黄安年文 黄安年2023年5月5日发布(第32621篇)
*我们随即到附近找华人服务部商店,先后看了5家,还是第一家较好(中国海外友谊商店,位于18W33rd St. 5th/fl New York, NY 10001, 212 563-3672,帝国大厦对面),我们在这里选购了大小各两瓶深海鱼油丸,一合威斯康辛花旗参,两瓶E精,五瓶美乐托宁该是价廉物美的。不过这种商品如果真的便宜了,有人反而疑为假货,而如果价高的反认作真货,在美国就是奇怪的事。离开中城几家商店(如叫美中公司的,在312 5th Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY, 10001 (31St-32st.; 另一家叫华英集团公司归国人员服务部,在314 fifth Avenue, #L New York, NY, 10001),还有一家叫新华集团礼品中心(35W 38 st 1/F(btw 5 & 6 Ave., New York NY, 10018)这些商店均以中国大陆归国人员为服务对象,由于商品直销,免税所以一般价格比较便宜,是可以选购的商店之一。
下午2点后和阮莉话别。我们去20街参观老罗斯福诞生地,在百老汇大道快到10街的地方,我们参观了位于802Broadway at East Tenth Street 1846年建立的希腊教堂(Grace Church),其哥特(Gothic) 被the Municipal Art Society评为“as one of eight ‘structures of national importance to be preserved at all cost’”。介绍列举了在建筑史上的11处贡献。老罗斯福诞生地在28E 20th St. 临近Madson Ave. 有关老罗斯福的纪念地不少。The Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site, New York City是我们今天看的一个,他1858年出身和童年活动场所。Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, Oyster Bay, NY,在Cove Neck, Oyster Bay, on the North Shore of Long Island,这是老罗斯福成年后和工作时居住的地方。Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, Buffalo, NY(641 Delaware Avenue ); Theodore Roosevelt Island, Washington, DC;(Potomac River, reached by George Washington Memorial Parkway on the Virginia shore) Pine Knot, Albemarle, County, VA; American Museum of Natural History, New York; Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Medora, ND; Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Keystone, SD; Theodore Roosevelt Collection and Gallery, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA。其中,Sagamore Hill National Historic Site离我们较近,是值得去的地方,可以同时参观长岛,而且从法拉盛出发也很近。
我们在老罗斯福诞生地的参观实际上只看了一层,二楼以上需要导游带领才能看到,不过看过诞生地已经大体有个印象了。有关它的介绍是这么说的:“The Roosevelt home, a typical New York brownstone, was located on what was a quite, tree-lined street in New York’s most fashionable residential district. Theodore’s grandfather Cornelius purchased both number 28 and number 26 next door as wedding gifts for two of his sons. Theodore, Sr., and Robert. Theodore and his bride Martha Bulloch moved into number 28 in 1854. The family lived there until the fall of 1872 when Theodore, Jr. Was fourteen. They then set out on a year’s tour of Europe. On their return, They went directly from the ship to their new house at 6 West 57th Street. Eventually, the former Roosevelt home was taken over for business purposes. In 1916 it was completely demolished to make way for a two-story commercial building. After TR’s death in 1919 prominent citizens decided to purchase the site. Raze the commercial building and reconstruct Roosevelt’s boyhood home as a memorial. They also built museum galleries and other facilities on the adjoining lot where Robert Roosevelt’s house once stood. The reconstructed Birthplace was opened to the public in 1923. In 1963 the Theodore Roosevelt Association donated the site to the national Park Service.”。
