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Systematic Review 系统化综述 (中英对照文本)

已有 23473 次阅读 2012-1-27 16:23 |个人分类:其他论文学习|系统分类:科研笔记| 系统化综述

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement


下面关于PRISMA综述指南的资料,整理自文献[1](即中文译文, 下载地址为http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?QueryID=1&CurRec=1&DbCode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDLAST2010&filename=XBZX200909021)和文献[2](即英文原文, 下载地址为:http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed.1000097);译文[1]刊登于2009年的《中西医结合学报》。本文将中文英文对照在一起,并作了少量的标点修饰或修改。整理该资料的目的是让阅读者可以方便地对比参考;特别地,该指南不仅仅是医学相关领域的综述研究的准则,也可用于其他学科;许多杂志(例如PLOS)只接受符合PRISMA规范的综述而不接受其它类型的综述。





为了提高系统综述和荟萃分析文章报告的质量,2009年由国际著名专家组成的系统综述和荟萃分析优先报告的条目(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-AnalysesPRISMA)小组在国际重要医学期刊包括《英国医学杂志》、《临床流行病学杂志》、《内科学年鉴》和美国《公共科学图书馆医学杂志》等同步发表了《系统综述与荟萃分析优先报告条目:PRISMA声明》。该标准的制定对于改进和提高系统综述和荟萃分析的报告质量将起到重要作用。该声明较以往制定的《随机对照试验荟萃分析报告质量》(Quality of Reporting of Meta-Analyses),即(QUOROM声明)更加全面、完善。由于近年来国内外对系统综述的高度重视,发表的文章数量也越来越多,因此,有必要规范报告的标准,提高报告的质量。这份声明对系统综述和荟萃分析类文章报告的27个条目及流程图进行了定义和介绍,对相关条目进行了详细的解释和说明。及时向国内读者和临床试验研究人员介绍该声明具有重要的现实意义和学术价值。北京中医药大学循证医学中心刘建平等在第一时间内翻译了该声明,本刊希望通过介绍中文版《系统综述与荟萃分析优先报告的条目:PRISMA声明》,以进一步提高国内系统综述文章撰写和报告的质量,同时也有助于改进研究设计的方法学质量。

本文的英文原文“Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysesthe PRISMA statement”发表于PLoS Med 20096(7)e1000097doi101371journalpmed1000097该文中文版本由北京中医药大学循证医学中心李迅、曹卉娟翻译,刘建平审校(Tel010-64286760E-mailjianping_I@hotmailcorn)。中文译文的翻译出版由国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目资助(No2006CB504602)






Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have become increasingly important in health care. Clinicians read them to keep up to date with their field [1],[2], and they are often used as a starting point for developing clinical practice guidelines. Granting agencies may require a systematic review to ensure there is justification for further research [3], and some health care journals are moving in this direction[4]. As with all research, the value of a systematic review depends on what was done, what was found, and the clarity of reporting. As with other publications, the reporting quality of systematic reviews varies, limiting readers' ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of those reviews.


Several early studies evaluated the quality of review reports. In 1987, Mulrow examined 50 review articles published in four leading medical journals in 1985 and 1986 and found that none met all eight explicit scientific criteria, such as a quality assessment of included studies [5]. In 1987, Sacks and colleagues [6] evaluated the adequacy of reporting of 83 meta-analyses on 23 characteristics in six domains. Reporting was generally poor; between one and 14 characteristics were adequately reported (mean = 7.7; standard deviation = 2.7). A 1996 update of this study found little improvement[7].

先前已经有过一些文章评价综述报告的质量。1987年,Mulrow4本当时处于领先水平的医学期刊在1985年与1986年发表的50篇综述文章进行了评估,发现没有一篇符合所有8项明确的科学规范,例如,对纳入研究的质量进行评估[5]。同年,Sacks及其同事[6]83meta分析进行了报告充分程度的评价,评价涉及6个领域23个特征。总体来说报告质量较低,83meta分析只有114项条目被充分报告,均值(mean)77,标准差(standard deviation)2.71996年做了一次更新,10年过去了,这个情况几乎没有改善[7]

In 1996, to address the suboptimal reporting of meta-analyses, an international group developed a guidance called the QUOROM Statement (QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-analyses), which focused on the reporting of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials [8]. In this article, we summarize a revision of these guidelines, renamed PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses), which have been updated to address several conceptual and practical advances in the science of systematic reviews (Box 1).

