Tetsuro Matsuzawa Distinguished Professor of Kyoto University Institute for Advanced StudyProfessor of Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University. 松泽哲郎教授1974年毕业于京都大学文学系哲学专业。理学博士。专业领域:比较认知科学。曾任京都大学灵长类研究所所长,现任国际灵长类学会会长、中部学院大学客座教授、日本学术会议会员。获得紫色缎带勋章。珍妮·古德尔奖等。 松泽哲郎教授从1978年开始了名为《小爱项目》的研究,致力于了解黑猩猩的心智。从1986年开始,每年赴非洲进行野生黑猩猩的生态调查。从2000年开始,以小爱和儿子小步为起点,以三对黑猩猩母子为对象,致力于知识、技术如果传承给下一代的研究,通过这样的黑猩猩研究,探寻人类心智、行为的进化起源。开创了一门叫做“比较认知科学”的新学科。
About the courseThe human mind is an evolutionary product, just like the body. However, the mind does not remain in fossil form like bones and teeth. Therefore, to better study and understand our minds their evolutionary origins we need to compare our cognitive features with those of different living primates. This approach is called "Comparative Cognitive Science (CCS)". CCS is a unique combination of Psychology and Primatology. CCS tries to give answers to the fundamental questions such as "what is uniquely human?", "where did it come from?”, "how did we get here?”, and "where do we go?" This intensive course focuses on chimpanzees, the closest relatives of humans.
This course covers selected areas of current research on CCS. We focus on behavioral studies of nonhuman animals, especially chimpanzees. Since the chimpanzee and the human share the latest common ancestor, only about five million years ago, this great ape provides the key to understanding our nature.
What you'll learn· The latest methodology of Comparative Cognitive Science · Similarities and differences between human and non-human primates · The current state of wild chimpanzees in Bossou