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已有 14327 次阅读 2013-5-2 00:39 |个人分类:理论学习|系统分类:科研笔记| 平面

0. 平面波赝势方法II -flash学习网址









  V(r) = -Ze/r , r>rc
  = 0 , r<rc

  V(r)=ΣK'VK exp(iKR)



2. 摘自


1、 对晶体模型进行了参数收敛性测试,现在想要看看优化之后的晶体的总能量,请问应该怎么看呢?

    优化后的结果文件.Castep有 很多 final energy ,选择最后一个,因为计算是一个迭代的过程。

2、在MS castep中在进行计算之前需进行收敛性测试,我只大概知道步骤是先进行截断能的测试,在得到收敛后,再进行k点取值设置,但是我不太明白,这个收敛的具体含义是什么,是从什么地方的什么值看出其收敛的呢?  


之所以你会觉得“不同的截断能算出来的能量也差不多” 是因为castep自己会根据你所选择的赝势、晶胞尺寸,来提供预设参数。选择fine精度时,这些参数一般是可以满足能量收敛性的。所以在这些参数附近测试,能量值自然变化不大,因为已经收敛了。


其原则是: 基态是能量最低态,只要你找到一个能量最低态,就是基态。

3、几何优化的时候会不会选择高对称性,我每次都选择了 可以最后优化后的晶格常数变化很大,角度也变了,我就是想计算之前选择NO就不会出项这样的结果了,还是有一种说法把晶格固定住,你对于这个问题是怎么看的?



请问k-point到底是怎么回事?有没有相关资料?我不知道如何设置,在例子中经常设置一个中,低或者高,但是文献中经常设置Morkhorst-pack grid, 好像如果表面计算,必须设置这种,但是我不明白是什么意思.




由于晶体对称操作有很多,k 矢量的取值有很多,但对一般的k点,没有解析解,只有在布里渊区中某些高对称点,如r, x或I点才有解析解。所以一个可行的办法就是让k 的取值沿着一定的路径走(通常就是选择一些较高的对称点,来确定k的取值路径),最后回到起点。这里虽然是确定了几个点,其实是通过这几个点形成波矢。

至于K-point设置,一般来说,k点越密越多,计算精度也越高,当然计算成本也越高。 对于k点的需求,金属>>半导体,绝缘体,不过呢,很多时候主要还是受硬件限制简约化可以使k点的数目大大下降。对于原子数较多的体系的计算,就需要谨慎的尝试k点数目,尽量减少k点数目。

Morkhorst-pack grid 是K-point的一种设置方法,目前被大多数计算软件采用

3. 华中科技大学:江建军课件


4. 杂化泛函计算FAQ--HSE计算能带结构




The Choice of a Basis Set - Plane Waves

The Kohn-Sham orbitals, tex2html_wrap_inline2527 in Equation gif, may be represented in terms of any complete basis set. Many choices are possible including atomic orbitals, Gaussians, LAPWgif and plane waves, the basis set we use in practice. The use of a plane wave (PW) basis set offers a number of advantages, including the simplicity of the basis functions, which make no preconceptions regarding the form of the solution, the absence of basis set superposition error, and the ability to efficiently calculate the forces on atoms (See Section gif).

In general, the representation of an arbitrary orbital in terms of a PW basis set would require a continuous, and hence infinite, basis set. However, the imposition of periodic boundary conditions allows the use of Bloch's Theorem [20] whereby the tex2html_wrap_inline2527 may be written


where the sum is over reciprocal lattice vectors tex2html_wrap_inline2531 and tex2html_wrap_inline2533 is a symmetry label which lies within the first Brillouin zone. Thus, the basis set for a given tex2html_wrap_inline2533 will be discrete, although in principle it will still be infinite. In practice, the set of plane waves is restricted to a sphere in reciprocal space most conveniently represented in terms of a cut-off energy, tex2html_wrap_inline2537 , such that for all values of tex2html_wrap_inline2531 used in the expansion


Thus, the convergence of the calculation with respect to basis set may be ensured by variation of a single parameter, tex2html_wrap_inline2537 . This is a significant advantage over many other basis set choices, with which calculated properties often show extreme sensitivity to small changes in basis set and no systematic scheme for convergence is available.