1996年,为了使meta分析报告中这些不尽如人意的情况得到改善,一个国际性小组发布了一部名为meta分析报告的质量(Quality of Reportingof Meta-AnalysesQUOROM)的指南,该指南着重关注随机对照试验meta分析的报告[8]。本文对原有的指南进行修订并总结,同时将其更名为系统综述和meta分析优先报告的条目(Preferred ReportingItems for Systematic Reviews and MetaAnalysesPRISMA),有针对性地考虑了当前系统综述一些概念上和实际应用中的新发展。见框表1


Box 1: Conceptual Issues in the Evolution from QUOROM to PRISMA 框表1:从QUOROMPRISMA过程中的一些概念问题 

Completing a Systematic Review Is an Iterative Process

The conduct of a systematic review depends heavily on the scope and quality of included studies: thus systematic reviewers may need to modify their original review protocol during its conduct. Any systematic review reporting guideline should recommend that such changes can be reported and explained without suggesting that they are inappropriate. The PRISMA Statement (Items 5, 11, 16, and 23) acknowledges this iterative process. Aside from Cochrane reviews, all of which should have a protocol, only about 10% of systematic reviewers report working from a protocol [22]. Without a protocol that is publicly accessible, it is difficult to judge between appropriate and inappropriate modifications.


Conduct and Reporting Research Are Distinct Concepts

This distinction is, however, less straightforward for systematic reviews than for assessments of the reporting of an individual study, because the reporting and conduct of systematic reviews are, by nature, closely intertwined. For example, the failure of a systematic review to report the assessment of the risk of bias in included studies may be seen as a marker of poor conduct, given the importance of this activity in the systematic review process [37].


Study-Level Versus Outcome-Level Assessment of Risk of Bias

For studies included in a systematic review, a thorough assessment of the risk of bias requires both a “study-level” assessment (e.g., adequacy of allocation concealment) and, for some features, a newer approach called “outcome-level” assessment. An outcome-level assessment involves evaluating the reliability and validity of the data for each important outcome by determining the methods used to assess them in each individual study [38]. The quality of evidence may differ across outcomes, even within a study, such as between a primary efficacy outcome, which is likely to be very carefully and systematically measured, and the assessment of serious harms [39], which may rely on spontaneous reports by investigators. This information should be reported to allow an explicit assessment of the extent to which an estimate of effect is correct [38].

在一个系统综述中对纳入研究可能存在的偏倚进行深入的风险评估。不仅要求“研究层面”(study level)的评估(例如随机分配方案的隐藏是否充分),针对某些特点,还需要一种新的方法,称为“结局层面”(outcome level)的评估。其过程涉及每一项单个研究中通过判断它们各自对重要结局的测量方法来评价这些重要结局相关数据的可靠性与真实性[38]。对于不同的结局,证据的质量也可能有所不同,甚至在同一个研究中也会如此。比如对一个主要疗效结局的评估和一个严重危害的评估[39]就有可能很不一样,因为前者的测量往往非常细致并且系统,后者却未必。这样的信息应该进行报告,从而对正确评价疗效的范围进行明确而详细的评估[38]

Importance of Reporting Biases

Different types of reporting biases may hamper the conduct and interpretation of systematic reviews. Selective reporting of complete studies (e.g., publication bias) [28] as well as the more recently empirically demonstrated “outcome reporting bias” within individual studies [40],[41]should be considered by authors when conducting a systematic review and reporting its results. Though the implications of these biases on the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews themselves are unclear, some previous research has identified that selective outcome reporting may occur also in the context of systematic reviews [42].


Terminology 术语


The terminology used to describe a systematic review and meta-analysis has evolved over time. One reason for changing the name from QUOROM to PRISMA was the desire to encompass both systematic reviews and meta-analyses. We have adopted the definitions used by the Cochrane Collaboration [9]. A systematic review is a review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review. Statistical methods (meta-analysis) may or may not be used to analyze and summarize the results of the included studies. Meta-analysis refers to the use of statistical techniques in a systematic review to integrate the results of included studies.


Developing the PRISMA Statement 制定和完善《PRISMA声明》


A three-day meeting was held in Ottawa, Canada, in June 2005 with 29 participants, including review authors, methodologists, clinicians, medical editors, and a consumer. The objective of the Ottawa meeting was to revise and expand the QUOROM checklist and flow diagram, as needed.


The executive committee completed the following tasks, prior to the meeting: a systematic review of studies examining the quality of reporting of systematic reviews, and a comprehensive literature search to identify methodological and other articles that might inform the meeting, especially in relation to modifying checklist items. An international survey of review authors, consumers, and groups commissioning or using systematic reviews and meta-analyses was completed, including the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) and the Guidelines International Network (GIN). The survey aimed to ascertain views of QUOROM, including the merits of the existing checklist items. The results of these activities were presented during the meeting and are summarized on the PRISMA Web site (http://www.prisma-statement.org/).

