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Web Service Composition 综述

已有 2864 次阅读 2013-5-27 20:48 |个人分类:Software|系统分类:科研笔记


##A Survey of Automated Web Service Composition Methods

Jinghai Rao and Xiaomeng Su

(draft, no published version)




In today’s Web, Web services are created and updated on
the fly. It’s already beyond the human ability to analysis them and generate
the composition plan manually. A number of approaches have been
proposed to tackle that problem. Most of them are inspired by the researches
in cross-enterprise workflow and AI planning. This paper gives
an overview of recent research efforts of automatic Web service composition
both from the workflow and AI planning research community.

##1 Introduction


A Survey of Automated Web Service Composition Methods.pdf



##A Survey on Web Services Composition

Schahram Dustdar and Wolfgang Schreiner

Technical Report, no published version 



Due to their heterogeneous nature, which stems from the definition of
several XML-based standards to overcome platform and language dependence,
Web Services have become an emerging and promising technology
to design and build complex inter-enterprise business applications out of
single Web-based software components. To establish the existence of a
global component market in order to enforce extensive software reuse, service
composition experienced increasing interest in doing a lot of research
effort. This paper discusses the urgent need for service composition, required
technologies to perform service composition, presents several different
composition strategies, based on some currently existing composition
platforms and frameworks representing first implementations of stateof
the-art technologies and gives an outlook to essential future research
work in the area of service composition.

Keywords: Web Services, Coordination, Transaction, Context,
Conversation Modeling, Service Execution, Quality of Service, Service


A Survey onWeb Services.pdf



##A Survey on Service Composition Approaches: From Industrial Standards to Formal Methods

Maurice H. ter Beek1, Antonio Bucchiarone1;2, and Stefania Gnesi1


Composition of services has received much interest to sup-
port business-to-business and enterprise applications integration. The
business world has developed a number of XML-based standards to for-
malize the speciˉcation of web services, their composition and their exe-
cution. On the other hand, the semantic web community focuses on rea-
soning about web resources by explicitly declaring their preconditions
and e®ects with terms deˉned precisely in ontologies. Current service
composition approaches range from practical languages aspiring to be-
come industrial standards (e.g. BPEL and OWL-S) to more theoretical
models and languages (e.g. automata, Petri nets, and process algebras).
In this paper we present a survey of existing proposals for service com-
position and compare them among each other with respect to some key
requirements. We hope this helps service composition designers and de-
velopers to focus their e®orts and to deliver lasting solutions, while at
the same time addressing the technology's critical needs.

1 Introduction




A Survey on Service Composition Approaches From Industrial Standards to Formal Methods.pdf


##Current Solutions for Web Service Composition (综述文章)
Web service composition lets developers create applications on top of serviceoriented
computing’s native description, discovery, and communication capabilities. Such applications are rapidly deployable and offer developers reuse possibilities and users seamless access to a variety of complex services. There are many existing approaches to service composition, ranging from abstract methods
to those aiming to be industry standards. The authors describe four key issues for Web service composition.
  author's objective: to offer a survey of existing proposals for Web service composition, and compare them with respect to four key requirements
 SOC thus offers three native capabilities: description, discovery, and communication. 
 Web services are a typical SOC example:
 Service composition mechanism satisfy several requirements: connectivity, nonfunctional quality-of-service properties,correctness, and scalability.
1 Service Composition Requirements
1) connectivity
2) nonfunctional QoS properties
3) correctness
4) scale
2 Web Service Composition Approaches
 Semantic Web (OWL-S):
 Pi calculus:Algebraic Process Composition
 Petri Nets:
 Model Checking and Finite-State Machines:
3 Method Comparison
3.1 Connectivity and Nonfunctional Properties
3.2 Composition Correctness
3.3 Automatic Composition
3.4 Composition Scalability
4 Conclusion
好的入门综述,本文的关键在于Table I

Current Solutions for Web Service Composition.pdf


##Towards Liquid Service Oriented Architectures

Daniele Bonetta, supervised by Cesare Pautasso

WWW 2011 – Ph. D. Symposium

   The advent of Cloud computing platforms, and the growing pervasiveness of Multicore processor architectures have revealed the inadequateness of traditional programming models based on sequential computations, opening up many challenges for research on parallel programming models for building distributed, service-oriented systems. More in detail, the dynamic nature of Cloud computing and its virtualized infrastructure pose new challenges in term of application design, deployment and dynamic reconfiguration. An application developed to be delivered as a service in the Cloud has to deal with poorly understood issues such as elasticity, infinite scalability and portability across heterogeneous virtualized environments. In this position paper we define the problem of providing a novel parallel programming model for building application services that can be transparently deployed on multicore and cloud execution environments.
To this end, we introduce and motivate a research plan for the definition of a novel programming framework for Web service-based applications. Our vision called “Liquid Architecture”is based on a programming model inspired by core ideas tied to the REST architectural style coupled with a
self-configuring runtime that allows transparent deployment of Web services on a broad range of heterogeneous platforms, from multicores to clouds.
Keywords: REST, Web Services, Programming Models, Performance,
Liquid Architectures
1.1 Research Challenges

 three key elements:

3.1 Service Oriented Programming Model
 the Actor model
 Erlang and Scala

 Actors Reactors: RESTful actors.

