联 合 公 告
主办单位:上海系统科学研究院, 工业与应用数学学会复杂网络专业委员会
2009年《Science》发表了以复杂系统与复杂网络为题的专辑,该专辑从不同角度回顾了复杂网络的十年发展历程,并对当前面临的问题和可能的发展方向进行了探讨。我国系统科学界也于2002年就开始推动复杂网络的研究,八年来取得了很多很好的成果和经验,有需要也有可能从系统科学的视角进行回顾和思考:1、有哪些复杂网络的理论和方法可以丰富系统科学,启迪和推动解决系统科学的问题? 2、系统科学学科的思想、理论和方法,对于复杂网络面临的问题和进一步的发展,是否可能起某些作用?本次专题研讨会就是围绕上述问题进行交流和讨论。
The 4th China-Europe Summer School on Complexity Sciences
Time: 10th-14th, August, 2010
Place: Shanghai University for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
Working Language: English
Joint Sponsors:
University of Electronic Science and Technology of
EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
Yi-Cheng Zhang (UF)
Jianwei Zhang (
Bing-Hong Wang (USTC)
Tao Zhou (UESTC)
Organizing Committee :
Jianguo Liu, Ming-Hui Ma, Yin Su, Jinhu Lv
Topics : Complex network, complex systems and statistical physics
The complex network has been attractive in recent ten years not only as the pattern discovered ubiquitously in real world, but also as the unifying framework to understand inherent complexity in nature. The topics of interests in this workshop will cover fundamental concepts and mathematical features of complex networks as well as their applications in a variety of disciplines including physics, biology, information science, sociology, and economics. The discussion emphasis will be laid on the following focusing subjects.
(1) Fundamental theory and statistical physics for the complex systems based on network structure
(2) Synchronization and control of chaos in nonlinear dynamical systems
(3) Topology structure, function and dynamics of the complex networks
(4) Cascading and synchronization in the complex network
(5) Epidemic spreading and opinion promulgation along the networks
(6) Consensus and swarm for self-driven agents
(7) Dynamical modeling and statistical mechanical analysis of human behaviors
(8) Social network analysis, social dynamics and social physics
(9) Complex adaptive systems, minority game and econophysics
(10) Cooperation evolution and game models
(11) Phase transition and self-organized criticality in traffic flow, city vehicle transportation complex system
(12) Systems biology and life complexity
(13) Information physics: All researches on information based on internet and carried on by means of statistical physics could be called information physics. The important questions that will be discussed in this program include: (a) Data mining and presonalized recommendation on world-wide web; (b) User behavior analysis in Web; (c) Internet and WWW's frames and mechanism of evolution; and (d) Dynamics research on Internet and WWW.
Invited Speakers(to be confirmed):
All the Chinese invited speakers in the above Meeting (August 9th-10th) are welcom to attend this School and present the scienetific reports ( with another topic and in English)
Erik Aurell (KTH)
Guido Caldarelli (
Xueqi Cheng (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS)
Santo Fortunato (Institute for Scientific Interchange)
Hans Herrmann (ETH
Petter Holme (Royal Institute of Technology)
Ji-Ping Huang (
Pak-Ming Hui (CUHK)
Mogens Jensen (Bohr Institute)
Hawoong Jeong (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Beom Jun Kim (Sungkyunkwan University,
Baowen Li /Jie Ren (
Xiang Li (
Vittorio Loreto (
Zhi-Ming Ma (
Enzo Marinari (
Matteo Marsili (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
Andrea De Martino (Rome University)
Frank Schweitzer (ETH Zurich)
Michael Small (
Didier Sornette (ETH
Haitao Zhang (
Jianwei Zhang (UH)
Bo Zheng (Zhejiang University)
Changsong Zhou (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Haijun Zhou (Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS)
Weixing Zhou (
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