在会议之前,执行委员会完成了以下工作:一项关于评价系统综述报告质量研究的系统综述(或译为:完成一项关于“系统综述质量”的各项研究之系统综述),就可能对会议有帮助的方法学或其他类型文章,尤其是对与修改清单条目相关的文章进行全面的文献检索;对综述作者、消费者以及批准或者使用系统综述和meta分析的组织机构进行了一项国际性调查,受调查的组织机构包括国际卫生技术评估机构网络(International   Network  Agencies  of   Health Technology AssessmentINAHTA)和指南国际网(Guidelines International NetworkGIN);调查旨在确定公众对QUOROM的看法和评价,包括既有清单条目的优点。上述活动的结果在会议中进行展示,同时在PRISMA网站(http//www.prisma-statement.org/)中附有总结。

Only items deemed essential were retained or added to the checklist. Some additional items are nevertheless desirable, and review authors should include these, if relevant [10]. For example, it is useful to indicate whether the systematic review is an update [11] of a previous review, and to describe any changes in procedures from those described in the original protocol.


Shortly after the meeting a draft of the PRISMA checklist was circulated to the group, including those invited to the meeting but unable to attend. A disposition file was created containing comments and revisions from each respondent, and the checklist was subsequently revised 11 times. The group approved the checklist, flow diagram, and this summary paper.


Although no direct evidence was found to support retaining or adding some items, evidence from other domains was believed to be relevant. For example, Item 5 asks authors to provide registration information about the systematic review, including a registration number, if available. Although systematic review registration is not yet widely available [12],[13], the participating journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) [14] now require all clinical trials to be registered in an effort to increase transparency and accountability [15]. Those aspects are also likely to benefit systematic reviewers, possibly reducing the risk of an excessive number of reviews addressing the same question [16],[17] and providing greater transparency when updating systematic reviews.

尽管没有直接的证据支持一些条目的保留和添加,但还是能在其他领域找到相关的证据支持。例如,条目5要求作者提供系统综述注册的相关信息,如果存在注册号也需要报告。虽然系统综述的注册目前尚未普及[12,13],但是国际医学期刊编辑委员会(International  Committee  of   Medical  Journal EditorsICMJE)的成员期刊已经要求每个投稿的临床试验在开始之前进行注册[14]以确保研究的透明度和可信度[15]。而以上这些考虑同样很可能有利于系统综述,比如减少对于同一个问题进行过多系统综述的风险[16,17],在对综述进行更新时,提高其透明度。


The PRISMA Statement PRISMA声明》


The PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist (Table 1; see also Text S1 for a downloadable Word template for researchers to re-use) and a four-phase flow diagram (Figure 1; see also Figure S1for a downloadable Word template for researchers to re-use). The aim of the PRISMA Statement is to help authors improve the reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. We have focused on randomized trials, but PRISMA can also be used as a basis for reporting systematic reviews of other types of research, particularly evaluations of interventions. PRISMA may also be useful for critical appraisal of published systematic reviews. However, the PRISMA checklist is not a quality assessment instrument to gauge the quality of a systematic review.




Figure 1. Flow of information through the different phases of a systematic review.


thumbnailTable 1. Checklist of items to include when reporting a systematic review or meta-analysis.


注:Table 1(表1)在本文后面部分给出。




The new PRISMA checklist differs in several respects from the QUOROM checklist, and the substantive specific changes are highlighted in Table 2. Generally, the PRISMA checklist “decouples” several items present in the QUOROM checklist and, where applicable, several checklist items are linked to improve consistency across the systematic review report.




Table 2. Substantive specific changes between the QUOROM checklist and the PRISMA checklist (a tick indicates the presence of the topic in QUOROM or PRISMA).


The flow diagram has also been modified. Before including studies and providing reasons for excluding others, the review team must first search the literature. This search results in records. Once these records have been screened and eligibility criteria applied, a smaller number of articles will remain. The number of included articles might be smaller (or larger) than the number of studies, because articles may report on multiple studies and results from a particular study may be published in several articles. To capture this information, the PRISMA flow diagram now requests information on these phases of the review process.



Endorsement 使用许可(或翻译为:认可)


The PRISMA Statement should replace the QUOROM Statement for those journals that have endorsed QUOROM. We hope that other journals will support PRISMA; they can do so by registering on the PRISMA Web site. To underscore to authors, and others, the importance of transparent reporting of systematic reviews, we encourage supporting journals to reference the PRISMA Statement and include the PRISMA Web address in their Instructions to Authors. We also invite editorial organizations to consider endorsing PRISMA and encourage authors to adhere to its principles.



