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肿瘤转移领域的关键科学问题Key unresolved questions about metastasis

已有 1446 次阅读 2023-5-17 08:25 |系统分类:科研笔记

 Key unresolved questions about metastasis



  • What controls the timing of metastatic dissemination across different cancer types? Are there phenotypic differences between cells that disseminate early or late?

  • 是什么控制了不同类型癌症的转移扩散时间?早期和晚期播散的肿瘤细胞之间是否存在表型差异?

  • How does tumour genotype impact mechanisms of      metastasis? Can metastatic ability be predicted prior to actual dissemination?

  • 肿瘤的基因型如何影响转移机制?能否在实际肿瘤扩散之前预测转移能力?

  • How representative are circulating tumour cells  (CTCs) of the cells that successfully metastasize? Do the cells that form metastases represent a stochastic subset of disseminated cells, or is strong selection or adaptation required for metastatic outgrowth?

  • 循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)在成功转移的细胞中的代表性如何?形成转移的细胞是否代表了播散细胞的随机子集,或者转移性生长是否需要强有力的选择或适应?

  • What factors control the organs to which cancer cells metastasize? How widespread and important are drivers of  organotropism?

  • 哪些因素控制着癌症细胞转移到相应的器官?转移的器官嗜性的驱动因素有多广泛和重要?

  • How is dormancy enforced and what drives cancer cell      escape from dormancy? How does dormancy relate to senescence?

  • 休眠是如何实施的,是什么促使癌症细胞摆脱休眠的?休眠与衰老有什么关系?

  • Why are the kinetics of metastatic outgrowth so variable from one cancer type to another?

  • 为什么不同癌症的转移生长动力学如此多变?

  • What are the interactions between a primary tumour and its metastases, and among different metastases? To what extent do they affect one another?

  • 原发性肿瘤与其转移之间以及不同转移之间的相互作用是什么?它们在多大程度上相互影响?

  • How do metastasizing cells evade immune destruction once they leave the primary tumour environment?

  • 一旦转移细胞离开原发性肿瘤环境,它们是如何逃避免疫破坏的?

  • How can metastasis be prevented? Can mechanisms of dissemination or escape from dormancy be targeted?

  • 如何预防肿瘤转移?肿瘤播散或摆脱休眠的机制是否可以成为防治靶点?


参考文献Hebert, J.D., Neal, J.W. & Winslow, M.M. Dissecting metastasis using preclinical models and methodsNat Rev Cancer (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41568-023-00568-4 


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