重庆医科大学汪凯的科学博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Kwang02 重医感染性疾病分子生物学教育部重点实验室——汪凯的个人主页



已有 4165 次阅读 2021-7-26 19:49 |系统分类:论文交流|文章来源:转载

2021年7月25日,由江苏省疾病预防控制中心疫苗评价所联合复旦大学公卫学院、科兴生物公司(SINOVAC)、复旦大学附属华山医院等多家单位合作,在健康科学预印本论文平台Medrxiv上传了题为“Immunogenicity and safety of a third dose, and immune persistence of CoronaVac vaccine in healthy adults aged 18-59 years: interim results from a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 2 clinical trial”《18-59岁健康成年人接种克尔来福®第三剂的免疫原性和安全性,以及免疫持久性:双盲、随机、安慰剂对照的Ⅱ期临床试验中期结果》的文章。这是国产疫苗首个加强针的II期临床试验结果。研究结果显示,接种两剂SINOVAC科兴公司新冠灭活疫苗尔来福后可产生良好的免疫记忆,在接种第二剂后的第28天至8个月接种第三剂后,中和抗体水平显著高于基线水平,不良事件均为1级或2级,未出现相关的严重不良反应。研究结果表明,接种两剂克尔来福®后具有良好的免疫原性,且能够诱导机体产生免疫记忆;第三剂灭活疫苗接种后具有良好的免疫原性和安全性





 Figure 2. Level of neutralizing antibodies to live SARS-CoV-2 in 3 μg group: A)-B)days 0 and 14 vaccination cohort; C)-D) days 0 and 28 vaccination cohortNote: Data are represented as reciprocal neutralizing antibody titers regarding the time after the first dose in per-protocol population. Numbers above the bars show the Geometric Mean Titer (GMT), and the error bars indicate the 95% CI. Statistical differences were assessed by t-test on log-transformed data.











Background: Large-scale vaccination is being implemented globally with CoronaVac, an inactivated vaccine against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Immunogenicity and safety profiles of homologous two-dose schedules have been published. We report interim results of immune persistence, and the immunogenicity and safety of a third dose of CoronaVac. Methods In this ongoing, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase 2 trial in 18-to-59-year-olds, we randomly assigned subjects, 1:1:1:1, to one of four schedules to receive a third dose, 28 days or 6 months after two two-dose regimens (14-day or 28-day apart): schedule 1: days 0, 14, 42; schedule 2: days 0, 14, 194; schedule 3: days 0, 28, 56; schedule 4: days 0, 28, 208. For each schedule, participants were randomly assigned to either a medium-dose group (3 μg per 0.5 mL of aluminum hydroxide diluent per dose), a high-dose group (6 μg), or a placebo group (2:2:1). The primary outcome was geometric mean titers (GMTs) of neutralizing antibody to live SARS-CoV-2. Results Overall, 540 participants received a third dose. In the 3 μg group, neutralizing antibody titers induced by the first two doses declined after 6-8 months to below the seropositive cutoff (GMT: 4.1 [95%CI 3.3-5.2] for Schedule 2 and 6.7 [95%CI 5.2-8.6] for Schedule 4). When a third dose was given 6-8 months after a second dose, GMTs assessed 14 days later increased to 137.9 [95%CI 99.9-190.4] for Schedule 2, and 143.1 [95%CI 110.8-184.7] for Schedule 4, approximately 3-fold above Schedule 1 and Schedule 3 GMTs after third doses. Similar patterns were observed for the 6 μg group. The severity of solicited local and systemic adverse reactions reported within 28 days after the third dose were grade 1 to grade 2 in all vaccination cohorts. None of the fourteen serious adverse events were considered to be related to vaccination. Conclusions A third dose of CoronaVac administered 6 or more months after a second dose effectively recalled specific immune response to SARS-CoV-2, resulting in a remarkable increase in antibody levels, and indicating that a two-dose schedule generates good immune memory. Optimizing the timing of a booster dose should take into account immunogenicity, vaccine efficacy/effectiveness, local epidemic situation, infection risk, and vaccine supply. 


 Immunogenicity and safety of a third dose, and immune persistence of CoronaVac vaccine in healthy adults aged 18-59 years: interim results from a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 2 clinical trial. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.23.21261026 



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