The PRISMA Explanation and Elaboration Paper  PRISMA的说明与详述文本


In addition to the PRISMA Statement, a supporting Explanation and Elaboration document has been produced [18] following the style used for other reporting guidelines [19][21]. The process of completing this document included developing a large database of exemplars to highlight how best to report each checklist item, and identifying a comprehensive evidence base to support the inclusion of each checklist item. The Explanation and Elaboration document was completed after several face to face meetings and numerous iterations among several meeting participants, after which it was shared with the whole group for additional revisions and final approval. Finally, the group formed a dissemination subcommittee to help disseminate and implement PRISMA.





The quality of reporting of systematic reviews is still not optimal [22][27]. In a recent review of 300 systematic reviews, few authors reported assessing possible publication bias [22], even though there is overwhelming evidence both for its existence [28] and its impact on the results of systematic reviews [29]. Even when the possibility of publication bias is assessed, there is no guarantee that systematic reviewers have assessed or interpreted it appropriately [30]. Although the absence of reporting such an assessment does not necessarily indicate that it was not done, reporting an assessment of possible publication bias is likely to be a marker of the thoroughness of the conduct of the systematic review.

系统综述的报告质量还不是非常完善[22-27|。在最近的一篇纳入了300篇系统综述的综述中,只有少数作者报告评价了研究中可能存在的发表偏倚,尽管这些研究有明确证据表明不仅存在发表偏倚[28],同时发表偏倚也影响到了该系统综述的结果[29]。即便是评价了发表偏倚的研究,也不能全都做到进一步分析阐释该可能存在的发表偏倚对系统综述结果可靠性的影响[30|。尽管没有报告这样一个评价并不能说明研究中这一评价步骤未被执行,但是对可能存在的发表偏倚是否进行分析是判断一个系统综述是否完善细致的标志之一。(附注:发表偏差: 有史以来,并非所有进行的研究都可以发表,往往那些认为干预措施与传统治疗有明显差别的研究(阳性结果的研究)很容易发表,而阴性结果的研究论文,即研究得出干预措施与传统治疗差异不大时,通常会被忽略,这种由研究结果的方向性和强度来决定研究论文是否被发表,就会导致发表性偏倚。对已发表的这类研究,所进行的SR将得出虚假的治疗效应,出现严重的偏倚. 摘自: http://www.daifumd.com/_daifumd/blog/html/194/article_41430.html)

Several approaches have been developed to conduct systematic reviews on a broader array of questions. For example, systematic reviews are now conducted to investigate cost-effectiveness [31], diagnostic [32] or prognostic questions [33], genetic associations [34], and policy making [35]. The general concepts and topics covered by PRISMA are all relevant to any systematic review, not just those whose objective is to summarize the benefits and harms of a health care intervention. However, some modifications of the checklist items or flow diagram will be necessary in particular circumstances. For example, assessing the risk of bias is a key concept, but the items used to assess this in a diagnostic review are likely to focus on issues such as the spectrum of patients and the verification of disease status, which differ from reviews of interventions. The flow diagram will also need adjustments when reporting individual patient data meta-analysis [36].


We have developed an explanatory document [18] to increase the usefulness of PRISMA. For each checklist item, this document contains an example of good reporting, a rationale for its inclusion, and supporting evidence, including references, whenever possible. We believe this document will also serve as a useful resource for those teaching systematic review methodology. We encourage journals to include reference to the explanatory document in their Instructions to Authors.


Like any evidence-based endeavor, PRISMA is a living document. To this end we invite readers to comment on the revised version, particularly the new checklist and flow diagram, through the PRISMA Web site. We will use such information to inform PRISMA's continued development.


Checklist of Systematic Review


Supporting Information 辅助信息


Figure S1.

Flow of information through the different phases of a systematic review (downloadable template document for researchers to re-use).

(0.08 MB DOC)

S1为系统综述不同阶段的信息收集流程,是可下载的Word模板(008 MB DOC),供研究者重复使用,可用doi:10.1371/journal/.pmed.1000097.s001找到。

Text S1.

Checklist of items to include when reporting a systematic review or meta-analysis (downloadable template document for researchers to re-use).

(0.04 MB DOC)

文本S1为报告系统综述和meta分析的条目清单,是可下载的Word模板(O04 MB DOC),供研究者重复使用,可用doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000097.s002找到。


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