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已有 3816 次阅读 2011-5-8 21:45 |个人分类:读书笔记|系统分类:人文社科

今年一月份去书店闲逛,发现了一本题为《Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment》的书,随便翻翻,觉得挺有意思;尽管价格高昂,$25,但是对于这种“一见钟情”的书我一向没有抗拒力,就毫不犹豫地买了下来。回家花了一个星期仔细阅读,并且结合自身经历做了很多笔记;读完后,真有一种“相见恨晚”的感觉!我以为,这大概是迄今为止我读过的最实用的一本哲学或者说心理学书籍吧!

最近重读此书,发现作者Tal Ben-Shahar 原来是网上广为流传的哈佛幸福学的创始人。他于96年获得哈佛哲学和心理学学士学位,04年获得哈佛心理学博士学位,研究方向为组织心理学,师从Philip Stone, 哈佛第一个讲授积极心理学的教授。Shahar 2002年第一次在哈佛开设积极心理学讲座,注册学生只有8人,其中两人在中途退学;次年学生数增加到350人,并且在年终评价中20%的学生称该课程提高了自己的生活质量;到2006年再次开设此课程时,注册人数已经达到855人,成为哈佛最受欢迎的课程。07年出版的《Happier》一书即依据该课程编撰而成,两年后,他又出版了该书的姊妹篇《The Pursuit of Perfect: How to Stop Chasing Perfection and Start Living a Richer, Happier Life》。两部书都旨在回答一个终极问题(the question of questions):我们如何才能帮助自己和别人变得幸福?

Shahar关于幸福学的研究起源于他16岁获得以色列全国壁球比赛冠军。原以为获奖可以给他带来持久的幸福感,并缓解他在长期的艰苦训练中滋长的无聊和烦躁, 他在经历了短暂的狂欢后即陷入了深深的空虚和无助。他开始怀疑自己之前的执着和为之的付出是否值得,怀疑获得世界冠军会给他带来更深的空虚而不是如他人所说的更大的幸福感。抱着寻求答案的态度,他去哈佛学习哲学和心理学,并且此后一直致力于帮助更多的人生活更幸福。

Shahar 认为,幸福(happiness)是人类生存的最终目标(ultimate currency),它不同于快乐(pleasure),狂喜(ecstasy)和满足(contentment), 后者更倾向于一种短暂的快感,而前者则代表着一种长期的心理状态,并不取决于暂时的心理状态,比如人们可以在伤心的时候感到幸福。幸福是没有极限的,所以人们追求的应该是如何使自己变得更幸福。很多人之所以不幸福,往往是因为没有处理好过去,现在和未来的快乐之间的关系。这些人大体可以分为以下三类:只关注于现在享乐而不思考未来幸福的人--享乐主义者(hedonist),过分执着于未来幸福而放弃眼前快乐的人--鼠赛车手(rat racer)以及被过去的失败束缚了手脚不敢追求现在和未来幸福的人--虚无主义者(nihilist)。人们在不同的人生阶段可能分属三类人中的不同类,比如中学以前可能是享乐主义者,中学和大学阶段变成了鼠赛车手,而走入社会后因为挫折失败变成了虚无主义者。真正正确的做法是努力协调现在和未来快乐的比例,获得持久的幸福。尽管这个问题没有一劳永逸的答案,但是Shahar也提出了一些指导性的意见:

1. Give yourself permission to be human. When we accept emotions — such as fear, sadness, or anxiety — as natural, we are more likely to overcome them. Rejecting our emotions, positive or negative, leads to frustration and unhappiness.

2. Happiness lies at the intersection between pleasure and meaning. Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. When this is not feasible, make sure you have happiness boosters, moments throughout the week that provide you with both pleasure and meaning.

3. Keep in mind that happiness is mostly dependent on our state of mind, not on our status or the state of our bank account. Barring extreme circumstances, our level of well being is determined by what we choose to focus on (the full or the empty part of the glass) and by our interpretation of external events. For example, do we view failure as catastrophic, or do we see it as a learning opportunity?

4. Simplify! We are, generally, too busy, trying to squeeze in more and more activities into less and less time. Quantity influences quality, and we compromise on our happiness by trying to do too much.

5. Remember the mind-body connection. What we do — or don't do — with our bodies influences our mind. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy eating habits lead to both physical and mental health.

6. Express gratitude, whenever possible. We too often take our lives for granted. Learn to appreciate and savor the wonderful things in life, from people to food, from nature to a smile.








 可生命总免不了最初的一阵痛 ”

-----王菲 《天上人间》


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