling an
% unknown quantity with a known estimate of a quantity.
% These test for anomalies and solutions are based on an unpublished paper:
% Anomalies and remedies in non-parametric seasonal trend tests and
% estimates by Graham McBride, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric
% Research, Hamilton New Zealand.  March 2000.
%  Note:  if data are not temporally evenly spaced, Sen's slope becomes
%  inaccurate (a future TODO).
% Requirements: Statistics Toolbox
%     or comment out ztest and manually determine significance
% This function is coded without any loops. While this is extremely fast,
% it does have some limitations to computer memory. For example, if a data
% set is around 10,000 in length, 1.0 GB RAM may or may not work.
% However, I would imagine if memory is a problem for someone with large
% datasets, a person could convert the necessary variables and statements
% to work with sparse matrices.  Which may slow down this function on
% smaller datasets, but the memory issue would greatly diminish.
% Sen's methodology was added in by Curtis DeGasperi- King County, DNRP.
%  reference: Statistical Methods for Environmental Pollution Monitoring,
%  Richard O. Gilbert 1987, ISBN: 0-442-23050-8
% A couple of resources for Mann-Kendall statistics.
%  Statistical Methods in Water Resources
%   By D.R. Helsel and R.M. Hirsch
%        http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/twri/twri4a3/
%  Computer Program for the Kendall Family of Trend Tests
%   by Dennis R. Helsel, David K. Mueller, and James R. Slack
%  Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5275
%  http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2005/5275/downloads/
% Written by Jeff Burkey
% King County, Department of Natural Resources and Parks
% 4/18/2006
% 12/4/2008 (significantly revised)
% email: jeff.burkey@kingcounty.gov
% [taub tau h sig Z S sigma sen n senplot CIlower CIupper D Dall C3] = ktaub(datain, alpha, wantplot)
function [taub tau h sig Z S sigma sen n senplot CIlower CIupper D Dall C3 nsigma] = ktaub(datain, alpha, wantplot)
       %% Check MATLAB version for compatibility
       % Added this version trap since the most common comment I get is
       % they syntax is in error.  So far when people get this error it's
       % because they are using an old version of matlab that does not
       % accept some of the variable names in this function.
       % 7/23/2011 - JJB
       vmat = regexp(version,'d+','match');
       vr = [str2double(vmat{1}) str2double(vmat{2})];
       if vr(1) == 7
           if vr(2) >=9 || vr(1) > 7
               % Then matlab version should work
               txt = 'Your version of matlab is %s. nYou need at least version 7.9 to run.n Some of the syntax will not parse correctly.';
   catch msg
       error('Matlab version is way too old to run this function.');
   % wantplot is a flag to create a figure or not default set to no
   if exist('wantplot','var') == 0
       % user didn't provide assume zero (i.e. no plot)
       wantplot = 0;
   % Data are assumed to be in long columns, hence 'sortrows'
   sorted = sortrows(datain,1);
   % remove any NaNs, if data are missing they should not be included as
   % NaNs.
   sorted(any(isnan(sorted),2),:) = [];
   % return n after removing any NaNs
   n = size(sorted,1);
   % set to NaN if trend is not significant
   senplot = NaN;
   % extract out the data
   row1 = sorted(:,1)';
   row2 = sorted(:,2)';
   clear sorted;
   L1 = length(row1);
   L2 = L1 - 1;
   % find ties
   ro1 = sort(row1)';
   ro2 = sort(row2)';
   [~,b] = unique(ro1);
   [~,e] = unique(ro2);
   clear a c d f ro1 ro2;
   % correcting loss of first value using diff on with unique
   if b(1,1) > 1
       ta = b(1,1);
       ta = 1;
   if e(1,1) > 1
       tb = e(1,1);
       tb = 1;
   bdiff = [ta; diff(b)];
   ediff = [tb; diff(e)];
   clear ta tb b e;
   %% Determine ties used for computing adjusted variance
   tp = sum(bdiff .* (bdiff - 1) .* (2 .* bdiff + 5));
   uq = sum(ediff .* (ediff - 1) .* (2 .* ediff + 5));
   % modified 12/1/2008
   % adjustments when time index has multiple observations
   d1 = 9 * L1 * (L1-1) * (L1-2);
   tu1 = sum(bdiff .* (bdiff - 1) .* (bdiff - 2)) * sum(ediff .* (ediff - 1) .* (ediff - 2)) / d1;
   d2 = 2 * L1 * (L1-1);
   tu2 = sum(bdiff .* (bdiff - 1)) * sum(ediff .* (ediff -1)) / d2;
   % ties used for adjusting denominator in Tau
   t1a = (sum(bdiff .* (bdiff - 1))) / 2;
   t2a = (sum(ediff .* (ediff - 1))) / 2;
   % create matricies to be used for substituting values as indicies
   m1 = repmat((1:L2)',[1 L2]);
   m2 = repmat((2:L1)',[1 L2])';
   % populate matrixes for analysis
   A1 = triu(row1(m1));
   A2 = triu(row1(m2));
   B1 = triu(row2(m1));
   B2 = triu(row2(m2));
   clear m1 m2 row1 row2;
   % Perform pair comparison and convert to sign
   A = sign(A1 - A2);
   B = sign(B1 - B2);
   %% Perform operations to calculate Sen's Slope
   % Median of rate of change among all data points- CLD added 5/3/2006
   A3 = reshape((A1 - A2),L2*L2,1);
   B3 = reshape((B1 - B2),L2*L2,1);
   a = find(A3~=0);
   C3 = sort(B3(a)./A3(a));
   sen = median(C3);
   clear A1 A2 B1 B2 A3 B3 a;
   %% Evaluate concordant and discordant
   % +1 = concordant
   % -1 = discordant
   %  0 = tie
   C = A.*B;
   % Compute S
   S = sum(sum(C,2));
   clear A B C;
   % Calculate denominator with ties removed Tau-b
   D = sqrt(((.5*L1*(L1-1))-t1a)*((.5*L1*(L1-1))-t2a));
   % Calcuation denominator no ties removed Tau
   Dall = L1 * (L1 - 1) / 2;
   % (modified 12/1/2008: added tau)
   tau = S / Dall;
   taub = S / D;
   % adjust for normal approximations and continuity
   if S > 0
       s = S -1;
   elseif S < 0
       s = S + 1;
   elseif S == 0
       s = 0;
   elseif isnan(S)
       error('ErrorTrend:ktaub', 'This function cannot process NaNs. nPlease remove data records with NaNs.n');
   %% Test for abnormalities in data
   % Certain conditions can occur that potentially invalidate this
   % statistic. Conditional statements conduct some tests and provide the
   % user some feedback.
