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分享一篇Phys Rev B 的经历

已有 20360 次阅读 2011-1-22 12:45 |个人分类:论文故事|系统分类:科研笔记| 投稿, SiC, 缺陷, 载流子寿命, EBIC

Evidence for a general mechanism modulating carrier lifetime in SiC
                                                   Physical Review B 81,233203 (2010).
博士期间从事的是半导体方面的研究,材料主要是SiC与Si半导体。从选择这个课题开始,自己头脑中就有一个大概的认识,以后的研究将主要是应用物理方面的。这个认识从某种程度上圈定了以后发文章什么的,最好的也只能往Appl Phys Lett和J Appl Phys等等应用物理类杂志去投稿;有点物理现象内涵的,倒可以向Phys Rev Lett和Phys Rev B去碰碰运气;像纳米方面的高影响杂志,几乎不可能或者非常非常的难。
在做实验的过程中,发现采用电子线辐照的方法可以在SiC中生成一种很理想的Stacking fault,没有任何interface roughness和composition difference,参照下图,而且实验验证这种stacking fault是一直很理想的量子阱结构。其中夹杂着一个很有趣的物理现象:少数载流子的寿命minority carrier lifetime这些Stacking faults上得到了增强。一般都认为Stacking faults是一直缺陷,而缺陷是减少少数载流子寿命的。当发现这个现象后,老板很高兴,说可以投Nature Mater。说实话,自己还非常认认真真的准备了一番,从Nature Mater的写作格式到前前后后的讨论,花了大概一年多。后来投出去了,得到的却是编辑的据信:
Dear Mr Chen,
Thank you for submitting your manuscript "Post-growth designing the ideal quantum well structures through defect engineering" to Nature Materials, which we regret we are unable to publish.
Because there is intense competition for space within the pages of Nature Materials, we must decline a substantial proportion of manuscripts without sending them to referees, so that they may be sent elsewhere without delay. Decisions of this kind are made by the editorial staff when it appears that papers are unlikely to succeed in the competition for limited space.
Among the considerations that arise at this stage are a manuscript's probable interest to a general materials research readership, the pressure on space in the various sub-disciplines of materials research covered by Nature Materials and the likelihood that the manuscript would seem of great topical interest to those working in the same or related areas of materials research.
And I am sorry to have to say that we must take this view in the present case. We certainly recognize that this is an interesting work and we agree that your demonstration of a quantum well in SiC generated by the electron beam induction of stacking faults deserves rapid publication in some venue. However, although we feel sure that your results will be of interest and value for other specialists, I regret to say that we cannot conclude that the manuscript provides the sort of fundamental advance in general understanding or technological capability that would be likely to excite the immediate interest of a wide audience of materials scientists. Therefore, we feel that the paper would find a better outlet in a more specialized journal, rather than Nature Materials.
We are sorry that we could not be more positive on this occasion, but we thank you for your interest in the journal. Please note that our decision does not reflect any doubts about the quality of the work reported, and I hope you will rapidly receive a more favourable response elsewhere.

收到据信,心里自然不是好过,毕竟准备了那么多时间,但现实也只能是move on呢。由于本文含有有趣的物理现象,我们最后决定投Phys Rev B试试。刚开始的几天,也是在等待编辑的审判,后来查询论文状态,写的是在审稿中,说明第一关prescreen已经过了,心里也安心了一些,然后就是漫长的等待。


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