3.2 Liquid Runtime Support
 three features:
 -- Reactors compilation
 -- Reactors communication
 -- Reactor deployment
3.3 Liquid Services Standard Library
 two features: a shared memory and a service composition engine.
4.1 Results and Current Status of the Research

Towards liquid service oriented architectures.pdf  


##Web Services Composition: A Story of Models, Automata, and Logics

Richard Hull

ICWS 2005



  • The OWL-S model

    • (time-varying) first-order logic

  • The “Roman” model

    • finite state automata

  • The Conversation model

    • local vs. global


Web services composition  a story of models, automata, and logics.pdf



##Web 服务组合综述

李景霞 侯紫峰
计算机应用研究  2005

关键词:Web 服务;WSDL;语义Web;OWL-S;Web服务组合
 Web 服务:  基于网络的、分布式的、自描述的、模块化的组件,它执行特定的任务,遵循一定的技术规范,提供了面向Internet 应用的统一服务注册、发现、绑定和集成机制,成为广域环境下实现互操作的一种主要机制
1  Web服务体系结构
 Web 服务体系结构三种角色:
2 服务的描述
2.1 WSDL
2.2 OWL-S
3 Web服务组合
3.1 基于BPEL4WS服务组合
 BPEL4WS(Business Process Execution Language for Web Services,Web 服务的商业流程执行语言)
3.2  模型驱动的Web服务组合
3.3  基于AI 规划的Web服务组合
4 总结与展望




一种Web 服务综合描述模型
 马于涛 张海粟 刘玉超 陈桂生
电子与信息学报   Vol.34No.3  2012 年3 月 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
摘 要
 Web 2.0 时代,人网交互的便捷赋予了Web 服务更多的社会化特性(如评分、评论等),却往往被服务的提供者忽视,导致难以有效实现基于用户体验的服务推荐。针对不同的用户视角,该文提出了一种Web 服务综合描述模型,以多视图的方式集成Web 服务的技术属性(如操作、消息等)和社会化特性。首先,从逻辑设计的角度出发,给出了其概念模型;然后,从工程应用的角度出发,构造其元模型,指导具体模型的设计;最后,根据一个应用案例,验证了方法的可行性。该模型和相关工具将为实现服务超市中服务的主动推荐奠定基础。

关键词:Web 服务;社会化特性;多视图;元模型
1 引言
 Web 服务:
 两类主流Web服务:  Big Web 服务 and RESTful Web 服务
 -- OWL-S (Web Ontology Language for Services)
 -- WSMO (Web Service Modeling Ontology)
 基于QoS 的Big Web 服务动态发现、选择、配置和组合等研究
 Folksonomy:   评分(rating)、标签(tag)、评论(comment)
  本文贡献: 从用户(包括大众用户和服务注册中心管理者)不同的视角出发提出一种综合描述模型,以多视图的方式有机融合Web 服务的技术特性和社会化特性,辅助服务的个性化搜索和主动推荐,并通过“需求-服务-体验”的反馈模式提升Web 服务的质量。
 1) 第2 节介绍Web 服务综合描述模型的设计思路;
 2) 第3 节从逻辑设计的角度构建该模型的概念模型;
 3) 第4 节从工程应用的角度给出该模型的元模型;
 4) 第5 节给出了一个根据本文所述方法构造的Web 服务注册库的案例,并与目前主流方法进行了优缺点对比;
 5) 第6 节为结束语。

2 设计思路
 Web 服务:  功能特性(如接口、操作、输入输出参数、消息等) +  QoS 属性(如可用性、可靠性等)
 the drawbacks:  忽视了使用者的偏好、体验评价等重要社会化信息
 挑战性问题:  如何有效发现和充分利用互联网上可用的Web 服务,即从被动的搜索到主动的推荐?
 author's idea:  仅仅提供描述规范来表征Web 服务是不够的,应从情境、内容、流程、使用等方面综合考虑,通过语
义理解、QoS 量化等手段与大众用户的需求和体验评价进行关联,从而形成一个较为完整的综合性描述模型。

2.1 基本框架
 -- 提供者: 看重的是功能和用途,却忽视使用者的感受和反馈;
 -- 使用者: 看重的是质量和品质,但选择时往往会受到其他人的影响;
 SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
 综合描述模型的基本框架如图1 所示
 需求-服务-体验 反馈模式
2.2 多视图组织方式
3 概念模型的设计
3.1 顶层概念
 图2 显示Web服务综合描述模型主要顶层概念,使用ER 图(Entity Relationship Diagram)的方式表示
3.2 视图层概念
 视图层的主要概念如图 3(ER 图方式)所示
3.3 视图模板示例
 图4 给出了一个视图模板及其之间语义关联的例子
4 元模型的构建
 图5 显示的是使用UML 表示的Web 服务综合描述模型的元模型
5 应用案例分析
5.1 模型的实现
5.2 描述一个Web 服务的注册信息
5.3 社会化信息对服务选择的影响
  箱线图(box and whisker plot)
  Kruskal-Wallis 测试
6 结束语
I comment:
 I interest in the role of social information in Web service selection.


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下一篇:review: Branching Time and Abstraction in Bisimulation Seman
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