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已有 6115 次阅读 2014-9-18 15:17 |系统分类:科研笔记

     今天是“918”纪念日,碰巧1月份投到Agri. For.Met.的一个稿子今天收到了接收消息。一切还算顺利,从这篇稿子过程学到了很多,尤其对研究工作有了一个更为切身的体验。想把这个过程记录一下。

    这个工作得到了佛罗里达大学的Senthold Asseng(http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bzOPvCYAAAAJ&hl=en)的很大帮助。还清晰地记得我把初稿email给他,

     在确定好title,points,figure and tables后,他才开始让我写文章(其实文章我已经写了)。以下是他对写文章推荐的顺序,我觉得很有用。  

   If the other coauthors agree on figures, tables and key message, then you can start writing. I strongly suggest to follow the following order when writing it up.

1.     Results (describe you figure and tables and help the reader to understand these). Do not discuss the results.  

2.     M+M (write the M+M about what is relevant for the reader to understand your results (locations, data source, APSIM, testing or calibration of model, stats used).

3.     Introduction (Follow this order: a) what is the bigger issue [e.g. importance of wheat for China, climate change impact, uncertainty of impact and adaptation], b) what have others done about it [give some details from the literature and try to cover all relevant papers], c) what is missing or what is the gap not dealt with yet in the literature and d) what is this paper presenting to fill this gap).

4.     Discussion (most difficult part – but made easy by now in bringing your results [which you have described already at this stage] into the bigger context [you dealt with this in the Introduction at this stage already]; you might want to have some headings to keep focused in the Discussion section, which later can be removed, highlight what is new about your analysis, what confirms other findings from China and other parts of the world and what is in contrast to other findings).

5.     Conclusion (keep it brief and simple; what does this [your findings] all mean in the bigger context).

6.     Abstract (Follow this order: a) what is the bigger issue, b) what is your analysis about, c) what did you find and c) one concluding remark.

   Strictly follow this order and the paper writing will be easy.




   (1)科技论文的核心是:科学问题是什么,你要解决什么问题,你能够会科学界提供什么新的认识。 一切工作这要围绕这个去做,才不会失去方向。往往提炼科学问题,发现科学问题又是最难的一步。至于最后要如何写文章,那都是水到渠成。


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