离开老罗斯福诞生地走到26街,搭乘BMX4C的直达车时已经4:05pm, 4:10pm正点发车,一路在曼哈顿沿线堵车,但是我们坐在前排窗明几净处,视线开阔,等于沿着曼哈顿第五大道观光旅游, 5:20pm在Chatterton Pkwy下车,到家时才5:35pm,幸好回家较早,半个小时后大雨倾盆而下。
2000年5月18日 (星期四) 阴历四月十五,White Plains,C13-C24,雷雨
今天是来美国的第209天,离预定7月4日返回北京的日子还有49天;离移民局同意我们延期居留美国的签证期限(8月22日)还有3个月另4天。雅虎天气预报北京C15-C23,上海C17-C27,哈尔滨C4—C24, NYC C15-C24,部分多云。这里现在的气温和北京相似。6:30pm后才雷电和狂风大作,直到8:30pm,有所停歇。
今天是第十四次上纽约,主要是在纽约大学附近见阮莉,参观纽约中城和下城,参观老罗斯福诞生地。8:22am,我们还是搭乘Westchester County的20路公共汽车9:10am在Woodlawn Subway Station下车,接着搭乘4路地铁在Grand Center station转7路地铁到Time Square Station下,这时才9:50am。整个时间仅一小时40分钟,花费两人仅5.80$。这一路雨势越来越大,但是可喜的是到了纽约中城天气转晴。
我们从时代广场走到旅游车总站(Bus Terminal Station),在那里打听特价69$单程的规定,她要求在14天前订票,限直达,不能中转,两人不能优惠。我不知道袁清所言可以中转,可以附加一人免费是从那里订的。接着我们步行到帝国大厦,本来打算上顶层看看,老年人优惠只需付4.00$,但因为能见度低而没有登顶了望。我们随即到附近找华人服务部商店,先后看了5家,还是第一家较好(中国海外友谊商店,位于18W33rd St. 5th/fl New York, NY 10001, 212 563-3672,帝国大厦对面),我们在这里选购了大小各两瓶深海鱼油丸,一合威斯康辛花旗参,两瓶E精,五瓶美乐托宁该是价廉物美的。不过这种商品如果真的便宜了,有人反而疑为假货,而如果价高的反认作真货,在美国就是奇怪的事。离开中城几家商店(如叫美中公司的,在312 5th Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY, 10001 (31St-32st.; 另一家叫华英集团公司归国人员服务部,在314 fifth Avenue, #L New York, NY, 10001),还有一家叫新华集团礼品中心(35W 38 st 1/F(btw 5 & 6 Ave., New York NY, 10018)这些商店均以中国大陆归国人员为服务对象,由于商品直销,免税所以一般价格比较便宜,是可以选购的商店之一。离开商店已经11:40am, 下一个目标是找到N地铁站的第8st & NYU。
下午2点后和阮莉话别。我们去20街参观老罗斯福诞生地,在百老汇大道快到10街的地方,我们参观了位于802Broadway at East Tenth Street 1846年建立的希腊教堂(Grace Church),其哥特(Gothic) 被the Municipal Art Society评为“as one of eight ‘structures of national importance to be preserved at all cost’”。介绍列举了在建筑史上的11处贡献。老罗斯福诞生地在28E 20th St. 临近Madson Ave. 有关老罗斯福的纪念地不少。The Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site, New York City是我们今天看的一个,他1858年出身和童年活动场所。Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, Oyster Bay, NY,在Cove Neck, Oyster Bay, on the North Shore of Long Island,这是老罗斯福成年后和工作时居住的地方。Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, Buffalo, NY(641 Delaware Avenue ); Theodore Roosevelt Island, Washington, DC;(Potomac River, reached by George Washington Memorial Parkway on the Virginia shore) Pine Knot, Albemarle, County, VA; American Museum of Natural History, New York; Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Medora, ND; Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Keystone, SD; Theodore Roosevelt Collection and Gallery, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA。其中,Sagamore Hill National Historic Site离我们较近,是值得去的地方,可以同时参观长岛,而且从法拉盛出发也很近。
