国际期刊IJMSI是EI核心全文收录期刊(刊物名称: International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity, ISSN (Online): 1745-0063 – ISSN (Print): 1745-0055,自2008年起EI核心(光盘 EI Core)全文收录该刊全部文章)。杨平教授创办该期刊以来,特邀了20多名来自美国、英国、德国、日本、意大利的工程科学界国际著名学者担任编委, 期刊发展目标定位:材料与工程类国际著名期刊。
IJMSI期刊每年出版4期,采用双向匿名国际审稿制(peer-review),发表材料和结构完整性科学有关的多学科交叉研究内容研究成果,如Electronic packaging technology and materials, MEMS and nanotechnology, Advanced materials for structural integrity, Advanced design theory and CAD for structural integrity, Advanced manufacturing technologies and CAM for structural integrity, Physical mechanism for structural integrity, Bionic mechanism for structural integrity, Chemic mechanism for structural integrity, Vibration, impact and various environment protection techniques for structural integrity, Experiments and measurements about structural system or materials等,欢迎相关科技工作者投稿。