第12届国际生态学大会将于2017年8月20-25日在北京召开。这是国际生态学大会首次在中国召开!届时,生态学领域国内外专家将欢聚北京,共同分享生态学的学术成果。作为生态学的一支新生力量,产业生态学也首次在国际生态学大会上亮相!我们组织了一个专题(Theme7: Industrial ecology and green economy),热烈欢迎国内外同行展示分享产业生态学的研究进展,并期待与生态学其它分支领域碰撞出火花。
The 12th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL2017Beijing) organized by INTECOL will be held in Beijing, August 20-25, 2017. As the host of the congress, the Ecological Society of China warmly welcome you to join this meeting together with leaders in ecology from the globe, as well as scientists, educators, practitioners and policy-makers, who are dedicated to protecting and preserving our planet.
The theme of the congress is Ecology and Civilization in a Changing World, which will focus on harmonious and sustainable development among people, nature, and society in the context of global development. During the congress, the issues on the following fields will be thoroughly discussed, i.e., ecosystem service valuation and sustainable development, culture conservation and human well-being, global change, environmental change in urbanization, ecosystem restoration and management, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem health, ecological civilization, molecular ecology and ecological genomics.
We do hope you can join us for discussing the issues faced by human and finding solutions to them, as well as making new friends from the other regions.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Beijing in August 2017!
Theme7: Industrial ecology and green economy
Lei Shi (Tsinghua University, China) slone@tsinghua.edu.cn
Jingru Liu, liujingru@rcees.ac.cn;
Ming Xu, mingxu@umich.edu;
Weiqiang Chen, wqchen@iue.ac.cn
Chao Zhang, chao_zhang@tongji.edu.cn;
This symposium will discuss how to make industrial ecology as a problem-driven and policy-oriented new branch of ecology to facilitate sustainable transition of socio-economic system. "Industrial Ecology is a fasting growing branch of ecology focusing on materials and energy metabolism of anthropogenic systems at various scales such as production processes, industrial parks, cities and national economies. It has developed a number of core methodologies, for example, life cycle assessment (LCA), material flow analysis (MFA), input-output analysis (IOA), network analysis, and ecological design, for addressing an array of practical problems facing the sustainable development of socio-economic system.
Ecological civilization requires a transition of the socio-economic development from grabbing ecosystem for the satisfaction of human desire to harmonizing human well-being and ecosystem well-being. This depends on changing today’s production and consumption mode so as to improve resources and energy efficiency, to minimize environmental impacts, and to achieve sustainable utilization of ecosystem services. Industrial ecology can find its place in facilitating such transition by providing solid scientific analysis on the performance of anthropogenic systems.
This symposium will focusing on how to make industrial ecology to better support the sustainable transition of development. The objectives of this symposium are as following:
1. to understand the research status of problem-driven and policy-oriented studies in the field of industry ecology, and pros and cons of current methodologies and tools in addressing these problems.
2. to identify chances and challenges of applying industrial ecology in technology policies, industry policies and environmental policies, especially in developing countries such as China.
3. to discuss how to develop the field of industrial ecology to integrate it into decision making tools and processes.
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