   if S==1
       % Notify user continuity correction is setting S = 0
       fprintf('nTaub Message:  When absolute value S=1,');
       fprintf('n               Continuity correction is setting S = 0.');
       fprintf('n               This will affect calculated significance.n');
   % compute square-root of variance with all ties accounted for in time
   % index and in observation values. - JJB 12/1/2008
   sigma = sqrt(((L1*(L1-1)*(2*L1 + 5) - tp - uq) / 18) + tu1 + tu2);
   % nsigma is used if slope is zero and determined significant.  It is
   % hypothesized that all ties can be represented as an equal number of
   % postive and negative slopes.
   nsigma = sqrt(L1*(L1-1)*(2*L1+5));
   Z = s / sigma;
   % Estimate confidence intervals of Sen's slope
   %      The next line requires STATISTICS Toolbox (norminv)
   %      Zup is a 2-tail Z (i.e. alpha/2)
   % Hollander, M. and Wolfe, D. 1973, Nonparametric statistical methods,
   % Wiley, New York. Chapter 9 (Regression problems involving slope),
   %      Section 3 (A distribution-free confidence interval based on the
   %      Theil test; p. 207 - 208)
   Zup = norminv(1-alpha/2,0,1);
   Calpha = Zup * sigma;
   Nprime = length(C3);
   M1 = (Nprime - Calpha)/2;
   M2 = (Nprime + Calpha)/2 + 1;
   % 2-tail limits
   CIlower = interp1q((1:Nprime),C3,M1);
   CIupper = interp1q((1:Nprime),C3,M2);
   %     clear M1 M2 NPrime Zup Calpha
   % h = 1 : means significance
   % h = 0 : means not significant (i.e. sig < z(sig))
   if s==0
       % Not possible to be 100% certain, force S = 1 and compute p-value
       % using sigma.
       [h, sig] = ztest(1,0,sigma,alpha);
       fprintf('nTaub Message: S = 0. P-value cannot = 100-percent. ');
       fprintf('n              P-value is adjusted using S = 1 and should be reported as p > %1.5f.n',sig);
       if sen~=0
           fprintf('nTaub Message: A non-zero Sens slope occurred when S =0.');
           fprintf('n              This is not an error, more a notification.');
           fprintf('n              This anomaly may occur because the median may be computed');
           fprintf('n              on one value equal to zero and one non-zero, etc.n');
       [h, sig] = ztest(s,0,sigma,alpha);
   % Notify for Sens slope = 0 but is determined significant
   if h==1 && sen==0
       [hh, nsig] = ztest(s,0,nsigma,alpha);
       fprintf('nTaub Message:  There was a significant trend = 0 found.n');
       fprintf('               Retested with ties set to equal number of positve and negative values.n');
       fprintf('               New p-value = %1.5f',nsig);
       if hh==1
           fprintf('.  However trend still found to be significant.n');
           fprintf(', but trend is not found to be significant.n');
   %% Plotting routine
   % Below is a very simplistic plotting routine to plot the Sen slope if
   % the significance is less than 0.05. Uncomment or delete at your
   % leisure.
   if sig<=alpha && wantplot ~= 0  %A plotting example CLD added 5/3/2006
       % Revised plotting 6/14/2011 - JJB
       % Plots the slopes using the median value as the focus point for
       % all three slopes (Sen's and confidence slopes). Is this the
       % correct method? Don't know but seems reasonable. - JJB 6/15/2011
       hold on
       %generate points to represent median slope
       %zero time for the calculation is the first time point
       vv = median(datain(:,2));
       middata = datain(round(length(datain)/2),1);
       slope = vv + sen*(datain(:,1)-middata);
       senplot = [datain(:,1) slope];
       % add confidence intervals
       slope = vv + CIlower*(datain(:,1)-middata);
       slope = vv + CIupper*(datain(:,1)-middata);
       box on
       grid on
       hold off
       %         pause


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