我们在老罗斯福诞生地的参观实际上只看了一层,二楼以上需要导游带领才能看到,不过看过诞生地已经大体有个印象了。有关它的介绍是这么说的:“The Roosevelt home, a typical New York brownstone, was located on what was a quite, tree-lined street in New York’s most fashionable residential district. Theodore’s grandfather Cornelius purchased both number 28 and number 26 next door as wedding gifts for two of his sons. Theodore, Sr., and Robert. Theodore and his bride Martha Bulloch moved into number 28 in 1854. The family lived there until the fall of 1872 when Theodore, Jr. Was fourteen. They then set out on a year’s tour of Europe. On their return, They went directly from the ship to their new house at 6 West 57th Street. Eventually, the former Roosevelt home was taken over for business purposes. In 1916 it was completely demolished to make way for a two-story commercial building. After TR’s death in 1919 prominent citizens decided to purchase the site. Raze the commercial building and reconstruct Roosevelt’s boyhood home as a memorial. They also built museum galleries and other facilities on the adjoining lot where Robert Roosevelt’s house once stood. The reconstructed Birthplace was opened to the public in 1923. In 1963 the Theodore Roosevelt Association donated the site to the national Park Service.”。
离开老罗斯福诞生地走到26街,搭乘BMX4C的直达车时已经4:05pm, 4:10pm正点发车,一路在曼哈顿沿线堵车,但是我们坐在前排窗明几净处,视线开阔,等于沿着曼哈顿第五大道观光旅游, 5:20pm在Chatterton Pkwy下车,到家时才5:35pm,幸好回家较早,半个小时后大雨倾盆而下。
今天的股市科技股继续下挫,照此情况明天将会回升的。Daji +9.26 100779.00
Nasdaq +-118.09 3528.71 Real Cash Balance $80,337.61; Available Cash Balance $80,337.61;Stock Value $11,075.00;Account Value $91,412.61,和昨天相比损失了472.60$。
200 CSCO Cisco Systems Inc -2 5/8 55 3/8 58(Yesterday)
今天上午收到来自四川和河南的两位求考研究生的信,看来我不招研究生已经三年居然还有人以为我仍在招收研究生,我怀疑这是系里和研究生院故意含糊其词的结果,也就是把早已退休的教授都计算在现职人员中,这样可以壮大声势,这种弄虚作假的情况恐怕不止历史系一家。两份E-MAIL和我的回电如下:From: "maodejin" <maodejin@263.net> To: annianh@bnu.edu.cn CC: maodejin@yahoo.com Subject: I want my master of history Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 09:31:26 +0800 (CST) 毛德金同学: 很抱歉,我已于两年前退休,现在美国。有关报考我系世界史专业的研究生有关事宜,世界现代史方面请和杨宁一副教授联系,有关世界近代史方面请和刘北城教授联系,有关美国史方面请和杨玉圣副教授联系。可给历史系发E-MAIL或直接给他们写信history@bnu.edu.cn Huang, Annian> 黄老师, 您好! 我是四川师范大学英语专业本科三年级的学生,有意报考贵系世界史专业的硕士研究生,现在苦于不知该阅读哪些参考书,故冒昧给您发电子邮件,希望得到您的指导。我的信箱是maodejin@263.net。 抱歉占用您宝贵的时间。此致 敬礼! 晚辈:毛德金
From: "Annian Huang" <annianhuang@hotmail.com> Save Address To: htingw@163.net Save Address CC: annianhuang@hotmail.com Subject: Re: a letter from henan normal university Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 08:02:59 EDT 王鹤亭同学: 很抱歉,我在两年前已经退休,现在美国。有关世界现代史专业方面请和杨宁一副教授联系;有关世界近代史方面请和刘北城教授联系;有关美国史方面请和杨玉圣副教授联系。可发E-MAIL或直接写信。history@bun.edu.cn Annian Huang From: "wht" <htingw@163.net> To: annianh@bnu.edu.cn Subject: a letter from henan normal university Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 05:34:33 +0800 (CST) 黄教授: 您好! 我叫王鹤亭,现是河南师范大学历史系97(大三)的学生。 冒昧给您写信,我想抱考北师大世界现代史研究生。肯切希望能得到您的指导!肯请您能在百忙之中给个回音。只需片言即是对我的莫大鼓励! 此致 敬礼 2000。5。18
7:05pm, 付跃奋自加拿大来电话,她问起Y和Z的健康状况。郑政现在国内和美国两边都要他。天津在为他找房子,美国的老板则答应给涨工资、办绿卡。现在的真正问题所在是落实而不是许诺。像郑回国肯定可以称“放弃在美国的优厚待遇和绿卡机遇,毅然回国”,可实际上第一位的恐怕还是生计的稳定性。
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