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David HU博士的研究成果视频

已有 4926 次阅读 2014-7-14 22:09 |系统分类:科研笔记| 交叉学科, David, 动物行为, 生物动力学, HU博士

David HU博士发过来的情况介绍中,添加了他研究工作成果的一些视频(http://hu.gatech.edu)。这些视频通俗地介绍了他几个有趣的发现。但是这些视频难以直接打开。由于科学网不能直接上载视频,我把搜到的几个视频上传到腾讯视频,和感兴趣的朋友、同事和学生分享。

1、雨中飞蚊,How Mosquitoes Fly in the Rain (English)

Dickerson, A., Shankles, P., Madhaven, N., Hu, D. L. (2012) Mosquitoes survive raindrop collisions by virtue of their low mass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 109 (25) 9822-9827.

2、犬摆脱水,Wet Dog Shaking in Slow Motiontion

Dickerson, A., Mills, Z. & Hu, D. L. (2012) Wet mammals shake at tuned frequencies to dry. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 

3、蚁筏渡江,Ant Rafts

Mlot,N., Tovey, C. & Hu, D.L. (2011) Fire ants self-assemble into waterproof rafts to survive floods.  Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences, USA. 108: 7669-7673.

Foster, P. C., Mlot, N. J., Lin, A. and Hu, D. L. (2014). Fire ants actively control spacing and orientation within self-assemblages. Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 2089-2100.


Marvi, H. & Hu, D. L. (2012) Friction enhancement in concertina locomotion of snakes.  Journal of the Royal Society Interface.

5、The Other Golden Rule

Yang, P.J., Pham, J., Choo, J., Hu, D.L. (2014) Duration of urination does not change with body size. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA.


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