The choice of periodic boundary conditions is natural in the case of bulk solids which exhibit perfect translational symmetry. If we wish to model an isolated molecule we must artificially introduce periodic boundary conditions by construction of a supercell (See Figure gif). In this scheme the calculations are performed on a periodic array of molecules, separated by large vacuum regions. In the limit of large separation between the periodic images, the results will be those for an isolated molecule. Therefore, care must be taken to converge the results with respect to supercell dimensions.

Figure: A schematic illustration of a supercell geometry for a molecule. The boundaries of the supercell are depicted by dashed lines.

The electron density tex2html_wrap_inline2469 and energy are given by averaging the results for all values of tex2html_wrap_inline2533 in the first Brillouin zone,


where tex2html_wrap_inline2547 , and


In an extended system, these integrals are replaced by weighted sums over a discrete set of tex2html_wrap_inline2533 -points which must be carefully selected to ensure convergence of the results [21]. An isolated molecule will exhibit no dispersion, ie. there will be no variation of E and tex2html_wrap_inline2469 with tex2html_wrap_inline2533 . Therefore, these properties need only be calculated at a single tex2html_wrap_inline2533 -point. There has been significant discussion regarding the optimal choice of tex2html_wrap_inline2533 -point for performing calculations on isolated systems [22]. For the molecular calculations presented in this thesis, the tex2html_wrap_inline2561 point, the origin in tex2html_wrap_inline2533 -space, was chosen. This choice confers significant savings in storage and computation, as the coefficients tex2html_wrap_inline2565 may be represented as real numbers, whereas in general they are complex.

The principle disadvantage of the use of a PW basis set is the number of basis functions required to accurately represent the Kohn-Sham orbitals. This problem may be reduced by the use of pseudopotentials as described in the next section, but several hundred basis functions per atom must still be used, compared with a few tens of basis function with the use of some atom-centred basis sets.


The Exchange-Correlation Term

The Kohn-Sham DFT approach to the solution of the many-body Schrödinger equation has not required any approximations thus far. However, the exchange-correlation energy, tex2html_wrap_inline2477 in Equation gif, is defined as the difference between the true functional tex2html_wrap_inline2463 and the remaining terms. As the true form of F is unknown, we must use an approximation for tex2html_wrap_inline2505 .

A number of possible approximations may be made. The simplest, known as the Local Density Approximation (LDA), defines tex2html_wrap_inline2505 as


where tex2html_wrap_inline2509 is the exchange-correlation energy per unit volume of a homogeneous electron gas of density tex2html_wrap_inline2469 . The values of tex2html_wrap_inline2513 were calculated by Ceperly and Alder using Quantum Monte Carlo techniques [13] and parameterised by Perdew and Zunger [14]. Although a gross approximation, LDA has been found to give good results in a wide range of solid state systems [15]. Generalised Gradient Approximations (GGAs) add a term in the gradient of the electron density to the parameterisation of tex2html_wrap_inline2505 . Although GGAs do not offer a consistent improvement over LDA in all types of system, they have been shown to improve on the LDA for calculations of molecular structures [16] and in representing weak inter-molecular bonds [17]. For this reason the GGA due to Perdew and Wang [18] has been used in this thesis. In cases where the external potential is spin dependent, an approximation must be made to tex2html_wrap_inline2505 which depends on both the total electronic density tex2html_wrap_inline2519 and the polarisation tex2html_wrap_inline2521 , where tex2html_wrap_inline2523 and tex2html_wrap_inline2525 are the densities of spin up and spin down electrons respectively. We have used the spin dependent GGA also due to Perdew and Wang [18] for the spin-dependent calculations presented in this thesis.

The reasons for the success of these approximations are not well understood, although this may be partially attributed to the fact that both obey the sum rule for the exchange-correlation hole in the electron density [19]. Certainly, LDA and GGAs give rise to a systematic overestimation of the electronic binding energy. However, differences in energies may be accurately computed and it is these which are important for the estimation of physical and chemical properties.


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