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听一个博士生毕业汇报演讲有感 精选

已有 10646 次阅读 2010-10-14 03:58 |个人分类:观点|系统分类:海外观察| 博士, 演讲, biology, Systems

在一前文中,我谈到西方大学很注重培养学生的创新思维。这也与西人的性格有关,性格较外向,喜欢表达自己。只要不出格,不抄袭,是自己的独创,教授一般都很宽容。刚好一位博士生的汇报演讲很好地说明了这一点。Daniel的课题是系统生物(systems biology), 基因网络方面的研究。他的本行是IT, 转为生物信息学的研究。以前开会,曾与他共处过,知道这个人比较讲'情调',会议晚上喜欢饮点好葡萄酒,甚至点几根蜡烛之类。以前听过他的一个小talk, 确实是演讲好手,喜欢把问题往浅里说。 读了四年,终于可以毕业了。他的毕业汇报题目'Gene network inference and application', 题目吸引人,所以房间坐满了人,听众来自几个系,院。

的确是好好准备过的,一开始就把大家吸引住了:他一个橄榄球为例(现场有一真正橄榄球),要从众多基因之间理清它们互相之间如何相互作用,正如一个不知橄榄球为何物的人要从那二十个跑来跑去的人总结出游戏规则一样。在这千头万绪之中,可能有个别基因‘出轨’的事,Daniel则用了一张橄榄球场上一个裸奔的球迷照片作为analog. 全场大笑。



象这样的在一个比较正规的学术演讲场合的表演可能在国内很难看到。从科学上讲,这种风格适合于轻松的open talk, 很多听众对这个题目不了解的情形。对小同行,则需要更学术一些。


My research focuses on inferring regulatory networks from gene expression data, and applying them to problems in human biology. In this talk I shall explain what a gene network is and how it might be useful, describe some new tools and ideas developed to make better use of gene expression data, and show some of the most exciting results we have found in different types of cells.

In particular, I shall show some examples of using network inference techniques to study transcription factor interactions in endothelial cells, and explain a new hypothesis we have proposed to account for interactions up- and down-stream of particular transcription factors.

Finally, I shall talk about our work on malignant melanoma, and show some results from combining a new gene expression dataset with published clinical data from patient tumours to identify previously unknown master regulators associated with differences in survival of melanoma patients.


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